
This page is updated throughout the week as required.
The page is updated every Friday.

December 2022 Newsletters

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 18th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • January 27th Mass 1pm (Classes 4 and 5)

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


We have reached the end of a busy autumn term here at Holy Name School, and we all look forward to well deserved time spent with our loved ones over Christmas and New Year.

We would like to thank pupils, parents/carers and our whole school community for their continued support.

Highlights of the past few weeks include our wonderful Christmas performances and this week we held a well attended Christmas Fayre.

All pupils had worked to make items to sell and we really appreciate the fact that families and friends turned out to support us.

We would like to thank the Friends of the School who ran a number of stalls - their support this term has been wonderful and we very much appreciate them sharing their time and talents to benefit the school.

The Christmas Fayre raised £766.05 and the chocolate raffle raised £951
This money, alongside sales of tickets for our concert will be used to develop our outdoor learning areas.

We are saying goodbye to Miss Huddy today - Miss Huddy has been working in Class 1 this term - we would like to thank her for her contribution to school life and wish her well as she moves to a new post.

Finally, we would like to wish you an enjoyable, restful and safe Christmas break full of festive cheer. We look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year. Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda.

Next Term

After Christmas PE timetable
Tuesday: Classes 1, 2, 4 and 5.
(No swimming during the first week back - C4 will be swimming for the rest of term - starting January 17th)
Thursday: Classes 1 and 3
Friday: Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • December 19th Class 5 Beach Clean Trip

  • December 20th Class 5 no swimming - normal PE

  • December 21st Christmas Fayre 3.30 - 5.00pm

  • December 21st Christmas Dinner

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00am - all welcome

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term - non-uniform day

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 18th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day (please note change of date)

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Christmas Plays

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Christmas Plays - it was wonderful to welcome family and friends into school. We are incredibly proud of the way the children performed in their plays and they should all be congratulated for their wonderful singing and acting. All monies raised from ticket sales will be used to develop our outdoor learning areas.

Class 5 Beach Clean 19/12/22

The forecast for our beach clean morning on Monday is currently wet. Please ensure that pupils have warm, waterproof clothing and footwear. Christmas jumpers optional!

They may also bring a complete change of clothes so that they can change into dry clothing when we arrive back at school in the afternoon.

Eco competition 2022

Thank you to all the pupils who created a Christmas decoration from recycled materials. Congratulations to Haris for his winning entry.

Road safety competition 2022

Thank your all the competition entries this year. Congratulations to the following winners.

Class 1 – Toby

Class 2 and 3 – Livvy
Class 4 and 5 – Myla

Class Two and Three Trip

Class Two and Three are looking forward to their trip on Monday to St Davids. If you have ordered a school packed lunch please could your child bring a bag to carry it in and a drink. Pupils to wear school uniform, warm hat, coat, sturdy footwear. Pupils are not to bring phones, cameras or electronic devices.

Thank you.

Class Five Trip

Class Five are going on a beach clean on Monday. If you have ordered a school packed lunch please could your child bring a bag to carry it in and a drink. The forecast is currently wet and cold. Pupils will need to wear warm clothing, (Christmas jumpers and hats optional) waterproofs and appropriate footwear. They may bring a bag of spare clothes and footwear into school to get changed into when we arrive back in school after lunch. Pupils are not to bring phones, cameras or electronic devices. Diolch.


Message from Catering, please can parents check your child's online accounts & ensure that any dinner money arrears are cleared.

Paul Sartori

Over the Christmas period, many of you will have a clear out of toys your child has outgrown. We will be collecting toys you no longer have a use for in the first week back in January (as well as any unwanted/duplicate gifts you may have received!) and will donate them to Paul Satori charity shops so that they can be resold and help this brilliant local cause which is celebrating its 40th year.

YBG Year 6 Transition Day January 18th 2023

Transition letter to Primary Schools 18.1.23.pdf

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (10am C5, 2pm C3/4, 6pm C1/2)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (10am C1/2, 2pm C5, 6pm C3/4)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (10am C3/4, 2pm C1/2, 6pm C5)

  • December 21st Christmas Fayre 3.30 - 5.00pm

  • December 21st Christmas Dinner

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00am

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term - non-uniform day

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 11th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Congratulations to Code Club who came second in the DVLA Code Club Challenge, winning £1,500 worth of IT equipment- this is a wonderful achievement and we are incredibly proud of them. The Code Challenge enables students of all ages to develop their problem solving, team-working skills and improve their knowledge of computer programming in a fun and innovative way.

Thank you to Mrs Thomas for all the work she has done to develop coding in school and thank you to the parent volunteers who accompanied the group to Swansea.

Christmas Plays
We are looking forward to welcoming you to watch our plays next week. The doors will open 20 minutes before the plays start - we are unable to reserve seats.

There are still tickets available for all performances apart from Wednesday evening. Please see Mrs Dowling if you would like additional tickets.

For the evening performance doors will open at 5.40pm - please do not drive onto the playground - the gates at the front and rear of the school will be open for pedestrian access - could pupils please wear clothes that are easy for them to change.

