The Newsletter is published every Friday - it may also be updated during the week - you can also check our Facebook page for updates
Page last updated 28-06-24

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


The Parent Partnership Service will be running their 10-week Nurturing Programme for Parents of children with additional learning needs aged 4-12 years. 

Booking Essential - To express your interest please complete the form by following this link -  or using the QR code in the poster

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


 Year 5 Safe Cycling Bike Check. Pupils must bring their bike & cycling helmet with them to school on the 27.6.24. It will need to go home with them at the end of the day.

Headlice - There are cases of head lice in school. We ask for your support in checking your children on a weekly basis so that any head lice can be dealt with quickly and before they can be allowed to spread. Treatment is available for free from the Chemist.

Leavers Hoodies 2025

Leavers Hoodies 2025 – current Year 5 pupils can order their Year 6 Leavers Hoodies now ready for September. Please contact Tees 'R' Us – 01834845216 to order, please state the school name & that they will be a 2025 leaver. The cost is £21.99. 

School Uniform - Follow the link to order uniform from School Trends. 

Friends of the school meeting with Mrs Beavis on Weds 26th June 3:15, children can join us in the hall. Everyone is welcome to join and share ideas for future fundraising and possible events. 

Ladies Circle are looking for carnival royalty for  Fishguard Carnival.  

Open to all children age 5-12 in the local schools to apply. 

Free Family Fun sessions in Fishguard will be running in the summer holidays, more information on the poster 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Safer Cycling - Year 5 please return any outstanding Safe Cycling Forms.  

Any outstanding cricket forms need to be returned by Monday.   

Any outstanding Class 3 trip forms to be returned by Monday.

Year 6 Leavers Photos - please return order forms by Monday.

Competition success - Recently, the Criw Cymraeg ran a competition for pupils to create posters showing the name of a Welsh place in Pembrokeshire and researched its meaning. 

From this competition we had 12 winners – Aashraya, Robert, Carly, Ava, Elsie, Millie, Lily, Nathaniel, Max, Hollie, Maisie, Wolf and Leo.  

The winners went on to take part in a GIF workshop and we are very pleased to share that 5 GIF's that were created in the GIF workshop have now been animated and uploaded to the public GIF Search Bar for everyone to use.  

The GIFs that have been chosen were created by Robert, Ava G, Maisie, Millie and Lily Lloyd.  

You can view the GIFs in this presentation: GIF Presentation 

Below is a a guide on how to find the GIFs on various platforms.  

English GIF Guide: Mwydro's GIF Guide - English 

Chorister for a day -  'Be a Chorister for a Day' event at St Davids Cathedral.

This FREE event is a wonderful opportunity for children and parents to sample life as a chorister in the cathedral choir. The day will be filled with lots of activities, tours, cake and of course singing!

There will also be an opportunity for parents to ask lots of questions about this exciting opportunity to join this fantastic choir on the peninsula.

Families will have the chance to hear the music learned in a special service at 4.00pm at which all the attendees will be presented with a certificate. 

Please follow the instructions on the bottom of the Poster to register interest in attending. 

Parent Network Group have a coffee morning on 27/06/24, all information is in the poster 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Change in dinner menu – Tuesday & Thursday dessert have swapped. Tuesday will be Muffin, Thursday will be Rice Krispie Cake.

Ysgol Bro Gwaun -  Year 6 B.Ready Transition Day Tuesday 25th June. Please see letter sent home with children. There will also be an open evening for parents/carers on 2nd July at 5pm.  

