School Uniform

October 2022

Thank you to all parents who completed our cost of living survey

In response to parents' concerns about  affordability, access and availability of uniform items the governing body have decided to make the following changes.

We will be selling school logo badges that can be sewn onto plain red jumpers - the logos will cost £1 each. Parents will be able to buy red jumpers and then sew on the logo - we will be holding sewing support sessions each term (if you are nifty with a needle please come along and help!)
If parents still wish to buy ready logo-ed jumpers these will still be available from our usual suppliers.

We will also be transitioning from yellow to white polo shirts - these will be non logoed. White polo shirts are cheaper and more easily available. Pupils may, of course continue to wear their yellow shirts as we transition.

PE T Shirts will be plain red with no logo (again pupils may continue to wear the logoed shirts they already own) and you can still purchase logo-ed red T Shirts from our suppliers
Therefore, our new school uniform policy will be

Plain red logoed jumper (badges available as cheaper option)

Year 6 will still have the option to buy a bespoke hoodie with the year group names on it 

White polo shirt

Grey trousers, pinafore  or skirt. During hot weather all pupils may wear tailored, grey shorts on non PE days. No PE shorts to be worn unless your child has a PE lesson that day.

PE Kit - plain red T Shirt or red logo-ed T Shirt and dark coloured shorts or jogging bottoms

Black shoes or plain black trainers

We anticipate the transition period from yellow to white polo shirts will take 2 years - however we are prepared to extend this if needed. Please do not go out and buy new items or stop using the uniform your child already owns - our intention is to reduce financial burdens for families not increase them.

We hope these changes will be helpful to you and ask that you continue to support us in maintaining our uniform which is part of the school identity and helps provide a sense of identity, community and cohesion within the school.
Our second hand uniform shop will continue to run - thank you to Mrs Hope for all her hard work in maintaining this

As soon as the badges are available we will post information on the school website

We also have a fantastic second hand uniform shop where you can buy uniform at very reasonable prices

Donations of outgrown uniform can be handed into school

Uniform can be purchased from Tees R Us who are based in Prendergast, Haverfordwest.

They will be stocking all items in all sizes and you will be able to purchase them in store.

Their phone number is 01437454529 – they are happy for you to ring to check that sizes are in stock.

Opening hours are 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday and 9.30am – 1pm Saturday

Uniform can also be ordered from School Trends