PP4 - means employing a blend of approaches including those that promote problem solving and creative and critical thinking.

Creative Habits of the Mind

Bill Lucas believes that fostering the five habits of mind from the Creative Habits of Mind Wheel can support the development of the creative skills that encourage creativity and help to make students into creative thinkers. A five-dimensional model for creativity in schools, developed with the OECD, is widely used across the world. Beginning with key learning verbs, each segment of the wheel takes one of the Habits and builds to explore how particular strategies used in the classroom can support the explicit development of particular habits of mind. How could you utilise the Creative Habits of the Mind wheel to develop your learner’s creativity?


Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy

De Bono - What are the benefits of using De Bono’s Thinking hats?


  • Become independent thinkers.

  • Objectively guide group discussions.

  • Evaluate alternatives constructively.

  • Improve research and writing skills.

  • Think thoughtfully before speaking.

  • Listen more intently to the views of others to gain a deeper understanding of issues.

  • Present ideas with more confidence to teachers, peers, parents, and community groups.

  • Solve problems.

  • Make well thought through choices.

De Bono and responding to literature

Using De Bono's hats - responding to literature

PP4 De Bonos Hats.docx

De Bono's hats

Using Six Thinking Hats®, you and your team will learn how to use a disciplined process which will...

  • Maximize(blue) productive collaboration and minimize counterproductive interaction/behaviour

  • Consider(red) issues, problems, decisions, and opportunities systematically

  • Use(yellow) Parallel Thinking as a group or team to generate more, better ideas and solutions

  • Make(green) meetings much shorter and more productive

  • Reduce(black) conflict among team members or meeting participants

  • Stimulate(blue) innovation by generating more and better ideas quickly

  • Create(red) dynamic, results oriented meetings that make people want to participate

  • Go(yellow) beyond the obvious to discover effective alternate solutions

  • Spot(green) opportunities where others see only problems

  • Think(black) clearly and objectively

  • View(blue) problems from new and unusual angles

  • Make(red) thorough evaluations

  • See(yellow) all sides of a situation

  • Keep(keep) egos and "turf protection" in check

  • Achieve(black) significant and meaningful results in a less time