PP11 - supports social and emotional development and positive relationships.


To synthesise the above, the article below considers the salient and pertinent characteristics of the principle.

Successful Futures

Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales Professor Graham Donaldson CB February 2015

Chapter 5: Pedagogy

11. Good teaching and learning supports social and emotional development and positive relationships

A 2013 OECD report suggests that ‘… learning cannot – and should not – be understood as a purely cognitive activity: practitioners need to be aware of and responsive to students’ emotions and motivations in order for successful learning to happen… They need to feel competent to do what is expected of them and learn better when they experience positive emotions’. Pedagogy that supports social and emotional aspects of learning is important across every aspect of the curriculum and is integral to pursuing the curriculum purposes. It is also an important aspect of the definition of the curriculum adopted by the Review: the climate for learning is part of the learning experience. Approaches that support learners’ social and emotional well-being provide opportunities for the development of emotional intelligence and metacognition. Learners can thus reflect on their own learning and understand the positive impact that they might have on the learning of others.


Virtual Lab School: Promoting Social-Emotional Development: Positive Relationships

Brief Overview of Context:
There is growing evidence that children’s social-emotional development is associated with better outcomes at home, at school and in the community. Social-emotional development refers to how children learn to express their feelings, develop relationships, and practice social skills. This lesson will introduce you to social-emotional development, with a focus on positive relationships and its significance for children’s overall development and learning.

This is lesson 5 (of 5) - all of which focus on promoting social-emotional development.



How positive relationships affect social-emotional development in a school-age programme.


Promoting Academic Achievement through Social and Emotional Learning

Brief Overview of Context:
In this day of high-stakes testing, educators are eager and even anxious to find new policies, instructional methods, and educational practices to improve academic performance. In their search they have re-examined such policies as teacher certification, school choice, grade retention, summer school, and the latest pedagogies for teaching particular academic subjects. Increasingly, however, educators and policymakers are also discovering the importance of social and emotional variables for academic performance and achievement. Consequently, they are turning their attention to methods and practices that foster students’ social and emotional development.

Katharine Ragozzino, Hank Resnik, Mary Utne-O’Brien, and Roger P. Weissberg


The Importance of Teacher-Student Relationships

Brief Overview of Context:
There is very useful information for those who need to know the importance of the teacher-student relationship. Here you will find the ways how to build a positive and supportive teacher-student relationship.

Locus Assignments