Reminder - Christmas Dinner

Wednesday December 21st - Please can parents complete the form below to let us know if your child will be having Christmas lunch

School meals support for pupils

Pupils in Pembrokeshire are to receive £11 credit on their dinner money accounts as part of Pembrokeshire County Council’s cost of living support scheme.

The £11 credit will be given to junior pupils in primary schools* and all secondary school pupils to spend on school meals.

It will be available to use until the end of the 2023 summer term.

The one-off credit will be automatically be added directly to pupils’ dinner money accounts on Monday 12th December.

Parents have the option to opt out, if they wish, by emailing

*Excludes junior pupils in receipt of free school meals.

Junior pupils who have free school meals won’t receive the extra £11 on their accounts (as there are no extra items for purchase in junior school canteens) but secondary school pupils who have free school meals will receive the extra £11 on their accounts as they can spend the extra money in the cafeteria.

Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you to everyone who donated - we raised £136 for Save the Children

Chocolate Raffle

Our Christmas Chocolate Raffle will be drawn on Thursday 22nd December. All funds raised will be used to develop outdoor learning opportunities. If you would like additional tickets please ask Mrs Dowling.

Christmas Film
Reminder - we are planning to take the children to see the new Disney film, Strange World in December. Any money raised at our Fayre and concerts will be used to pay for this.

Christmas Gifts
As Christmas approaches we are always overwhelmed by your kindness in sending in gifts for staff - this year however, we are asking that gifts are not sent in. If you wish to send something in staff would be delighted if families could send in a small donation to the food bank instead.

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert - new information below

  • December 5th Extra concert tickets for sale at 3pm in the hall

  • December 8th Christmas Jumper Day (info below)

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (10am C5, 2pm C3/4, 6pm C1/2)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (10am C1/2, 2pm C5, 6pm C3/4)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (10am C3/4, 2pm C1/2, 6pm C5)

  • December 21st Christmas Fayre 3.30 - 5.00pm

  • December 21st Christmas Dinner

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00am

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 11th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Class 4 First Music Experience Concert
Class 4 have been working with Mr Wilkinson of Pembrokeshire Music Service and will be taking part in a concert at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. Parents are very welcome to attend and should arrive for a 1.00pm prompt start.

Thank you

Thank you very much to the Friends of Holy Name School for running a stall at Light Night last Saturday and everyone who supported them. They raised £115 which will be used to support activities for the children.

Christmas Plays

If you are able to provide a costume for your child's part in the Christmas plays (Classes and 3 and 4) please could you let us know and send it to school by Friday 9th December. Other classes have previously shared information with parents regarding costumes.

We are looking forward to performing our Christmas plays for our friends and families soon. Please could you continue to practice lines and songs at home to develop the children's fluency.

Ticket info
All families have had the opportunity to buy 2 tickets for each performance. There are a number of additional tickets now available for each performance. They will be for sale on Monday December 5th at 3pm in the hall

Next week doors will open 20 minutes before the plays start. For the evening performance could pupils please wear clothes that are easy for them to change.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Thursday December 8th we will be taking part in Christmas Jumper Day to support Save the Children. We have a just giving link for donations

Click here to donate

Everyone can wear something Christmassy on the day, please don't feel that you have to buy a new jumper. You could up-cycle an old jumper, wear a tinsel necklace, get crafty or head to your local charity shop to buy a pre-loved festive knit. If you want to get creative and decorate a jumper, the Christmas Jumper Day website contains lots of fun craft ideas. Children who have PE that day will need to wear trainers.

Christmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner Order Form Link

Wednesday December 21st - Please can parents click on the link above to let us know if your child will be having Christmas lunch. Please respond by December 5th

Christmas Gifts
As Christmas approaches we are always overwhelmed by your kindness in sending in gifts for staff - this year however, we are asking that gifts are not sent in. If you wish to send something in staff would be delighted if families could send in a small donation to the food bank instead.


We have had a number of cases of headlice reported in school - please be vigilent and check your child's hair

Coding Competition

A group from our code club are down to the last 3 of the DVLA Code Challenge competition. You can vote for them between 12pm and 2pm on Tuesday the 6th December by using this link and entering DVLACC into the blue "Joining as a participant" box. Vote for Tim YES 2.0, Holy Name School. Set your alarms now to remind you to vote and share the link and code as widely as you can!

First Communion

If you would like your child to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, please complete the form below before the end of term.

First Holy Communion Form

Message from Highways

There will be no crossing provision on the Junction of the High School / Vergam Terrace on the afternoon of December 8th

Eco Challenge

Eco Club have set you a challenge to create a Christmas decoration. Details have been posted on Google Classroom. The competition closes on Friday 9th December.


If anyone has any unwanted leggings; joggers; socks or underwear that would fit pupils in Foundation Phase we would appreciate them.

Lennie Christmas Menu.pdf
ASD Family help Spring 2023 newsletter.pdf