
This page is updated throughout the week as required.
The page is updated every Friday.

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • November 28th Tickets for Christmas Concerts on sale - details below.

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert - new information below

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (10am C5, 2pm C3/4, 6pm C1/2)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (10am C1/2, 2pm C5, 6pm C3/4)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (10am C3/4, 2pm C1/2, 6pm C5)

  • December 21st Christmas Fayre 3.30 - 5.00pm

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00am

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 11th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Class 4 First Music Experience Concert
Class 4 have been working with Mr Wilkinson of Pembrokeshire Music Service and will be taking part in a concert at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. Parents are very welcome to attend and should arrive for a 1.00pm prompt start.

Christmas Play Tickets
Tickets will be on sale next week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 3pm in the hall. Tickets will cost £2 each
There will be three opportunities for you to watch your child in their play. Space is limited in our hall so initially we are able to offer each family 2 tickets to each performance.

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (10am C5, 2pm C3/4, 6pm C1/2)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (10am C1/2, 2pm C5, 6pm C3/4)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (10am C3/4, 2pm C1/2, 6pm C5)

Raffle Tickets

Christmas Chocolate Raffle – Raffle tickets have been sent home today. All money raised will be used towards developing our Outdoor Learning opportunities for the children. We are currently fundraising for a gazebo style outdoor classroom. The raffle will be drawn during the last week of term. Please speak to Mrs Dowling if you would like extra raffle tickets.

Classes 2 and 3

Homework for Classes 2 and 3 is uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday.

Thank you

It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents, governors and members of our parish joining us for our logo launch on Thursday afternoon - many thanks to Mrs Squelch for leading this initiative and organising the afternoon and to the wonderful parent helpers who organised refreshments. We really do appreciate all your suppport and look forward to welcoming you to future events during the school year.

Fruit Trolley

Following a successful application for funding made to the Ascona Foundation we are happy to announce that, until further notice, there will be no charge for fruit.

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • November 23rd Outdoor Classroom day.

  • November 24th Coffee afternoon - Logo Launch 3.30pm - all welcome

  • November 26th - School Stall at Light Night - please see details below

  • November 28th Tickets for Christmas Concerts on sale

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (10am C5, 2pm C3/4, 6pm C1/2)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (10am C1/2, 2pm C5, 6pm C3/4)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (10am C3/4, 2pm C1/2, 6pm C5)

  • December 21st Christmas Fayre 3.30 - 5.00pm

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00am

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 11th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Outdoor Classroom Day - November 23rd
Our school will participate in Outdoor Classroom day. This will be a non-uniform day. Please send pupils in old clothes that are suitable for the weather. We hope for nice weather but please be aware that all learning experiences will be outside.

Children In Need

Thank you for your generous donations - we raised £228 today.


The JRSO's have created competitions for pupils to school to enhance Road Safety Week. All details to be found on Google Classroom. Please could all entries be completed by Monday 28th November 2022.

Are you nifty with a needle?

Appeal – if there are any parents/family members who are competent at hand sewing and are free on Thursday 24th November at 3:30pm, please pass your name onto Mrs Squelch via Mrs Dowling.

First Holy Communion
Preparations for First Holy Communion will begin in the new year. If your child is in Year 3 or above and you would like them to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, please complete the form below.

If your child has not yet been baptised, but you wish for this to take place please contact the school or Fr Richard to discuss this.

Link to form

Christmas Fayre
There are still tables available for the Christmas Fayre- Wednesday 21st December 3:30pm – 5:30pm. £10 per table. Please get in touch if you like to secure one. Payment will be on the night. Thanks, Mrs Squelch.

Light Night
Light Night is on Saturday 26th November. The Friends of the School have a fundraising stall. They would appreciate it if anyone has any children’s books they could donate for the stall. Please give them to Mrs Dowling or Mrs Beavis. There will also be a lucky dip, cakes and cookies to buy on the night.

Christmas Film
We are planning to take the children to see the new Disney film, Strange World in December. Any money raised at our Fayre and concerts will be used to pay for this. We thought some of you might be planning to take your children to see it and would appreciate knowing this in advance.

