PP7 - means employing assessment for learning principles.


To synthesise the above, the articles below consider the salient and pertinent characteristics of the principle.

Successful Futures

Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales Professor Graham Donaldson CB February 2015

Chapter 5: Pedagogy

7. Good teaching and learning means employing assessment for learning principle

greater depth in Chapter 6 but it is as relevant to good teaching and learning as it is to assessment. An assessment for learning approach provides practitioners with insight into the effectiveness of learning and involves providing regular and meaningful feedback and adapting teaching and materials to meet the needs of individuals. It also helps learners raise standards and nurture ambition: learning can be particularly powerful when learners are given feedback that helps them to think through the issues and provides them with guidance on next steps. Similarly, peer collaboration and feedback can provide a safe environment to articulate and test ideas.

Dylan Wiliam has suggested that effective teacher assessment can ‘double’ the rate of learning – that is, if implemented appropriately it could result in learners making what had previously been one year’s progress within six months. According to Wiliam, implementation of assessment for learning strategies is relatively straightforward; the challenge is to change practitioner behaviour to embed assessment for learning practices consistently into classroom practice.


Assessment for Learning: why, what and how

Dylan Wiliam

Institute of Education, University of London

What I want to talk to you about in the next hour or so is the why, the what and the how of using assessment to improve learning. Why should we be doing this, what should we be doing, and how do we go about it?

Here’s the overview of the presentation:

  • why raising achievement is important

  • why investing in teachers is the answer

  • why assessment for learning should be the focus of that investment

  • how we can put that into practice.

Assessment for Learning why what and how Dylan William.doc

Dylan Wiliam: An introduction to formative assessment

In this video, I provide both an intuitive and an empirical rationale for formative assessment, discuss what it is, and what it isn't, and outline the five key strategies of formative assessment: clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions; eliciting evidence; providing feedback that moves learning forward; activating learners as learning resources for one another; and activating learners as owners of their own learning.

Dylan Wiliam: Using assessment strategies to support feedback

In this video clip, Dylan discusses the place of using assessment strategies to support high quality feedback on learning.


Dylan Wiliam: Formative assessment

Watch as Dylan Wiliam reviews the nature of formative assessment and how teachers can use it to gain better insights into student learning and achievement.

Fragile – Do Not Drop – AfL Inside

John Dabell ‘I trained as a primary school teacher 25 years ago, starting my career in London and then I taught in a range of schools in the Midlands. In between teaching jobs, I worked as an Ofsted inspector (no hate mail please!), national in-service provider, project manager, writer and editor. I am the teacher without a tongue’.

NPEP: National professional enquiry project: Pedagogy, learning and teaching

Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth

Enquiry overview: It was observed that this year's Year 6 pupils are overdependent on adult guidance in order to progress their learning to the next stage. It is expected that schools have regard for the 12 pedagogical principles when planning for the arrival of the Curriculum for Wales 2022. One of those principles is ‘Independence and learning how to learn’. Therefore, as a school we intend to develop strategies to develop this pedagogical principle and, consequently, develop the ‘Assessment for Learning’ principle.


Revisiting Dylan Wiliam’s Five Brilliant Formative Assessment Strategies

