
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 2.7.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch i edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Dewiswch un o dirnodau enwog Ewrop a chrëwch boster sydd llawn gwybodaeth amdano. Mae gwefannau isod i'ch helpu.

Choose one of Europe's famous landmarks and create an informative poster. There are websites below to help you.

Celf / Art:

Gwyliwch y fideo am arddull gelf Andy Goldsworthy. Beth am greu darlun gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau naturiol? Mae lluniau isod i'ch hysbrydoli.

Watch the video about Andy Goldsworthy's art style. How about creating artwork by using natural resources? There are pictures below to inspire you.

Gwaith cartref / Homework:

Darllen / Reading:

Dechreuodd Wimbledon yr wythnos hon. Darllenwch yr erthygl ac atebwch y cwestiynau isod.

Wimbledon started this week. Read the article and answer the questions below.

1) Who is the favourite to win the men's tournament?

2) When did the first tournament take place?

3) How many places are available in the draw?

4) How many sets do men and women need to win in order to win the match?

5) What is 'Cyclops'?

6) Do women win the same amount of prize money as men?

Sillafu / Spelling:

Mewn Munud

Just a Minute






Mathemateg / Maths:


  1. Mae un tocyn yn costio £5. Beth yw pris wyth tocyn? / One ticket costs £5. What will be the price of eight tickets?

  2. Mae dau docyn yn costio £20. Beth yw pris un? / The price of two tickets is £20. What is the price of one ticket?

  3. Pris un tocyn yw £11. Beth yw pris pedwar tocyn? / The price of one ticket is £11. What will be the price of four tickets?

  4. Mae deg tocyn yn costio £50. Beth yw pris un tocyn? / Ten tickets cost £50. What is the price of one ticket?

  5. Pris tocyn oedolyn yw £40. Mae pris tocyn plentyn 1/2 y pris. Beth yw pris tocyn plentyn? / An adult ticket costs £40. A children's ticket costs 1/2 the price. How much is a children's ticket?


  1. Mae un tocyn yn costio £33. Beth yw pris wyth tocyn? / One ticket costs £33. What will be the price of eight tickets?

  2. Mae dau docyn yn costio £90. Beth yw pris un? / The price of two tickets is £90. What is the price of one ticket?

  3. Pris un tocyn yw £64. Beth yw pris pedwar tocyn? / The price of one ticket is £64. What will be the price of four tickets?

  4. Mae chwech tocyn yn costio £72. Beth yw pris un tocyn? / Six tickets cost £72. What is the price of one ticket?

  5. Pris tocyn oedolyn yw £150. Mae pris tocyn plentyn 1/2 y pris. Beth yw pris tocyn plentyn? / An adult ticket costs £150. A children's ticket costs 1/2 the price. How much is a children's ticket?


  1. Mae un tocyn yn costio £13.50. Beth yw pris deg tocyn? / One ticket costs £13.50. What will be the price of ten tickets?

  2. Mae deg tocyn yn costio £165. Beth yw pris un? / The price of two tickets is £165. What is the price of one ticket?

  3. Pris un tocyn yw £13. Beth yw pris un deg pedwar tocyn? / The price of one ticket is £13. What will be the price of fourteen tickets?

  4. Mae deg tocyn yn costio £555. Beth yw pris un tocyn? / Ten tickets cost £555. What is the price of one ticket?

  5. Pris tocyn oedolyn yw £125. Mae pris tocyn plentyn 1/2 y pris. Beth yw pris tocyn plentyn? / An adult ticket costs £125. A children's ticket costs 1/2 the price. How much is a children's ticket?