PP5 - sets tasks and selects resources that build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest.


To synthesise the above, the articles below consider the salient and pertinent characteristics of the principle.

Successful Futures

Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales Professor Graham Donaldson CB February 2015

Chapter 5: Pedagogy

5. Good teaching and learning sets tasks and selects resources that build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest

The strong emphasis on progression advocated by the Review means that teachers will need to set tasks and select resources that build on previous knowledge and experience and engage interest. Children and young people arrive at school with different aspirations, interests and experiences and so will approach learning in their own particular way. A one-size-fits-all approach to learning will not meet this wide range of needs. At the same time, however, we must be careful not to assume too much about our ability to identify such needs and wants and be alive to the danger of separating children into potentially superficial groupings. The Progression Steps proposed by the Review will provide a context within which teachers can select teaching and learning approaches that build from one step to the next but that still provide significant freedom to offer engaging experiences that match their children and young people’s needs.


A good start: The pedagogical challenge of engaging prior knowledge for all pupils

Brief overview of context:
The article describes a project created to meet the two fold pedagogical challenge that most teachers face: to engage every child in reactivating prior knowledge; and to assess the quality of that current understanding. The two-year project in four mixed-age primary classrooms developed a framework for devising activities that address these two problems in pursuit of effective learning. Despite the project being set within a primary setting, the challenges, interventions and outcomes would be just as relevant in a secondary classroom

Christopher Tay May 2018

Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching


Mindful Learning: 101 Proven Strategies for Student and Teacher Success

Brief overview of context:
The article talks about understanding what our learners already know and the role background knowledge plays in new learning. The article then goes on to provide 17 research and teacher tested strategies for activating and building learners background knowledge, as well as resources for finding out more in each area.

Linda Campbell and Bruce Campbell 2009

Corwen Press
