Digital Learning and E Safety

The Welsh Government defines digital competence as:

[a] set of skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. It is the skill set that enables a person to be a confident digital citizen, to interact and collaborate digitally, to produce work digitally and to be confident in handling data and computational thinking (problem solving).

Digital competence is one of 3 cross-curricular responsibilities, alongside literacy and numeracy. It focuses on developing digital skills which can be applied to a wide range of subjects and scenarios.

At Holy Name School we aim to equip all pupils with the skills needed to live, learn and work in the 21st Century.

Our pupils are encouraged to make full use of opportunities to use technology in meaningful contexts.

The Framework, which has been developed by practitioners from Pioneer Schools, supported by external experts, has 4 strands of equal importance, each with a number of elements.

  • Citizenship – which includes:

    • Identity, image and reputation

    • Health and well-being

    • Digital rights, licensing and ownership

    • Online behaviour and cyberbullying.

  • Interacting and collaborating – which includes:

    • Communication

    • Collaboration

    • Storing and sharing.

  • Producing – which includes:

    • Planning, sourcing and searching

    • Creating

    • Evaluating and improving.

  • Data and computational thinking – which includes:

    • Problem solving and modelling

    • Data and information literacy.

In Wales, all children have access to the Hwb platform which is accessible to our children in school as well as at home. To read more about what Hwb offers, or to find help and support in using Hwb as a governor please click here.

DCF Skills overview

DCF – Reception

DCF – Year 1

DCF – Year 2

DCF – Year 3

DCF – Year 4

DCF – Year 5

DCF – Year 6

It is often challenging to keep up with your children’s use of technology; what they are doing online, who they are chatting to, what games they are playing and what they are downloading and viewing.

Below are some useful links

Reviews of games and websites

Net Aware – guides to social networks

Safer Internet

E-Safety Resources for parents

Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine