PP1 - maintains a consistent focus on the overall purposes of the curriculum.

Four Purposes Task

The task is designed to promote thinking about the four purposes and their key characteristics. Staff should be encouraged to discuss and list the skills all learners will need to acquire in order to achieve the characteristics as well as give examples of experiences needed to facilitate this.

There are four pages supplied, each pertaining to one of the four purposes. You may wish to have four different groups or carousel the task to enable a rich discussion.

Staff should consider their provision and practise (at a departmental, subject, year group or school level), to identify opportunities for developing the characteristics of the four purposes in their learners.

Workshop 1 Four Purposes English.pdf
Curriculum on a Page ENG.pdf

Curriculum on a page

This task asks staff to consider how their provision and practice focuses on all aspects across the curriculum.

Consider how the different areas can develop the overall purposes of the curriculum.