
This page is updated throughout the week as required.
The page is updated every Friday.

Updated Information February 17th - please note Class 1 is now closed to pupils on March 2nd

March 2nd Strike Action

Classes  2 and 4 will remain open, and children should attend school as normal. 

Classes 1, 3 and 5 will be closed on this date.

February 16th Newsletter


Half Term
We  return to school on Monday 27th February.

Thank you for your generous support last week - we raised £69.50 from our sale of daffodils. This money has been sent to the Disaster Emergency Committee.  Thank you to Puffin Priduce for donating the daffodils

Year 6 Transition
Please see letter below

Head Lice
There have been a number of cases of head lice in school recently - please could we ask that you check your child's hair regularly.

Urdd Pembrokeshire

Urdd Pembrokeshire are looking at setting up new clubs across Pembrokeshire and would like the opinions of the children on what they would like to attend and where.
Please click here to fill in their form

Strike Action
Please note any changes to this information will be shared on the website - please check this page regularly. 

The National Education Union (NEU) has declared strike action, which will take place on Thursday March 2nd  2023. I am writing to give you as much notice as possible of the likely impact of the action on Holy Name School.

While the planned action is as a result of a national dispute between the unions and the government, it is important that we respond accordingly in the interests of our learners whilst respecting the rights of our staff. In anticipation of this action, there will be a partial school closure on Thursday March 2nd  2023

Classes  2 and 4 will remain open, and children should attend school as normal. 

Classes 1, 3 and 5 will be closed on this date.

We appreciate that industrial action may be disruptive, and you may need to change your plans or working arrangements whilst this action is ongoing. We will of course continue to monitor the arrangements in place and will inform you as soon as possible if there are any changes. 

The NEU has indicated that they will continue strike action for a further two days after this first strike on the 15th and 16th March. Please make a note of these dates now and I will write to you in advance of each date to confirm any changes to arrangements and whether the strike is going ahead. 

Transition 9th March 2023 letter.pdf
St Davids Day Menu.pdf
Feb Half Term Junior Activity TT ENG.pdf
V1 Pool TT February Half Term ENG 2023.pdf

February 2023 Newsletters

February 10th Newsletter


Team Around the Family

Team Around the Family (TAF) are running a 2 x sessions for Primary Years Parenting Workshop in Fishguard Library on Tuesday 7th & 14th February from 9.30am to 12 noon.

NSPCC number Day

We raised £111 for the NSPCC today - thank you for your support

Strike Action Postponed

School will be open as normal on Tuesday as the NEU have postponed planned strike actions

Year 6 Llangrannog Trip 

Deposit - please pay the £45 deposit by 17th February 2023 to secure your child's place. Please pay via BACS - HSBC, Holy Name School Fundraising, 40-21-11, 01097660. Two more payments of £45 will need to be made before 21st April 2023, plus the cost of the bus.


There will be no Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni or Clwb Cymraeg for pupils on Monday 13th Feb. After half term both will run on Thursday 3:15-4:00, starting on 2nd March.


Apologies, there will be no Gardening Club next week.


Click here to see our Seren Yr Wythnos for this week

February 3rd

Dairy Dates


Rescheduled - We will take part in Number Day on Friday 10th February. Everyone can wear own clothes for a small donation, the just giving link is still live. Just Giving 

We are pleased to be able to tell you that school will reopen as normal on Monday as we have been able to have our boiler fixed. 

Thank you to all parents who came to share their views about our school with ESTYN on Monday or completed the questionnaire - our ESTYN report will be published in April. 

NEU Strike

Please be aware that future action is planned for 14th February, 15th March and 16th March and I anticipate that some classes will be closed on these days - we will send out information regarding this closer to the time.


As we have limited space in school pupils in Classes 1/2/3 are asked not to bring bags and rucksacks to school unless previously agreed - this is because we have no space to store them and they end up being a health and safety hazard in the cloakrooms. Lunch boxes are stored on a trolley and water bottles in the classroom. Pupils in Classes 4 and 5 may bring one bag/rucksack if required.


Please can we ask parents/carers not to stand and wave at the outside door by Classes 1 and 2 during drop off and pick up times as it is unsettling many of the children. 

Pupils with long hair should have it tied back for health and safety reasons - earrings should be small stud earrings only. No other jewellery should be worn.

Pupils need to bring a water bottle everyday - this should contain water, not squash. 

Valentines Lennie.pdf
Sir Benfro (2).pdf
