Archive Newsletters

September and October 2022

This page is updated throughout the week as required.
The page is updated every Friday.


Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • October 31st - November 4th Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

  • November 9th 2.30pm Friends of the School Fund Raising Committee Meeting - all welcome

  • November 11th School Mass Classes 1, 2, and 3

  • November 23rd Outdoor Classroom day.

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert

  • December 21st Christmas Fete 3.30 - 5.00

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

This has been a busy half term and I am sure you are all looking forward to the half term holiday. It has been lovely to see our pupils have opportunities to take part in a range of exciting activities designed to support learning in school. If you would like to see pictures of some of the things we have been doing in school this term visit our Twitter Feeds - which are updated regularly.


It was wonderful to welcome families to our Harvest Celebration in Church this week - thank you to everyone who was able to join us and thank you again for your generous donations. We really do appreciate your continued support in all aspects of school life. I'm sure you will agree that all of our pupils and staff had worked incredibly hard to put together a wonderful hour of song, prayer and art.

Fund Raising Committee
Thank you for your continued support - we really do appreciate all that our families and parents do for the school community. We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 9th November at 2.30pm for anyone who would like to be part of our Friends of the School fund raising committee - please come along if you are available and would like to support the school. If you are unable to attend but would be interested in being part of the committee please let Mrs Beavis know

Wet Weather Clothes

Dosbarth Un, Dau and Tri children have brought home their wet weather clothes and wellies for half term. Please return them to school on Monday 7th Nov.

Year 6

Reminder - where applications for a secondary school place have not yet been submitted, the closing date for applications is 20 December 2022.

Spare Clothes

If anyone has any outgrown spare socks, pants, joggers or leggings we would be very grateful if they could be donated to school.

School Dinners - Bonfire Night menu and new menu

Please note there will be no sandwich option on Monday 7th November

Primary Menu UFSM Winter menu 2223_ENG.pdf
V2 Pool TT October Half Term 2022.pdf

V2 Oct Half Term Junior Activity TT ENG.pdf

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Carter

2 Frankie-Rae

3 Amelia

4 Tye

5 Emyr

Seren Gymraag

1 Oli

2 Jacob

3 Lani

4 Reuben

5 Sahij


Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • October 24th 3:30pm-4:30pm Clear out for Christmas bring and buy sale (please contact us if you would like a table)

  • October 24th 4pm Code Club open afternoon (details below)

  • October 25th Harvest Celebration 2pm in Church - families are welcome to attend

  • October 25th - School Nursing Team - Flu Vaccine

  • October 31st - November 4th Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

  • November 11th School Mass Classes 1, 2, and 3

  • November 23rd Outdoor Classroom day.

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term


Code Club

Next Monday at 4 o clock parents of our Code Club are invited to join us to see what pupils are currently working on.

Families are welcome to join us in church on Tuesday for our Harvest Celebration. We are continuing to collect for the foodbank so if you are able to send in an item for us to add to our collection that would be wonderful. We know the foodbank are delighted by our continued support. All food and toiletry items are appreciated. Urgently needed items include UHT milk, long life fruit juice, tinned meat, long life cake bars, dried milk powder and instant mashed potato


Thank you to all parents who have shared positive feedback and points to consider regarding our new uniform policy.

Please be assured that we do not expect parents to buy new uniform. If you have yellow T Shirts that will fit your child for the remainder of their time in Holy Name they can continue to wear them- this includes handing them down to siblings/friends.

If the transition from yellow to white takes a number of years this is not a problem. We would simply ask if you are purchasing new items that you buy white polo shirts to allow us to begin the change.

Outdoor Classroom Day

November 23rd. Our school will participate in Outdoor Classroom day. This will be a non-uniform day. Please send pupils in old clothes that are suitable for the weather. We hope for nice weather but please be aware that all learning experiences will be outside.


A Small black pen drive/card reader was found on the playground - please ask in the office if this is yours


We have four tickets available for Scarlets vs Leinster on Friday 28th October - if anyone would like them please let Mrs Dowling know - if more than one person is interested we will draw names out of a hat


Please can all pupil photograph orders be returned by Monday, 24th October

There are only 7 days left to order from our latest Scholastic Book Club. Just go to to browse the latest books and place your order. Every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Reward

Our school is still collecting batteries to be recycled. There is a box in the entrance hall. Many thanks

October 24th 3:30pm-4:30pm Clear out for Christmas bring and buy sale - please contact us if you would like a table.

