The Newsletter is published every Friday - it may also be updated during the week - you can also check our Facebook page for updates

News and Information

Thank you to everyone who supported our chocolate raffle - we raised £690 which will be used to develop our outdoor areas. A huge thank you to those who donated Easter Eggs & bought tickets

Our Estyn Report will be published on Monday - you will be able to read it on the Estyn Website and we will share a link with parents once it is online. 

School Uniform - information about our secondhand uniform shop

Holy Name logo’d items are listed on the Facebook group as and when I receive them. Please just comment on the post if you would like an item. They are priced at £1 each. 


Grey items are listed on our Vinted page, usually in bundles and are 50p per item. If you would like to purchase any of these please ‘ask seller a question’ on the item page and just tell me you are from HNS as I have to remove them from Vinted to sell to you privately.

 The used uniform shop is run on a Voluntary basis so please kindly ensure all items donated are clean and in good enough condition that you would be happy to send your child to school in it. We run an honesty system whereby the item will be given to your child at school, please pay any money you owe directly to Mrs Dowling. 


We take donations of all types of uniform, PE kit, school shoes and school coats. Please note we no longer take donations of yellow polo shirts. 


All funds raised with the sale of second hand uniform contributes to the School Trip Subsidy Fund. 


Class 3

After the Easter holidays Class 3 will no longer be having their reading books changed on a Monday and a Friday. Pupils will be able to bring their books in to school on any day when they are ready to change their reading books.


Pencil Cases

Classes 1, 2 and 3 will be bringing their pencil cases home over the Easter holidays so that they can be topped up as is necessary. Please can we remind you that pupils do not need any felt tip pens, gel pens or scissors in their pencil cases.


Wet weather gear

Please can all wellies and wet weather gear for children in classes 1, 2 and 3 be returned to school promptly after the holidays as outdoor learning will begin on Tuesday 18th April.


FIt and Fed

Sport Pembrokeshire , in partnership with Pembrokeshire Leisure, the Welsh Rugby Union, Cricket Wales Milford Haven School and Ysgol Bro Gwaun are delivering free “ Fit and Fed Physical Activity & Sports Camps”.


The Fit and Fed concept, gives children the opportunity to take part in fun physical activity and enjoy nutritious, healthy meals during the school holidays. Please follow links below to book a place for your child:


Fishguard Ysgol Bro Gwaun Wednesday 12th April 8.30-12.30 Fishguard Leisure Centre


We will provide a breakfast, a snack and lunch (via the school catering service) plus a carousel of inclusive physical activity for pupils in years 3-6.

News and Information


REMINDER next payment due by 31.3.23 - Yr 6 Llangrannog Residential - there are two more payments due for this trip. £52.50 by 31.3.23 & the final payment of £52.50 by 30.4.23 please. Please pay via BACS - HSBC, Holy Name School Fundraising, 40-21-11, 01097660. 

Please use your child's name as reference.


Please can parents return any uniform that your child may have borrowed from school e.g tights, leggings etc.

Fruit Shop

Our donation from Ascona to provide fruit to pupils is nearing the end. If you know of anyone who would be willing to sponsor our fruit shop to allow us to keep providing free fruit to pupils please let us know or ask them to contact Mrs Dowling.  The average weekly cost of buying the fruit is about £20. May we take this opportunity to thank our parents volunteers who run the trolley for us.

Grand Easter Egg raffle

Holy Name Grand Easter Egg Raffle 2023!  

A very big thank you to Mr Young Aldi UK for arranging the delivery of the eggs & also for his very generous personal donation to the raffle.

£1 per ticket. If you would like more tickets please see Mrs Dowling.

Please return all tickets by Wednesday 29th March, if you would like more tickets please see Mrs Dowling. All proceeds will be used to develop outdoor learning opportunities.

There will be no Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni or Welsh Club for pupils on Thursday 30th March.

Summer Term Menu

Summer 2023 Primary Menu ENG (1).pdf

Friday March 17th


First Lego League

Our First Lego League team have been working hard on their innovation project ready for a competition on Saturday. They have devised an idea to make solar farms even better for the planet. Watch their video here. They would love to receive feedback on their project via this form.

Changes to PE
This week Class 3 will have PE on Tuesday and Friday and Class 2 will have PE on Thursday and Friday.