Parents of current Year 4 pupils are asked to please complete the attached form by Monday - Microsoft Forms  

Year 5 Safe Cycling - As per the letter, bike and helmet checks will take place on 27/06/24. Bikes and helmets must be in school by 9am. Training dates 15/07/24- 18/07/24  

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Parent Partnership workshop    

Please see the Poster for details of an upcoming Parent Partnership Service event this term:  ‘When to Worry about your Worrier’ which is on Tuesday 18th June 2024, 4:00pm – 6:00pm. (Please note this workshop is aimed at parents/carers of PRIMARY school aged children). This will be face to face in Haverfordwest and parents/carers can book on using the link:

Sports Day 

Sports Day is at 1pm on Thursday 6th June, Parents and carers are welcome to join us on the field. The Friends of Holy Name School will be selling sweets and drinks, these will be available on the field at the end of Sports Day. Children will be sitting together during the sports and can be collected by parents/carers from their class teacher on the field at the end of the sports. 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


If anyone has any spare plastic plants pots (the ones that you have when you purchase new plants) Class Two and Three would appreciate using them. Thank you. 

Please click on the link for the NHS guidance for staying safe in the sun. NHS Sun safety advice   

Please can parents of pupils in Years 4 & 5 complete the attached form regarding next year's residential  


Your child could be entitled to additional support with school costs, even if they already receive Universal Primary Free School Meals.

 Visit: ahead of applications closing on 31 May.

 If you receive certain benefits, you could be entitled to claim up to £200 to help your child with uniform, stationery, sports kit, and equipment. Head to and claim what’s yours before 31 May.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


We are currently advertising for the role of Casual Lunchtime Supervisor. If you or if you know of anyone who may be interested in applying please follow the link below  

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Summer Term Dinner menu The new menu starts  w/c 6th May - follow the link to see the menu,  

Change of PE timetable: Class Two will have PE on Thursday 9th May. Class Three will have PE on Tuesday 7th May. This change of PE times is for this week only. 

Ysgol Bro Gwaun additional Year 6 Transition days- 17th, 18th and 19th June. Please see letter sent home with your child.     

We are still looking for rolls of old wallpaper to use as a craft activity during breaktimes, any old rolls would be much appreciated.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Year 3 Swimming - They will need to bring shorts and t-shirt to wear on top of swimming costumes on Wed 1st May.  

Due to issues with opening attachments on MarvellousMe we are going to start using emails for sending attachments. A 'test' email has been sent home this week, please check your inbox or junk folders, it will have been sent from 

If you have not received an email please contact Mrs Dowling so she can check the email address we hold for you. 

 Chorister for a day - Follow the link for more information in the poster Chorister for a day poster 

Parent Partnership - Follow the link to find out about the events Parent Partnership have planned for this term. Parent Partnership Summer Term 2024 poster  

Breakfast Club – Reminder that Breakfast Club opens at 8am, children need to be under adult supervision on the playground before that time.  

Message from Road Safety - no Crossing Patrol on the YBG crossing until May 13th.  

Information from the Urdd - Urdd Cross Country  Aberystwyth: 11.05.2024 


There will be a race for Girls and Boys in Yrs. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Individual prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place as well as prizes for the best-performing schools. 


Location: Blaendolau Playing Fields, Aberystwyth, SY23 3RL 


Map: The course map/distances can be found andkey information about the day HERE 


Registering: Please click here to register online. 

Online registration closing date: 09/05/2024 – 12pm 


Price: £4 per person (£2 for Urdd Members) 


If you have any questions or require more information please contact 


Net World Sports 

Make the most of our partnership with Net World Sports by claiming 20% any purchase on their website when using this unique code URDD20. Click HERE to see what sports equipment they have on offer. 

'On Lands Edge' Festival, September 20th. Class 3 pupils have been involved in designs for this festival, the draft designs will be on display in the Fishguard Town Hall from May 7th to 11th -11am to 2pm. There will be someone there to explain the designs and answer questions. In addition they will be creating a lantern to take part in the parade to open the trail and the 'On Lands Edge' festival on September 20th.   

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Year 3 Swimming - For their Wednesday swimming lessons they can wear their PE kit to school. They will need to bring shorts and t-shirt to wear on top of swimming costumes on Wed 1st May.  