Remember to visit our class pages and follow us on Twitter to see what else has been happening in school

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Shania

2 Evie

3 Robert

4 Lottie

5 Kaitlyn

Seren Gymraag

1 Lily D

2 Ariyah

3 Zoe

4 Lily-May

5 Elise


  • October 24th 3:30pm-4:30pm Clear out for Christmas bring and buy sale (please contact us if you would like a table)

  • October 25th Harvest Celebration 2pm in Church - families are welcome to attend

  • October 31st - November 4th Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

Important - School Uniform

Thank you to all parents who completed our cost of living survey

In response to parents' concerns about affordability, access and availability of uniform items the governing body have decided to make the following changes.

We will be selling school logo badges that can be sewn onto plain red jumpers - the logos will cost £1 each. Parents will be able to buy red jumpers and then sew on the logo - we will be holding sewing support sessions each term (if you are nifty with a needle please come along and help!)
If parents still wish to buy ready logo-ed jumpers these will still be available from our usual suppliers.

We will also be transitioning from yellow to white polo shirts - these will be non logoed.
White polo shirts are cheaper and more easily available. Pupils may, of course continue to wear their yellow shirts as we transition.

PE T Shirts will be plain red with no logo (again pupils may continue to wear the logoed shirts they already own) and you can still purchase logo-ed red T Shirts from our suppliers
Therefore, our new school uniform policy will be

Plain red logoed jumper (badges available as cheaper option)

Year 6 will still have the option to buy a bespoke hoodie with the year group names on it

White polo shirt

Grey trousers, pinafore or skirt

PE Kit - plain red T Shirt or red logo-ed T Shirt and dark coloured shorts or jogging bottoms

Black shoes or plain black trainers

We anticipate the transition period from yellow to white polo shirts will take 2 years - however we are prepared to extend this if needed. Please do not go out and buy new items or stop using the uniform your child already owns - our intention is to reduce financial burdens for families not increase them.

We hope these changes will be helpful to you and ask that you continue to support us in maintaining our uniform which is part of the school identity and helps provide a sense of identity, community and cohesion within the school.
Our second hand uniform shop will continue to run - thank you to Mrs Hope for all her hard work in maintaining this

As soon as the badges are available we will post information on the school website

Fruit Shop

Our school fruit shop will be reopening on Monday - fruit will be on sale on the playground before school.

Fruit will cost 30p - please pay on a daily basis

Thank you to Mrs M Marshall who is our first parent volunteer - if any other parents are available to help run the shop please get in touch


  • Pupil water bottles should be plastic or metal - not glass

  • In the interest of the safety of our pupils please can parents NOT tamper with the back gate. We have been made aware of parents propping open the gate in the mornings after staff have closed it at 8.55am. This compromises the security of the site and the safety of our pupils.

  • Please could all parents check their children's hair for headlice as we have been made aware of a number of cases in school

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Jennifer

2 Leo Y

3 Kuba

4 Bella

5 Corey

Seren Gymraag

1 Darcy-Marie

2 Kerat

3 Ava B

4 Rhonan

5 Kaitlyn

The Governing Body would like to share their annual report to parents - please click on the link below to read this.

Sleep Matters Workshops

9th Nov & 16th Nov 22 9.45am to 12 noon At the Torch Theatre- Milford Haven. To book click on Eventbrite Link:

Sensory Processing Workshop - online workshop

15th Nov 9.45am to 12 noon. Online - To book click on Eventbrite Link:


Our whole school attendance for September was 97.2% - this is excellent and shows your commitment to ensuring your children are in school and enjoying all the experiences that we are able to offer them - thank you for your support

FAO Parents of Y6

Initial letter to parents Secondary- 2023.pdf

Please scroll down to read the English Version - this letter contains important information about applying for a secondary school place

Click on this link to open the letter

Please note - after this week we will not be sending a weekly text reminder - this newsletter page will be updated every week before 4pm on a Friday


Diary Dates

  • October 10th School Photos - if you would like siblings who are not in school to have their photographs taken (individual and sibling groups) please bring them to school at 8.30am. Photographs of pupils in school (including sibling groups) will be taken during the morning

  • October 10th Apple Juicing Event (1pm - 4.30 Bring your own apples and a suitable container)

  • October 12 - 2.30pm introduction to Hwb - Parents of pupils in Classes 1,2 and 3 are invited to join a session to support their understanding of Hwb and Google Classrooms.

  • October 12 Class 2 and 3 trip

  • October 14th - Shwmae Day. Pupils may wear own clothes with a theme of red, white and green. Please do not buy anything special for this school jumpers are fine. This is a PE day so Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 will need trainers as normal.

