
Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Dewch i ddysgu am y trefnolion gyda Miss Williams.

Come and learn about ordinals with Miss Williams.

rhifolion - PowerPoint Slide Show - _Patrwm iaith - rhifolion.mp4

Thema / Themed work:

Dysgu am Gymru / Learning about Wales:

Beth mae Cymru'n golygu i chi? / What does Wales mean to you?

Mae Cymru yn wlad arbennig ac mae llawer o bethau sy'n unigryw am ein gwlad. Mae gyda ni'r iaith Gymraeg, ein diwylliant a'n hanes, cestyll a mynyddoedd, bwydydd traddodiadol ac wrth gwrs ein tîm rygbi. Beth mae Cymru'n golygu i chi? Llenwch y map o Gymru gyda'r holl bethau rydych chi'n caru am Gymru. Mae ychydig o luniau isod fel sbardun. Defnyddiwch y templed neu ewch ati i lunio poster eich hun ar bapur neu ar liniadur.

Wales is a very special country and there are lots of things that make Wales unique. We have the Welsh language, our culture and history, castles and mountains, traditional food and our Welsh rugby team. What do you love about Wales? Fill the map of Wales with all the things that you love about Wales. There are a few examples to help you. Use the template or create your own template in your books or on the computer.

beth mae cymru'n golygu i mi.pdf

Gwaith creadigol / Creative work:

Gwneud draig goch Cymru / Making a Welsh dragon:

Yfory bydd tîm rygbi Cymru yn chwarae ei gêm olaf ym mhencampwriaeth Y Chwe Gwlad. Eich tasg chi heddiw ydy creu draig goch eich hun. Gall hyn fod yn ddarn o waith 2-D neu'n 3-D. Mae ychydig o enghreifftiau isod.

Tomorrow the Welsh rugby team will be playing their last game in the Six Nations tournament. Your task today is to create your own Welsh dragon. This can be in 2-D or in 3-D. There are a few examples below to help you.

Addysg gorfforol / Physical education:

Cystadleuaeth Keepy uppie:

Gyda'r 6 gwlad yn dod i ben y penwythnos yma, beth am drio'r gystadleuaeth 'Keepy Uppies' gydag unrhyw bêl (neu hosan) rydych chi eisiau? Ceisiwch guro Gareth Davies a Rhys Patchel. Pob lwc.

Keepy Uppie Challenge

With the 6 nations coming to an end this weekend, why not try the 'Keepy Uppies' competition with any ball (or sock!) you want? Try beating Gareth Davies and Rhys Patchel. Good luck.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!