Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work

Cofiwch y gallwch chi e-bostio eich gwaith ata' i -

Cysylltwch os oes unrhyw gwestiwn gyda chi am y gwaith.

Remember you can e-mail your work to me -

Please contact me if you have any questions about the work.

Diolch, Miss Passmore

Gemau / Games:


Ewch ati i chwarae gemau Mathemateg a sillafu ar J2Blast ar Hwb, trwy ddilyn y camau isod:

Have a go at different Maths and spelling games on J2Blast on Hwb, by following the steps below:

Gwaith Iaith / Language work:

Sillafu / Spelling:

Ewch ati i ymarfer y geiriau isod, yn eich llaw ysgrifen orau.

(Dyma rai o'r geiriau sydd wedi eu sillafu'n anghywir yn aml ers mis Medi.)

Practise the following words, in your best hand writing.

(Here are the words which have been spelt incorrectly often since September.)


symud / munud / y ddaear / penderfynu / Gorffennaf / Hydref / gwneud / ffrind / cynefin / gaeaf / pobl


minute / Wednesday / February / difficult / decision / receive / surprise / forest / hedgehog / habitat / friend

Cofiwch y pethau isod i'ch helpu / Remember these to help with your spelling:

Y treiglad meddal / The soft mutation:

Cofiwch mai'r llythrennau sy'n treiglo yw:

Reminder: The letters that mutate are:

p - b b - f ll - l

t - d d - dd m - f

c - g g - / rh - r

Tasg / Task:

Ymchwiliwch mewn i enwau llefydd yng Nghymru. Ydych chi'n gallu ffeindio enwau llefydd sy'n dechrau gyda phob un o'r naw llythren? E.e. p - Pontypridd / t - Tywyn / c - Caerdydd. Beth yw'r treigladau cywir ar ôl 'i'? E.e. Caerdydd - i Gaerdydd.

Research into the names of places in Wales. Can you find a name of a place that starts with each one of the nine letters? E.g. p - Pontypidd / t - Tywyn / c - Caerdydd. What's the correct mutation after 'i' (to)? E.g. Caerdydd - i Gaerdydd.

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch y darn isod o'r llyfr, 'Fi a Joe Allen'. Atebwch y cwestiynau i gyd-fynd gyda'r llyfr:

Read the piece below from the book, 'Fi a Joe Allen'. Answer the questions that follow:

Fi a Joe Allen
Cwestiynau Fi a Joe Allen.pdf


Tasg Saesneg / English task - Homophones:

Watch the video below on 'their, they're and there'.

Complete the following questions and write two sentences for each word e.g.

There - I can see a rainbow over there.

They're - They're all in the park playing.

Their - When are they going on their holiday?

Tasg Saesneg / English task - Homophones:

Watch the video below on 'to, too and two'.

Complete the following questions and write two sentences for each word e.g.

To - I'm going on holiday to Aberystwyth on the weekend.

Too - There are far too many people here.

Can I be in the group too?

Two - There are two balls on the yard.

There Their They're.pdf
To, too and two.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen 1.pdf
Mathemateg pen 2.pdf

Gweithgareddau amrywiol / Different activities:

Faint o'r symiau hyn gallwch chi eu gwneud? Dewiswch A neu B.

Her: Gallwch chi wneud y symiau hyn yn eich pen?

34 x 5 / 18 x 6 / 43 x 3 / 81 x 2 / 198 x 2 / 45 x 7 / 60 x 4 / 35 x 10 / 7 x 40

How many of these sums can you complete? Choose A or B.

Challenge: Can you work out the following sums in your head?

34 x 5 / 18 x 6 / 43 x 3 / 81 x 2 / 198 x 2 / 45 x 7 / 60 x 4 / 35 x 10 / 7 x 40

Lluosi gyda 10, 100 a 1000
Adio, tynnu a lluosi

Canrannau / Percentages:

Canrannau - prisoedd newydd.pdf

Arwynebedd / Area:

Arwynebedd 3.pdf

Gwaith thema / Theme work:

Gwledydd Ewrop: Faint o wledydd sy'n Ewrop? Gallwch chi eu hysgrifennu mewn tabl a darganfod prif ddinas bob un? Cofiwch: Fformatio'r tabl / rhoi border ar y dudalen / fformatio'r llun / defnyddio prif lythrennau ar gyfer enwau.