  • October 24th 3:30pm-4:30pm.Clear out for Christmas bring and buy sale - details below

  • October 25th Harvest Celebration 2pm in Church - families are welcome to attend

  • October 31st - November 4th Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert (see details below)

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

Prayer of the Month

In October we are focusing upon learning The Lord's Prayer in English and in Welsh

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom cone, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
GIve us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.



Classes 2 and 3 will be attending the Cows of Tour event on Wednesday morning. Please can all outstanding trip forms be returned to school by Monday

Code of Conduct
At Holy Name School we value our strong relationship with parents and carers. Together this helps us achieve the very best for the children in a mutually supportive partnership between parents, class teachers and the school community. To truly create the best outcomes for children requires the relationship between home and school to be based on the principles of care, integrity, trust and mutual respect.

Please can we remind all parents that any conversations with staff should take place in a polite and respectful manner.

Please click on this link to see a copy of our Code of Conduct for Parents & Visitors

Save the date

Class 4 have been taking part in the First Experiences programme this term where they have been taking part in weekly music sessions to learn to play a pBuzz instrument.

Monday December 5th is confirmed as the Bro Gwaun Cluster Celebration Performance at Ysgol Bro Gwaun.

Parents of Class 4 pupils are more than welcome to attend and should arrive for a 1.00pm prompt start, using the Leisure Centre or Holy Name car park.

Clear out for Christmas bring and buy sale! Monday 24th October 3:30pm-4:30pm.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the Cost of Living Crisis Survey. The suggestion for a bring and buy sale proved popular and will go ahead on the above date. Please get in touch with Mrs Squelch via Mrs Dowling for more information, or if you would like to book a table to sell your pre-loved children's clothes, toys and books. Rent a table for £2 and take all the profit. This is not a fundraising event for Holy Name School.

Leavers Hoodies for our year 6 pupils are now ready for ordering from Tees R U (01834 845216)

They cost £18-95 and may be worn as part of school uniforms. Purchase is optional.

Classes 4 and 5 would like to gather data about employment in our local area. Please complete this survey and share it with other Fishguard and Goodwick residents. No names or emails will be collected and the data is only to be used for pupil analysis.

Book Club

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by October 28th, 2022.

Apple Juicing Event

CARE's travelling community apple juicing service is visiting us on Monday

If you have apples in your garden, your allotment, your community orchard, your business or anywhere else, they will turn them in to fresh juice for just 50p a litre - please brong your own container.

Pupils will be able to purchase juice from our apples for 20p

Cystadlaethau Shwmae 2022.pdf

Shwmae Competition .

There are three fantastic competitions to enter

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Cora

2 Grace

3 Hollie

4 Alex

5 Lexi

Seren Gymraag

1 Mia

2 Poppy

3 Ava G

4 Maisie

5 Olly


Diary Dates

  • October 3rd and 4th Teacher Parent Meetings. If you are unable to attend your appointment please amend your booking online or let us know as soon as possible. These meetings are in person, in school.

  • October 3rd Class One Trip (please see info below)

  • October 7th School Mass - Our Lady of The Rosary 10.00am - all welcome

  • October 10th School Photos - if you would like siblings who are not in school to have their photographs taken (individual and sibling groups) please bring them to school at 8.30am. Photographs of pupils in school (including sibling groups) will be taken during the morning

  • October 10th Apple Juicing Event (1pm - 4.30 Bring your own apples and a suitable container)

  • October 14th - Shwmae Day. Pupils may wear own clothes with a theme of red, white and green. Please do not buy anything special for this school jumpers are fine

  • October 25th Harvest Celebration 2pm in Church - families are welcome to attend

  • October 31st Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school


Class 1 trip to the Lifeboat Station: If you have requested a packed lunch for your child they do not need to bring one as it will be taken down to the Lifeboat for them. They are to wear uniform, but may wear comfy shoes suitable for walking such as trainers. They must all have coats.

Children are to be picked up at 2:45pm at the end of the station platform.

Application forms for Baptism in Holy Name Church are available from the school. Please ask Mrs Dowling if you would like one. Completed forms need to be returned to Fr Richard at the Presbytery.

Please could pupils in Class Two practise logging into Hwb. They do not need to remember their username and password, but practise would help them to log in.

Homework for Class Two and Three will be uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday.


No code club on Mon due to parents evenings. Mrs Thomas will run a lunchtime club instead this week.

