
Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Dewch i ddysgu am y trefnolion gyda Miss Williams.

Come and learn about ordinals with Miss Williams.

rhifolion - PowerPoint Slide Show - _Patrwm iaith - rhifolion.mp4

Gwaith thema / Themed work:

Yr Anthem Genedlaethol / The Welsh National Anthem:

Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau ydy enw anthem genedlaethol Cymru. Gwrandewch ar yr anthem isod.

Land of My Fathers is the name of the Welsh national anthem. Listen to the anthem below.

Eich tasg yw i ail ysgrifennu'r anthem genedlaethol mewn ffordd greadigol. Beth am dorri llythrennau allan o gylchgronau neu bapurau newydd a chreu collage? Efallai eich bod chi eisiau defnyddio gwahanol arddulliau o ysgrifennu. Mae ychydig o enghreifftiau isod i'ch helpu.

Your task is to re-write the national anthem in a creative way. How about cutting letters out from magazines or newspapers and creating a collage? You might want to experiment with different writing styles. There are a couple of example below to help you.

Gwaith creadigol / Creative work:

Creu torch Pasg / Creating an Easter Wreath

I ddathlu dechrau gwyliau'r Pasg ewch ati i greu torch Pasg. Edrychwch ar y syniadau isod fel sbardun.

To celebrate the beginning of the Easter holidayscreate an Easter wreath. Look at the ideas below for inspiration.

Addysg Gorfforol / PE:

Gweithgareddau Pasg

Gweithgareddau Addysg Gorfforol:

Dyma rai syniadau o bethau y gallwch chi eu gwneud dros wyliau'r Pasg gyda'r teulu. Pa rai gallwch chi eu gwneud? A gallwch chi eu gwneud i gyd?

Physical education activities:

Here are a few ideas of things you can do this Easter with the family. Which ones can you do? Can you do them all?

Gweithgareddau Menter Iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Bydd Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiwn 'Gwneud bisgedi Pasg' yr wythnos nesaf drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Gweler yr hysbyseb isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise will be holding an 'Easter biscuit workshop' next week through the medium of Welsh. See the advert below for more information.

Eisteddfod Pasg YGC / YGC's Easter Eisteddfod

Gweithgareddau dros y Pasg / Activities over Easter

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i weld yr holl gystadlaethau sydd ar gael i'ch plant gystadlu yn Eisteddfod Pasg YGC.

Click on the link below to see all the competitions available for your child to compete at YGC's Easter Eisteddfod.