
Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 1pm ar ddydd Llun. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 1 a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.) Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Our live catch up session will take place at 1pm on Monday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 1pm and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.) Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.


Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf
Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf

Gwasanaeth / Assembly:

Heddiw mae hi’n ddiwrnod Martin Luther King. Mae pobl yn cofio am ei fywyd a’i waith. Thema gwasanaeth yr wythnos yw ‘Dyfalbarhad’. Bu Martin Luther King yn dyfalbarhau drwy ei fywyd. Mwynhewch y gwasanaeth.

Today is Martin Luther King day. People remember his life and work. The theme of this week's assembly is 'Perseverance'. Martin Luther King persevered throughout his life. Enjoy the assembly.

Gwasanaeth Dyfalbarhad.mp4

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Geiriau'r wythnos / Words of the week:

Cofiwch ymarfer geiriau’r wythnos, bob dydd. Gwrandewch ar y fideo er mwyn sicrhau eich bod yn eu hynganu’n gywir.

Tasg 1: Beth yw ystyr y geiriau hyn? gwirionedd / doeth / anferth / amheus / gwybodus

Ysgrifennwch frawddeg yr un, yn cynnwys y geiriau canlynol: cyffrous / symud / munud

Tasg 2: Ewch ati i ymarfer rhedeg y berfenwau canlynol ar lafar bob dydd:

cerdded / rhedeg / yfed / gwylio / darllen / mynd

e.e. darllen – darllenais i / darllenaist ti / darllenodd e/hi / darllenon ni / darllenoch chi / darllenon nhw

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day. Listen to the video to ensure you’re pronouncing each word correctly.

Task 1: What is the meaning of the following words? gwirionedd / doeth / anferth / amheus / gwybodus

Write a sentence for each of the following words: cyffrous / symud / munud

Task 2: Practice running the following words, out loud, each day:

cerdded / rhedeg / yfed / gwylio / darllen / mynd

e.e. darllen – darllenais i / darllenaist ti / darllenodd e/hi / darllenon ni / darllenoch chi / darllenon nhw

Geiriau'r wythnos - Ionawr 18
Rhedeg y berfau.pdf

Dydd Llun / Monday - 18.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

In school, we’ve looked at the following books: The Lion Inside / The squirrels who squabbled / The koala who could. Re-read the three short books again. (Remember to read the English versions.) In the stories, we learn about the mouse, the lion, the squirrel and the koala. Draw a picture of each one or find a picture of each one online, if you’re completing the work on your laptop.

Task 1 - Adjectives: Think of five adjectives to describe each animal / character and write them around your pictures.

Task 2 - Similes: Think of a simile for each animal e.g. a simile for a fox would be: As cunning as a fox walking quietly around the streets in the middle of the night.

Task 3 - Alliteration: Can you write a funny sentence about each animal, containing alliteration? E.g. Ella the enormous elephant escaped from the enraged eagle.

Y Llew tu Fewn - stori
The Koala who could

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (18.1.21)

Rhifau negatif / Negative numbers:

Rhifau negatif / Negative numbers (18.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Diwrnod Martin Luther King / Martin Luther King Day:

Pob mis Ionawr, mae pobl yn cofio am fywyd a gwaith Martin Luther King ac yn dathlu'r holl bethau a wnaeth i wella'r byd. Gwyliwch y clip fideo i ddysgu mwy amdano.

Every January people around the world remember the life and work of Martin Luther King and celebrate all the things that he achieved to make the world a better place. Watch the video to learn more.

Tasg / Task:

Pa freuddwydion sydd gennych chi am y dyfodol? / What are your dreams for the future?

Gwnewch lun naill llai ohonoch chi neu o siâp calon yng nghanol y dudalen ac yna nodwch ar y tu allan eich gobeithion am y dyfodol. Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod am syniadau.

Draw a picture either of yourself, a shape of a heart or a peace symbol in the centre of the page. Around the picture note down your dreams for the future. Look at the examples below for ideas.

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday - 19.1.21:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

The books you read yesterday are all written in a similar way and they all include short verses and rhymes.

Below is the first verse from each book e.g.


In a wonderful place

At the breaking of dawn

Where the breezes were soft

And the sunshine was warm.

As you can see, each book starts by setting the scene. You can see from the verse above that lines 2 and 4 rhyme each time. Can you rewrite the opening verses of each book, in your own words? Maybe you could start by thinking of each habitat and then putting some words together e.g. squirrels, …. autumn / nuts / hibernate / trees / woods / red / leaves etc. Then, use these words and put them together to form a verse.

Verses x3.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (19.1.21)

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Rhifau negatif - Adio a thynnu: / Negative numbers - Adding and subtracting:

Rhifau negatif: Adio a thynnu / Negative numbers: Adding and subtracting (19.1.21)

Her / Extension:

Thema / Theme:

Diwrnod Crefyddau’r Byd / World Religion Day:

Pob mis Ionawr, bydd pobl byd eang yn dathlu ‘Diwrnod Crefyddau’r Byd’. Mae’n gyfle i godi ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth pobl o wahanol grefyddau ac i sicrhau heddwch a chariad rhwng gwahanol grefyddau. Edrychwch ar wefan y BBC fel man cychwyn.