Club Cymraeg Rhieni will now run after school on Thursday evenings. Please let Mrs Beavis know if you would like to join. Children can join the Welsh club running at the same time with Miss Richards.

We have a problem with badgers coming onto the school grounds during the night.

Wanted: Large boulders/rocks that could be used to block the badgers entry points! Large but not too heavy for a person to lift.


  • Please label your child’s personal belongings clearly with a permanent marker or label. This will allow us to reunite your child with their property promptly

  • Please note that doors open to pupils at 8.45am pupils should not be on the playground before 8.30am

This week we were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from Tudor Philips for a Clocsfit sessions. Tudor is one of Wales' best know Clog Dancers

Congratulations to our certificate winners!
llongyfarchiadau mawr

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Oli

2 Livvy

3 Elen

4 Harper

5 Lily Ll

Seren Gymraag

1 Theo

2 Jack D

3 Emlyn

4 Mason

5 Cerys


Diary Dates

  • October 3rd and 4th Teacher Parent Meetings. Booking information below

  • October 10th School Photos

  • October 10th Apple Juicing Event (1pm - 4.30 Bring your own apples and a suitable container)

  • October 25th Harvest Celebration 2pm in Church - families are welcome to attend

  • October 31st Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

Booking Information for Parents Evenings

Parents Evenings will be on October 3rd and 4th - the meetings will be in person in school

Please use the form below to book an appointment or click on this link

Please make sure that you select the Class before you book or you will be allocated a random teacher and we will have to cancel the appointment. The default is set to 'anyone' this needs to be changed by you. Please can we ask that parents only make one appointment per child.

Monday October 3rd 3.30pm - 5.30pm

Tuesday October 4th 5pm - 7pm


  • If you have not yet returned your one page pupil profile please could it be returned to school

  • We are a nut free school - please do not send any foods containing nuts into school

  • Please note that doors open to pupils at 8.45am pupils should not be on the playground before 8.30am

  • Class 5 pupils all need a swimming hat as part of their kit on Tuesdays

Clubs begin this week. For this week only code club will run on Mon and Wed.

All pupils who have applied to attend a club have been allocated places. Ceramics club is now full - there are places available in other clubs.

If you would like your child to attend a club that charges a fee and you are unable to pay please let us know and we will accommodate as many pupils as possible. Clubs are run by teachers on a voluntary basis - any fees collected are used to pay towards materials and equipment used in the club.

Clwb Cymraeg i rieni/Welsh Club for Parents (Monday no charge)
Ceramics Club (Wednesday £1.50 per week)
Wellbeing Club (Wednesday £1.50 per week)
Clwb Cymraeg (Thursday no charge)

Clubs run from 3.15pm - 4pm

Home School Communication

Absences can be reported to Mrs Dowling by telephone (01348872506) from 8.30am. Please note that the telephone is not manned between 8.45am and 9.05am as we are welcoming pupils into school. You can also email - please put ‘absence’ as the subject so we can filter our emails correctly.

Messages for class teachers can be given to Mrs Dowling at the start of the school day or via email and telephone - she will be able to ensure they are passed onto a member of staff who is on site so they can be dealt with promptly - class teachers also dismiss the pupils at the end of the day so you will have the opportunity to speak to them then if needed.

Congratulations to our certificate winners!
llongyfarchiadau mawr

Seren Yr Wythnos

1 Lily

2 Sydney

3 Elsie

4 Ella

5 Jacob

Seren Gymraeg

1 Jenny

2 Evelyn

3 Kuba

4 Olivia

5 Jack A


This is one of the values we are focusing on this term. We have been considering how we can care for our planet as well as those who live on it.


Thank you for your generous donations to the foodbank - we have already been able to drop off our first delivery of this academic year

Out and About

Class Five have been out and about in our local area this week - they received a warm welcome and a much appreciated drink at the fish and chip shop

The Mabinogion

Pupils in Classes Four and Five enjoyed a visit to St Davids where they listened to stories of the Mabinogion


We have changed the format of the newsletter this week - hopefully it is now more user friendly.

Diary Dates

  • September 19th Bank Holiday - school will be closed

  • September 22nd C4 and 5 Trip to St Davids

  • September 23rd Mass 10.00 (Classes 4 & 5) Families are welcome to join us in Mass.

