PP12 - encourages collaboration.

Group Work Roles...

Use roles in group work to ensure everyone has a learning responsibility in the task.

Could these roles be a whole school approach to group work? Ensuring a continuity of approach to collaborative learning.

Group Work Power point

Collaborative Planning...

When planing together as a dept/AoLE consider these questions, to help your collaborative planning meet the needs of your learners.

Collaborative planning.docx

Collaborative Thinking Sheet...

Working in groups of 4, give each learner a different piece of learning to summarise in each of the four outer boxes.

Then give the group talking time to summarise their thoughts in the outer circle. This is better completed in a different coloured pen and by the nominated group scribe.

The inner circle is for questions the group want to ask - maybe things they don't understand about the learning or questions about the topic to extend their knowledge.

Collaborative Thinking Sheet.pdf