Christmas Gifts
As Christmas approaches we are always overwhelmed by your kindness in sending in gifts for staff - this year however, we are asking that gifts are not sent in. If you wish to send something in staff would be delighted if families could send in a small donation to the food bank instead.

Year 6 Hoodies

Leavers hoodies for those who still require them are available by contacting Tees R Us on 01834 845216

Class 5 are collecting brown, white and red wool - please could any donations be sent into school

Logo Launch Thursday 24th November 3:30pm

Come and join us for the launch of our new, cost-effective and sustainable sew on patches. Some of our Governors have kindly offered to run sewing tuition, Class 5 choir will be there entertain and The Friends of Holy Name School are generously organising refreshments.

For every parent present you will get a free sew-on patch! Usual cost will be £1

Needles, yarn and patches will be provided. If you have a non-logoed red jumper, please bring it along and you can sew it on directly. We look forward to seeing you there!

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

  • November 14th - Odd Socks Day - to mark the start of national anti-bullying week why not wear odd socks to school to celebrate what makes us all unique

  • November 14th Year 6 b. healthy Transition Day

  • November 18th Children In Need (details below)

  • November 23rd Outdoor Classroom day.

  • November 24th Coffee afternoon - Logo Launch 3.30pm

  • December 1st Advent Mass 10.00am

  • December 5th C4 First Experiences Music Concert

  • December 13th Christmas Plays (details below)

  • December 14th Christmas Plays (details below)

  • December 15th Christmas Plays (details below)

  • December 21st Christmas Fete 3.30 - 5.00

  • December 22nd Christmas Mass 10.00

  • December 23rd Last Day of Term

  • January 9th Pupils return to school

  • January 11th Year 6 b. inquisitive Transition Day

  • February 17th INSET Day

  • February 20th - 24th Half Term

  • March 8th Year 6 b. ethical Transition Day

  • March 31st Last day of term

  • April 17th INSET Day

  • April 18th Pupils return to school

  • May 29th - June 2nd Half Term

  • June 27th Year 6 b. expressive Transition Day

  • July 4th Year 6 b. ready Transition Day

  • July 24th INSET Day


Road Safety Week

Next week our school will participate in Road Safety week. All classes will participate. The theme for 2022 is safe roads for all.

Ceramics club has finished for this term
Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni and Clwb Cymraeg will run until Nov 17th
Code Club will run until the end of term -
congratulations to Code Club who are finalists in the DVLA Code Challenge - they will be representing the school in Swansea next month.

Lunchtime clubs will continue to run until the end of term

Children In need
We will be taking part in Children In Need Day on Friday 18th November Children can wear their own clothes to school on that day for a donation. All money raised will be sent to Children In Need. Classes having PE that day will need trainers

Christmas Plays

We are delighted to be able to invite you to join us for Christmas plays this year.

Please see the timetable below - there will be three opportunities for you to watch your child in their play. Space is limited in our hall so initially we are able to offer each family 2 tickets to each performance.
Tickets will cost £2 each and be available on November 28th. Details of how to buy tickets will be shared before then. If there are any additional tickets available we will share details on December 5th


  • Request for authorised absence/notification of absence during term time - please contact Mrs Dowling for the link to the form before any term time absence. This allows the school to fulfil it's child protection requirements & complete the school registers correctly (which are a legal requirement).

  • Request for school to administer medication - must be medication prescribed by a Doctor. Please ask Mrs Dowling for a link to the form that must be completed.

  • We are a nut free school - please do not send any foods containing nuts into school

  • Please could all children with long hair ensure it is tied back during the school day

  • If you would like a table at our Christmas Fete please contact Mrs Squelch

Home School Communication

  • Absences can be reported to Mrs Dowling by telephone (01348872506) from 8.30am. Please note that the telephone is not manned between 8.45am and 9.05am as we are welcoming pupils into school but you can leave a message. You can also email - please put ‘absence’ as the subject so we can filter our emails correctly.

Messages for class teachers can be given to Mrs Dowling at the start of the school day or via email and telephone - she will be able to ensure they are passed onto a member of staff who is on site so they can be dealt with promptly - class teachers also dismiss the pupils at the end of the day so you will have the opportunity to speak to them then if needed.

Information for parents of Year 6 - Transition Day

Transition letter to Primary Schools (8.11.22)[3].pdf

Prayer of the month