The countries of Europe: How many countries are there in Europe? Can you write their names in a table and find the capital city of each one? Table: Remember to format the table / put a border on the page / format the picture / use capital letters for names.

Gwledydd Ewrop.pdf

True or false: Foxes

True or False - Foxes.pdf

Syniadau celf / Art ideas:

Gwyliwch y fideos isod er mwyn gwneud hunan bortread a llun o lwynog:

Watch the videos below to draw a self portrait and a picture of a fox:

Gwyliwch fideos Huw Aaron isod er mwyn gwneud baner Cymru a phennau gwahanol:

Watch the Huw Aaron videos below to draw Wales' flag and different heads:

Trychineb y Titanic / The Titanic disaster:

Isod, ceir gwybodaeth am drychineb y Titanic. Darllenwch yr wybodaeth a gwyliwch y fideos gwahanol. Yn Gymraeg, ysgrifennwch 5 ffaith am y drychineb hon.

Below, you'll find information about the Titanic disaster. Read the information and watch the different videos. In Welsh, write 5 facts about this disaster.


Y stori - Mali ar mor stormus
Tachwedd 18


Tachwedd 19


Tachwedd 20


Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 23
Sgubo - y stori
Tachwedd 23


Ewch ati i ymarfer geiriau'r wythnos. Dewiswch 5 ohonynt er mwyn gweld faint ohonynt gallwch eu sillafu'n gywir mewn munud.

Practise this week's words of the week. Choose 5 of them and see how many you can spell correctly within a minute.

Tachwedd 24

Tasg ysgrifennu / Writing task:

We've been reading the story 'Wonder' and have been learning about Auggie's journey through school at Beecher Prep. How do you think Auggie felt on his first day at school? Write some adjectives for this day. Can you find synonyms for 'sad' and 'nervous'?

How do you think Auggie felt on his last day in fifth grade? Write some adjectives for this day also. Can you find synonyms for 'happy' and 'proud'?

Task: Write a diary entry for Auggie's first day at school and then for his last day at school.

Success criteria: informal language / short sentences / feelings / adjectives / past tense / first person / date


Iaith / Language:

Tachwedd 25 - M

Mathemateg pen / Mental Maths:

  1. 46 x 34

  2. 15 x 98

  3. Ffactorau 30 (Factors of 30)

  4. Ffactorau 32 (Factors of 32)

  5. Rhifau cysefin 1-30 / Prime numbers 1-30

6. 31542 x 7

7. 51762 x 9

8. 31505 - 20912

9. 4.5 - 2.13

10. 30% o £17

11. 6% o £18

12. 31% o £120

13. 3/7 o £49

14. 2/9 o £18

15. 4/5 o £5.20

Lles - Hunan ddelwedd / Well-being - Self image:

Hunan werth - cyflwyniad
Seren Orau'r Ser - tasg.pdf


Bore da!

Gwaith heddiw - Mathemateg (a Mathemateg pen) / Cymraeg / Daearyddiaeth

Tachwedd 26
Tachwedd 25.pdf

Mathemateg: Cofia 1kg = 1000g.

Gwylia'r fideo isod os wyt ti angen mwy o gymorth:


Wyt ti'n gallu darganfod y gwledydd sy'n Affrica?

Beth yw eu prif ddinas?

Wyt ti'n gallu darganfod 10 faith am Affrica?


Bore da!

Gwaith heddiw - Mathemateg, Cymraeg a Gwyddoniaeth

Tachwedd 27


Dewisa un math o gynefin e.e. coedwig law, afon, yr anialwch ayyb.

Pa anifeiliaid sy'n byw yn y cynefin yna? Sut ydyn nhw wedi eu haddasu ar gyfer y cynefin yna? E.e.

jiraff - gwddf uchel er mwyn bwyta dail o'r coed / hwyaden - pig fel ei fod yn gallu nofio'n gynt drwy'r dwr ac er mwyn bwyta pethau o arwyneb y dwr.

Cofia bod gwaith cartref ar y dudalen arall hefyd.


Bore da!

Gwaith Mathemateg, Saesneg a thema heddiw.