Safer Cycling

Year 5 pupils who are taking part in Safer Cycling Training need to have their bikes and helmets on school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday next week. If you would like your bike to remain in school please send in a bike lock so they can be secured on the playground or your child can move their bike into the hall at the end of the day. Pupils will need to bring trainers, jogging bottoms and a waterproof coat each day. 


Just a reminder that pupils have free access to RM Easi Maths and TTRockstars (Years 2-6 only) to support development of maths skills.

St Patrick's Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Mass today. The children's behaviour was, as always, excellent and it was lovely to join with the parish to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Friends of the School
A Friends of the School meeting will take place in school on Wednesday 22nd March at 2:45 with Mrs Beavis, all welcome.

Easter Menu, Wednesday March 29th

lennie easter menu_w+e (1).pdf

March 10th

NEU Strike Action - strike action has been suspended - school will be open as normal

Please check this page for any updates to this information. 

Remember - you can visit our Facebook page for reminders and updates

Parents' Evenings
Teaching staff are available to meet with parents on March 21st between 3.30pm and 5.30pm and on March 22nd between 5pm and 7pm. The meetings will be in person in school

Please use the form below to book an appointment or click on this link to book an appointment

Please make sure that you select the Class before you book or you will be allocated a random teacher and we will have to cancel the appointment. The default is set to 'anyone' this needs to be changed by you. Please can we ask that parents only make one appointment per child.

Gardening Club will recommence on Monday 13th March for three weeks until we break up for the Easter holidays.


Yr 6 Llangrannog Residential - there are two more payments due for this trip. £52.50 by 31.3.23 & the final payment of £52.50 by 30.4.23 please. 

Please pay via BACS - HSBC, 

Holy Name School Fundraising, 

40-21-11, 01097660. 

Please use your child's name as reference.


Thank you to the parents who came into school and helped us assemble out new outdoor storage units. We very much appreciate all your support. 


Congratulations to Millie Pearson and Millie Griffiths who both recently placed in the top 10 entries in a national Lego Build the Change competition in which they had to create a design to encourage sustainability and biodiversity. After their entries had been put to a panel, Millie Pearson's amazing work was selected as one of the winners and she travelled to London last week to receive a wonderful Lego prize for herself and a fantastic £2000 to spend on improving our school environment.

Millie G also won a special prize for her 4 brilliant entries. Gwaith bendigedig girls. We are incredibly proud of you both! There is another Lego competition open to the pupils on the Google Classrooms for each class which pupils may like to enter.

March 2nd

Remember - you can visit our Facebook page for reminders and updates



Please could all children wear PE kit to school on Monday

Volunteers Required Please

We have a new shed and some outdoor storage units that will be used to store equipment - we are looking for 3 or 4 volunteers to help assemble it. If you are available to help at 1pm on Wednesday March 8th we would appreciate some help - please could you let Mrs Dowling know if you can help us.

First Communion
First Communion Preparations will take place at times within the school day and after school on Thursdays. The first after school session will take place on Thursday 9th March.
The First Holy Communion Mass will take place on Sunday 21st May.

Safer Cycling

For those taking part in the Yr 5 Cycle Training the bike check date has changed to Friday March 10th. Please ensure your child brings their bike & helmet in school on the 10th March.


Please could pupils in Year One return their Kerbcraft permission forms by Tuesday. Thank you.

St David's Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate St David's Day Mass and joined us after school. We are keen to offer a range of events each terms where families can join us. If you have any feedback for us or would like to suggest future events please below to share your ideas with us
Please click here


World Book Day 

To celebrate World Book Day this year we are holding an extreme reading competition – To enter read a book in an unusual place and bring in a photo showing your extreme reading.  Bring your photos to Mrs Beavis by Thursday 9th March.

Code Club
There will be no Code Club running for the first 3 weeks after half term. We will let you know via the newsletter when it is restarting. First Lego League club will be running instead for invited pupils only as we are limited on numbers. Dates and times for this have been sent to relevant pupils.

Prayer of the Month

To complement our Welsh week we have chosen the Our Father in Welsh as our prayer of the month for March.

Ein Tad, 

y sy yn y nefoedd, 

Sancteiddier dy enw, deled dy deyrnas, 

Bydded dy ewyllys 

Ar y ddaear megis yn y nef. 

Dyro inni heddiw 

Ein bara beunyddiol, a maddau inni ein dyledion,

 Fel y maddeuwn ninnau I’n dyledwyr. 

Ac nac aewain ni brofedigaeth, 

Eithr gwared ni rhag drwg. 