Urdd Art and Craft competition -Thank you for pupils’ homework for the Urdd competitions. If your child would like to enter the area Eisteddfod please follow the information here 

Clubs - Crochet club for year 5/6 pupils is starting Wed 1st May and running until half term. Initially  10 spaces, first come first served (please contact Mrs Dowling) but more spaces will be allocated as soon as possible.  

               Gardening Club is open for all years, starting Wednesday 1st May. Please let Mrs Dowling know if your child is attending on the morning of.  

               Eco Club will start on Wednesday 1st May for the children who have been attending previously.

               Mini Vinnies will start on Wednesday 1st May for the children who have been attending previously.

               Clwb Cymraeg for parents and their children will start on Thursday May 2nd, all are welcome.

All clubs will finish at 4pm.

Road Crossing - there will be no Road Crossing Patrol on the YBG crossing on Monday, April 22nd.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Change in Dinner Menu on week 2 - pudding will be shortbread biscuit. Change for Monday April 15th pudding will be ice-cream & sauce or mousse.  

There is a new opportunity for years 3,4,5 and 6 girls to take part in a free multi-sport club. It is a girls only session hosted by Sport Pembrokeshire weekly in Ysgol Glannau Gwaun. It’s a brilliant chance for girls to participate in a wide range of sport, to try new activities and to develop a variety of skills. 

 Where: Ysgol Glannau Gwaun 

When: Tuesday (Starting 16th April) 

Time: 4.15pm-5pm 

The registration links are below 

English Form - 

Ffurflen Cymraeg - 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Parent Meetings - Pupils will be bringing home reports today - there will be opportunities for you to meet with class teachers to discuss these on April 9th and April 11th between 3.30 and 5.30pm - please book an appointment using this link Please make sure you select the correct class or you will be allocated a teacher at random and we will need to cancel the appointment. We hope that by having reports and parents meetings early in the Summer term this will give us more opportunity to review pupil progress in a meaningful manner. Welsh National Test results, pupil attendance and a short report will be sent home in July.

Dinner Menu Change - Tuesday 9th April change in pudding to Lollies.

Year Three Swimming - Year 3 pupils will have swimming lessons after the Easter Holidays. They will need to bring swimming kit to school on Wednesdays - swimming costume, towel, swimming hat. 

Easter Egg Raffle - Thank you to everyone who supported our raffle. We raised £744, this will be added to our other fundraising for outdoor learning. The children will be having the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about what to spend the money on in order to develop our outdoor area.

Reminder - Monday 8th April is an INSET day, school will be open for all pupils on Tuesday 9th April.

We are looking for old wallpaper or ribbon. If you have any unwanted wallpaper and ribbons we would be delighted to have them for craft projects.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Reminder - Easter Egg Raffle – If anyone would like additional tickets please contact Mrs Dowling. All tickets need to returned to school by Weds March 20th. 

Reminder - Pyjama Day - pyjama day on Wednesday March 20th and children are invited to wear pyjamas/onesies/snoodies to school for a donation to raise funds for CAFOD. No slippers please, only trainers or suitable shoes are to be worn. 

Easter Dinner - 20.3.24 - This Easter, the school dinner main menu will remain the same, but the pudding on offer will be an Easter bunny biscuit (or fruit wedges).  

Residentials - final payments are due by 26.3.24. Year 6 Cardiff Urdd £88.00, Year 5 Morfa Bay £75.00  

Reports – please contact Mrs Dowling if you require two copies of your child's report before 18/3 24 .  

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Easter Egg Raffle – If anyone would like additional tickets please contact Mrs Dowling. All tickets need to returned to school by Weds March 20th.  

Message from Road Safety – there will be no Crossing Patrol on the Vergam Terrace crossing for the next week - 11.3.24 -14.3.24.  

