
This page is updated throughout the week as required.
The page is updated every Friday.

January 2023 Newsletters

Dairy Dates


We are pleased to be able to tell you that school will reopen as normal on Monday as we have been able to have our boiler fixed. 

Thank you to all parents who came to share their views about our school with ESTYN on Monday or completed the questionnaire - our ESTYN report will be published in April. 

NEU Strike

Please be aware that future action is planned for 14th February, 15th March and 16th March and I anticipate that some classes will be closed on these days - we will send out information regarding this closer to the time.

Sir Benfro (2).pdf

Dairy Dates

Reminder: You are invited to meet with the inspectors at 3.45pm on Monday January 30th. If you are unable to arrange childcare staff will be available to look after pupils during this meeting

Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni with Mrs Beavis and Clwb Cymraeg with Miss Richards will be after school on Wednesday 1st Feb, 3:15pm - 4pm.


Gardening Club for all years will start on Wednesday 3:15pm-4pm. Children will need a change of clothes please. If anyone has any spare summer bulbs to donate, we would greatly appreciate them and put them to good use. Diolch yn fawr iawn! Mrs Squelch 


NSPCC Number Day
We will be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day on Friday 3rd Feb, Everyone can dress in their own clothes for a donation.  You could wear clothes with a number on, make a badge or hat with numbers –please don't buy anything special. Classes that have PE that day will need to wear appropriate shoes. The link to our Just Giving page is here


NEU Strike Action
School will remain open as normal on February 1st.

Please be aware that future action is planned for 14th February, 15th March and 16th March and I anticipate that some classes will be closed on these days - we will send out information regarding this closer to the time. 

Whilst I know that this situation is challenging for all, I can honestly say that a decision to undertake this type of action is extremely difficult for any teacher.

The teaching staff and I want to see an end to this period of dispute and a return to normal school life as soon as possible.  

Many thanks for your kindness and understanding.


Pupils are asked not to bring bags and rucksacks to school unless previously agreed - this is because we have limited space to store them. Lunch boxes are stored on a trolley.

Please can we ask parents/carers not to stand and wave at the outside door by Classes 1 and 2 during drop off and pick up times as it is unsettling many of the children.

Pupils with long hair should have it tied back for health and safety reasons - earrings should be small stud earrings only. No other jewellery should be worn.

Pupils need to bring a water bottle everyday

Classes 1/2/3 please ensure reading folders are returned to school on a Monday and Friday

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

ESTYN are inspecting us WB 30-01-23
All parents and carers have received a text inviting them to share their views in confidence. Please click on the link in the text to respond. Responses need to be sent by 11pm on 22 January 2023.  
You are invited to meet with the inspectors at 3.45pm on Monday January 30th 

Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni a Clwb Cymraeg
Clwb Cymraeg Rhieni with Mrs Beavis will re-start on Monday 23rd January – 3:20-4:00pm, all parents/carers are welcome.
Come along and enjoy developing Welsh language skills with lots of fun and games, no pressure. While you learn Welsh your children can join in with Clwb Cymraeg for pupils run by Miss Richards at the same time.

Save the date
We are very excited to announce that The Welsh Whisperer will be working with our pupils on March 16th. Parents will be invited to join us listen to the song the pupils will compose and enjoy some bilingual entertainment - details to follow

Teams Around Families
The Team Around the Family (TAF) are running a 2 x sessions for Primary Years Parenting Workshop in Fishguard Library on Tuesday 7th & 14th February from 9.30am to 12 noon.

January 17th
ESTYN are inspecting us WB 30-01-23
All parents and carers have received a text inviting them to share their views in confidence. Please click on the link in the text to respond.
You are invited to meet with the inspectors at 3.45pm on Monday January 30th 

Parents leaflet en.pdf

Diary Dates (new items are in red)

Welcome back to all pupils back to school after the Christmas break.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new pupils in Class 1 - Arrietty, Elliott, Finley, Iwan, Kelsey, Lorenzo and Lyla. It has been lovely to watch them making friends and settling into school this week. 

First Communion

Please complete the following short form by Monday 16th January for any pupils in Year 3 who would like to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion this summer. First Holy Communion Form

Pupils in Class 1, 2 and 3

Please could you return pencil cases and wet weather clothes and shoes to school.

Please can we ask parents/carers not to stand and wave at the outside door by Classes 1 and 2 during drop off and pick up times as it is unsettling many of the children.

Class 5

As per the consent letter sent out, Class 5 will commence regular outdoor learning sessions on a Friday. Please ensure children have suitable clothing/footwear for messy activities and adverse weather conditions. Children are more than welcome to bring in a change of clothing and change out of their PE kit.


Please wear PE kit to school 

Tuesday Classes 1, 2, 4 and 5. 
Thursday Classes 1 and 3
Friday Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5

Class 4 will start swimming sessions on Tuesday. Pupils will need to have a swim hat as part of their kit. 
