PP2 - challenges all learners by encouraging them to recognise the importance of sustained effort in meeting expectations that are high but achievable for them.

Before me...

Teachers may consider resources and approaches similar to those shown in the posters to encourage learners to attempt approaching tasks and challenges in different ways.

Learners should be shown and encouraged to consider a variety of ways which will assist them achieve a set task, before asking the teacher.

This should be organised in a way that initially encourages and promotes independence and moves towards seeking support from others / teachers.

Before me.docx
Keep Calm Poster Eng.pdf

Understanding Your Problem...

Understanding your problem allows learners to reflect on their challenges and consider how they approached / overcame their difficulties during a task / activity.

This method assists learners in recognising the procedures they attempted, how they felt and acknowledges their efforts over achievement.

The emphasis focuses mainly on the process that the learner has experienced rather than the perceived success of the output / product.

Daily Reflection...

A reflection activity such as this can be used at the end of a task, lesson, theme, unit, term or year (this can be adapted accordingly).

Encouraging the children to reflect upon their successes and challenges will allow them to recognise their strengths and their efforts. Furthermore it will allow them to become more aspirational as they recognise areas for improvement and suggest ways to improve their performance.

These approaches are often used when peer assessing and critiquing the work of a partner.

Daily Reflection Activity.docx