Pyjama Day - After a class discussion surrounding all the awful things happening in the world at the moment Class 5 wanted to do something linked to our Catholic Social Teaching and help people who are less fortunate than us. They have decided to organise a pyjama day on Wednesday March 20th and children are invited to wear pyjamas/onesies/snoodies to school for a donation to raise funds for CAFOD. No slippers please, only trainers or suitable shoes are to be worn. 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


We are currently advertising for the role of Caretaker, if you or someone you know is interested please follow the link to the Pembrokeshire County Council website. 

School applications 

Parents/Guardians of children born between 01/09/2021– 31/08/2022 in Pembrokeshire will need to apply for a Nursery school place for January, April and September 2025 by the closing date of 30th April 2024.  

Art Competition

There is a local art competition to mark the famous ship Waverley visiting Fishguard on May 30th this year. The competition is for all ages and the prize is 1 family ticket for the trip (2 adults, 2 children). The art can be anything from paintings, posters, models, drawings, decorations etc of the ship in Fishguard.  

The deadline for entries is March 15th. Once a winner is announced the Waverley will send the tickets to them directly.  

The entries can be sent digitally to us through this email, and would need to include the child's name and age.   

You can see the social media post here;  

Message from Road Safety 

There will be no Crossing Patrol on the YBG crossing on the afternoon of March 4th.  

Easter Egg Raffle

We will be holding our Easter Egg Raffle to raise funds for our ongoing Outdoor Learning development. Tickets will be sent home next week, the raffle will be drawn during the last week of term.

Easter Holiday Sports Camps

Follow the link here for information on these.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


St Davids Day Menu Friday March 1st follow the link to the Menu  


There will be no Mini Vinnies this week (Wednesday 28th Feb) due to Mrs Kplomedo being on a course.   

Week starting Feb 26th will be last week of after school clubs for this term.


We are pleased to announce that we now have a school Instagram account - we will be using this to share pictures and information. We will be following the same protocols and safeguarding procedure that we do for all other social media sites as laid out in the parental permission forms. If you wish to edit your permission form at any time please contact Mrs Dowling.  

Please follow us on  

St David's Day

We will be celebrating St David's Day on Fri March 1st. We will be attending Mass at 10am, everyone is welcome to join us.

Pupils may wear traditional Welsh costumes or Welsh rugby/football tops with normal school trousers to school.

Dragon Parade

Class 1 are taking part in the Dragon Parade on Sat March 2nd. They need to be accompanied by an adult during the parade. Mrs Beavis will be at Oriel Y Parc at 10:30am to meet everyone before the parade. Siblings are welcome to join in too, the more the merrier! Class 1 will be bringing home dragon wings that they made in a recent workshop session, they will need to wear these during the parade.

Class 1 Read and Relax Session

As part of our celebration of World Book Day on Thursday March 7th Class 1 would like to invite their parents/carers to a read and relax session in class at 2:15pm. There will be refreshments and an opportunity to share books together and develop reading for pleasure. Younger siblings are also welcome to join the fun.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Reminder - We will be on Half Term next week - Mon 12th-Fri 16th Feb, School will also be closed for pupils on Mon 19th Feb as this is an INSET Day, we look forward to welcoming back all pupils on Tues 20th Feb.

NSPCC Number Day - Thank you to everyone who supported our Number Day, we raised £77 for the charity.

Lost property – can we please ask parents to help us by putting pupils names on items of school uniform, jumpers, cardigans, coats etc. We have a number of items in lost property that we are unable to reunite as there is no name.  A pupil is missing a black Nike boys coat, if your child has taken it home by mistake please return.  

Year 5 Residential - Important - Year 5 Residential next payment of £75.00 is due by 26.2.24 please.  

Year 6 Residential - Important - Year 6 Residential next payment of £50.00 is due by 26.2.24 please.  

PE Changes - After half term Class 4 will be swimming on Tuesday so will need to bring their swimming kit with them. Class 4 will also need to wear PE kit on Monday, Class 5 will need to wear PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday

Pembrokeshire Family Information Service - This service shares activities and events available to families  through their Facebook page - , you can find more information about the service here 

Vision Arts - We have some exciting news here at Vision Arts!  

"CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY" is coming to Pembrokeshire! 

This production is a Vision Arts Theatre Company and Vision Youth Theatre combined production and we are looking for lots of talented children as well as some incredible adults.  

On Thursday the 15th February during half term we are holding a FREE workshop for children to come along and learn some songs, dance routines and script from the show. This will all take place at Vision Arts studios in Haverfordwest, 12pm -3pm. Parents will need to register their child on the following link if they would like to take part in the workshop 

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Number Day - We are taking part in the NSPCC Number Day again this year. On Monday 5th Feb all pupils can wear their own clothes to school, wear something with patterns on , numbers on, add badges to your clothes - please don't buy anything special just for the day.

Pupils in Classes 1,2,3 & 5 will need to wear clothes and shoes that are suitable for their PE lessons.

Please follow the link to our Just Giving  page to make a donation to the NSPCC.

Friends of Holy Name Sweet Stall - The Friends will be selling a selection of sweets and drinks on the playground at the end of the day on Friday 9th Feb. 50p/item

Dragon Parade - This week Class 1 have enjoyed an Art workshop with Kate Evans. They have made their own dragon wings to wear when taking part in the Dragon Parade on Sat March 2nd, parade starts at 11am.  Staff will be at Oriel Y Parc in St Davids from 10:45. Parents/carers will need to accompany their child during the parade. Please can Class 1 parents let Mrs Beavis know if they are able to take part.

During half term there will be drop in sessions open to all in Oriel Y Parc for all children to create something ready to take part in the parade. These are taking place between Saturday 10 February – Sunday 18 February (excluding Wednesday 14 February

Menu Change - Pudding on Monday will be Chocolate Mousse

Under 5's Sessions - Our play sessions for Under 5's are continuing to run on Friday mornings, 9:30-11, everyone is welcome to come along.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Eco Club - There is no Eco club on Monday 29th Jan.

Half Term Sports - Please see the link here  for the Swimming Pool timetable. Please follow the link here for Junior Activities during half term.

Reminder - Water bottles need to be brought in daily, water is freely available during the school day for children to top up. Please note that Prime bottles are not to be brought to school at all. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)


Headlice - We have cases of head lice in school. Headlice are not fussy about who they visit and we ask you to please check the whole family regularly. Treatment is available for free from the majority of pharmacies. Please see the attached leaflet  for further guidance.   

Clubs - Clubs will start week beginning 22nd Jan. All after school clubs will start at 3:20 and finish at 4pm. The following clubs will run this term.

Mon - Criw Cymraeg with Miss Richards - same children as last term

            Eco Club with Mrs Rees - same children as last term

             Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni a phlant with Mrs Beavis - open to all parents and their           children to develop Welsh skills

Weds - Mini Vinnies with Mrs Kplomedo -  same children as last term

            Code Club with Mrs Thomas - same children as last term

JRSO Club with Mrs Rees will run during the school day, Mrs Rees will let the children know when it is on.

Diary dates (new or updated items are in red)

Number Day - We will be taking part in Number Day again this year. It is on Friday Feb 2nd. Pupils can dress in clothes with numbers, shapes or patterns on. Please don't feel the need to buy anything new - birthday badges would be a great way to add numbers to an outfit for example. 

MarvellousMe – We have been made aware of some parents experiencing issues with notifications/messages. MarvellousMe are aware & their support team are looking into it.  

Parent Partnership - Follow the link here to see the workshops on offer from Parent Partnership this term.

Clubs - Clubs, including Mini Vinnies, will be starting again Week Commencing 22nd Jan, further information will be sent home next week.

Pre-School Session - We held our first Under 5's session this week. It was lovely to see so many babies, toddlers, parents and grandparents having fun in the hall. These are going to be held every Friday morning during term time this term, everyone is welcome. 9:30-11. 
