PP11 - supports social and emotional development and positive relationships.

One Page Profile...

A one page profile gives the learner an opportunity to reflect, consider and recognise important information about themselves. Headings and content can be adapted according to age / circumstance, but nevertheless allow the teacher to get a better understanding of the needs and self perception of the learner. From this, the teacher will obtain a clearer understanding of the learner's requirements and be able to provide / understand where support can be targeted in accordance with their identified needs. Furthermore, the information can allow the teacher to further foster / develop their relationship with the learner by considering the content included.

One Page Profile Templates: http://sheffkids.co.uk/adultssite/pages/onepageprofilestemplates.html

One Page Profile Eng.pdf

Relationship Scenarios and Social Stories...

Asking the children what they would do in a given situation and understanding the perceptions of others can develop empathy skills, social qualities and develop relationships.


Growth Mindset Teacher Phrases...

Build supportive and positive relationships using 'teacher talk/feedback' that encourages learner growth.

Sketch Note - Teacher GM Phrases (1).pdf

Developing Empathy Using Fiction

A great resource full of ideas to develop empathy in your classroom and in your school as a whole.

Developing empathy using fiction.docx