  • October 31st Half Term

  • November 7th pupils return to school

The school will be closed on Monday 19th September


If you have not yet completed our Parental Information and Permission form please click on this link


  • We are a nut free school - please do not send any foods containing nuts into school

  • Please could all children with long hair ensure it is tied back during the school day

One Page Profiles

One Page Profiles help us to understand your child and how to best support them in school. They give a snapshot of your child’s likes, dislikes, strengths and areas where they might need a bit more support. Please complete the One Page Profile sent home with your child on Friday and return it to their Class teacher by Wednesday 21st September

Nasal Flu Spray Vaccination

Nasal Flu Spray Vaccination letters have been sent home this week. Please return the consent forms as soon as possible.

Class 5 Swimming

Class 5 deep end swimmers need to bring a spare T shirt and shorts with their kit on Tuesday

Code Club

There are still places available in Code Club.
If any pupils in Y5 and 6 would like to join Code Club please could you complete the application form

Year 5 & 6 Application Form

There will be a charge of £1.50 a week.

Due to the Bank Holiday on Monday, Code Club will not commence on the 19th and instead, 2 sessions will run the following week - on both Monday and Wednesday.

We are also able to offer the following clubs
Clwb Cymraeg i rieni/Welsh Club for Parents (Monday no charge)
Ceramics Club (Wednesday £1.50 per week)
Wellbeing Club (Wednesday £1.50 per week)
Clwb Cymraeg (Thursday no charge)

Clubs run from 3.15pm - 4pm

Please click on this link to apply to join a club

Please complete the Forms questionnaire if you wish your child to attend an after school club this term. Numbers for the clubs will be limited. If there are too many applicants we will implement a rotation system. You will be notified if your child has been aallocated a space. These clubs will begin on week commencing 26th September.

Energy Crisis and Cost of Living

With the Energy Price Crisis looming and rising living costs, we understand that financial concerns may affect everyone, irrelevant your employment and income status. We want to alleviate some of the stress and financial burden, please fill out the questionnaire so we can try to help in practical ways.


Meet The Teacher

Thank you to everyone who attended our Meet The Teacher sessions - we hope you found them useful.

If you were unable to attend information about your child's class can be found on our website on the class pages. Individual teacher parent meetings will take place in October - we will share details of how to book an appointment nearer to the time

Wanted - Can you help?

We would appreciate any donations of comics or children’s magazines that are no longer needed to add to the reading areas in Classes 1, 2 and 3.

Class 4 & 5 are collecting 400g tins - the type baked beans come in. Could they please be washed and labels removed before sending in?

Congratulations to our certificate winners!
llongyfarchiadau mawr

Seren Yr Wythnos

  1. Dafydd

  2. Ivy

  3. Charlie R

  4. Mali

  5. Myla

Seren Gymraeg

  1. Layla-Luna

  2. Haris

  3. Carli-May

  4. Charlie F

  5. DylanL

It has been another busy week in school.

It was wonderful to see so many parents and family members join us for Mass on Thursday - thank you to Classes 2 and 3 for preparing the Mass.

Year 5 and 6 pupils attended a gig in Narberth.

Some pupils from Years 4,5, and 6 completed Cwarae Yn Gymraeg training - we look forward to seeing them leading activities on at playtime.

Visit our class pages or Twitter Feeds to see what else happened in school this week.

Dosbarth 5

Class 5 enjoyed a visit from local artist Michaela Hollyfield who talked about her work and explained how to organise an exhibition

Dosbarth 4

Class 4 are working with Pembrokeshire Music Service as part of the First Experience Music Programme

Dosbarth 3

This week Class 3 enjoyed learning their numberbonds though movement and activity

Dosbarth 2

Class 2 worked with Class 3 to prepare a beautiful Mass

Dosbarth 1

Class 1 have enjoyed Dough Disco sessions to help improve their fine motor skills

Holy Name Christmas Fayre

Proposed date during the week beginning 19th December. We are planning to have a Christmas Fayre in the school hall with refreshments, raffle, arts/crafts made by the children in addition to stalls. If you would know of any local crafters/artists who would like a table at a cost of £10, please get in touch via email: marked for the attention of Mrs Squelch.

Apple Juicing

We are hosting an apple juicing event on the 10th October between 1 and 4.30 pm. Bring your own apples and a suitable container and take home your own fresh apple juice! Open to everyone in the community. We look forward to meeting you all!

PE kit is black joggers/leggings/shorts, red school PE t-shirt and

red school jumper. We ask that the children do not wear jumpers

of other colours for PE.

PE Timetable



There is a lot of information in this week's news letter - please keep scrolling!

Newsletter 2 V2.pdf
Newsletter 1.pdf


Nurturing Program E.pdf

Nurturing Programme

Letter to parents re SiR.docx.pdf

Mental Health Support