Geiriau'r wythnos:

Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 30

Stori'r wythnos / Story of the week - Small in the city

Small in the City - y stori

Gwaith y bore a gwaith iaith / The morning's work and language work:

Monday 30th

Mathemateg / Maths:

Gyda'r dilyniannau rhif, edrycha am y patrwm bob tro e.e. 10 / 20 / 30 - adio 10 bob tro felly'r ddau rif nesa' byddai 40 a 50.

50 / 100 / 150 / 200 - adio 50 bob tro felly'r ddau rif nesaf byddai 250 a 300.

Ffactorau a lluosrifau.pdf
Dilyniannau rhif.pdf

Thema - llosgfynyddoedd / Theme - volcanoes:

Darllena'r wybodaeth ar y wefan isod. Dewisia un llosgfynydd yn y byd e.e. Mount Etna / Mount Vesuvius ayyb a gwna gyflwyniad byd am y llosfynydd e.e. enw'r llosgfynydd, lleoliad yn y byd, dyddiad yr echdoriad (erruption) diwethaf ayyb. Galli di wneud y cyflwyniad ar pwer-bwynt os wyt ti eisiau.


Bore da!

Mathemateg pen i ddechrau wedyn gwaith ar rifau negatif:

Tuesday 1st Dec


Task 1: Read the poem and answer the questions that follow it:

Hedgehogs by Anthony Thwaite.pdf

Task 2: Words within words:

How many words can you make from these words?

(Give yourself a minute or two for each word.)






Thema: Celf

Yn y wers wythnos diwethaf, fe dynnodd y disgyblion llun o gastell Gwrych, y castell lle mae 'I'm a celebrity' yn cael ei ffilmio. Wyt ti'n gallu tynnu llun o'r castell ac ysgrifennu pump ffaith amdano o gwmpas y llun?


Bore da!

Llawysgrifen i ddechrau'r dydd - geiriau 'ture' a 'sure':

Wednesday 2nd Dec MSh

Mathemateg / Maths work:

Rhifau negatif:

Mathemateg pen:

  1. 31 x 89

  2. 51 346 x 6

  3. 4.1 - 2.34

  4. 35% o £18

  5. 55% o £16

  6. 5.01 x 10

  7. 0.03 x 1000

  8. 80 x 90

Rhifau negatif - llyfr craidd


Watch the video clip on apostrophes.

Can you write a sentence for each of the following?

weren't / you're / they're / we're / they've / we've / couldn't / wouldn't

Thema / Theme:

Yn ystod yr wythnos, rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am Antarctica. Edrycha ar y wefan isod. Wyt ti'n gallu darganfod ffeithiau am Antarctica a dechrau ysgrifennu blog ar Sway amdano e.e. ei leoliad / beth yw'r anifeiliaid sy'n byw yno? Beth yw'r tymheredd yno fel arfer? Faint o olau dydd sydd yno ayyb?

Bore da!

Dwi wedi rhoi gwaith sillafu a Saesneg y dydd lan i ti, rhag ofn bo' ti eisiau rhywbeth i'w wneud heddiw.

Thursday - MSh


Gwaith Mathemateg heddiw:

(Camgymeriad - cwestiwn 3 yw 346.7-8.36)

English: Suffixes:

This week, we've been looking at the suffix 'ous'.

A suffix is a letter or a group of letters that can be added to a word to change its meaning.

  • Adding the suffix -ous turns a noun into an adjective. It means 'full of'.

'Dangerous' means 'full of danger'.

  • When you add -ous to a word ending with 'e', drop the 'e'.

'Adventure' becomes 'adventurous'.

  • When you add -ous to a word ending in 'y', replace the 'y' with 'i'.

'Fury' becomes 'furious'.

  • When you add -ous to a word that ends with 'our', 'our' becomes 'or', then add -ous.

'Humour' becomes 'humorous'.

Look at the website below to learn a bit more:


Think of words with 'ous' in them do describe a lion e.g. courageous / adventurous / vicious. How many can you think of / discover in a dictionary?

(Try to find about 10-15)

With the words, form a 'word cline' from the least powerful to the most powerful e.g.

adventurous - mischievous - vicious - courageous etc.

Wythnos olaf / Last week:

Dydd Llun / Monday:

Dydd Llun

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday:

Dydd Mawrth

Gwaith Celf 'pixel' / Pixel art work:

Nadolig ar draws y byd / Christmas around the world:

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday:

Dydd Mercher