Every January, people around the world celebrate ‘ World Religion Day’. The aim of World Religion Day is to promote understanding and peace between all religions, encouraging people to learn about other faiths and their followers. Look at the BBC website before beginning the activity.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Creu bas data Crefyddau’r Byd / Creating a database about world religions:

Mae yna nifer o wahanol grefyddau ar draws y byd. Heddiw rydych chi’n mynd i gasglu ffeithiau am ryw 3 i 4 o wahanol grefyddau ac yna trefnu’r wybodaeth mewn bas data ar HWB. Mae templed a chyflwyniad i'ch helpu. Bydd angen i chi wneud ychydig o waith ymchwil i ddechrau. Defnyddiwch wefan y BBC uchod i'ch helpu neu'r dudalen isod.

There are a number of different religious groups around the world. Today you are going to be collecting information about between 3 and 4 different religions, then organising the information in a database on HWB. There is a template and a presentation to help you. You will need to conduct your own research. The BBC website above or the webpage below will help you.



Dydd Mercher / Wednesday - 20.1.21:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

By the end of the week, you’re going to write a fact file about one of the animals in the stories.

Today, we’re going to learn about habitats. There are many different habitats in the world e.g. a forest, a rain forest, the sea, a jungle, a river etc. Watch the video to learn a little bit more about habitats. There is also a video about how animals have adapted to their habitats.

Choose your animal from the four we’ve been looking at this week – a lion, a mouse, a squirrel or a koala. They all live in different habitats.


Choose one of the animals and start looking into their habitat. What is the habitat? What are the different conditions of the habitat? Which other animals live there? Is the animal in danger of being extinct? Write a presentation about the habitat, which you can also use in your fact file on Friday.

You could do this in your book, on word, on Power Point or on Sway. It’s up to you.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (20.1.21)

Rhifau negatif: Rhifau ar goll. / Negative numbers: Missing numbers.

Rhifau negatif: Rhifau coll / Negative numbers: Missing numbers (20.1.21)

Her / Extension:

pdf (1).pdf

Thema / Theme:

Sgiliau pȇl-droed / Football skills:

Ym mis Mehefin eleni bydd tîm pêl-droed Cymru yn cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth yr Ewros. Bydd y chwaraewyr yn gwneud gwahanol ymarferion er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth. Heddiw rydych chi’n mynd i brofi eich sgiliau pêl-droed chi yn erbyn rhai o aelodau tîm Cymru, Joe Allen ac Aaron Ramsey.

In June this year, the Welsh football team will be competing in the Euros. The players will take part in a variety of different training sessions to prepare for the competition. Today you are going to test your football skills against some members of the Welsh squad, Joe Allen and Aaron Ramsey.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Faint gallwch chi ei wneud mewn munud? Llenwch y tabl gyda'ch canlyniadau. / How many can you complete in a minute? Fill the table with your results.

Sgiliau pel-droed

Tasg estynedig / Extension task:

Cynllunio sesiwn ymarfer sgiliau pêl-droed /

Planning a football skills session:

Penderfynwch ar wahanol ymarferion pêl-droed rydych ch’n credu y bydd angen i dîm Cymru ei wneud. Nodwch y rhain yn eich llyfrau a thynnwch lun i ddangos sut i wneud y sgil. Beth am brofi eich sgiliau pêl-droed chi yn erbyn aelodau eich teulu?

Think of different skills that the Welsh team might complete in a training session. Note these down in your book and draw a picture showing how to do these skills. How about testing your football skills with other members of your family?

Dydd Iau / Thursday - 21.1.21:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Today, you’re going to write a fact file about your chosen animal. Use the same animal as you used for the work on habitats. Look at the examples of different fact files below.

Your fact file can contain as much information as you want. You could write about the animal and how it’s adapted over the years. You could write quick, short facts about the animal or you could write a great deal of information about one or two things.

The first thing you notice about the fact files below is that they all contain pictures and they all contain headings and subheadings. Try to include these in your fact file also.

You can present the work in whichever form you choose e.g. in your books, on Power Point, Publisher or on Sway again. Remember to follow the success criteria:

Headings / Sub-headings / Pictures / Facts / Key information / Visually appealing /

You could also include charts, tables and graphs in your fact file.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (21.1.21)

Rhifau negatif: Dilyniannau rhif. / Negative numbers: Number sequences.

Rhifau negatif: Dilyniannau rhif / Negative numbers: Number sequences (21.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Datblygu sgiliau codio / Developing coding skills:

Codio yw pan rydych yn ysgrifennu cyfarwyddiadau er mwyn gwneud pethau i ddigwydd ar eich gliniadur. Gallwch wneud nifer o bethau wrth godio, fel gêm, lluniau neu ffilm.

When you learn to code you can make things happen on your laptop. You can make anything you want with coding. It could be a game, some pictures or a film.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Defnyddio Scratch ar Hwb / Using Scratch on Hwb:

Rhaglen codio ydy Scratch. Gallwch greu amryw o wahanol bethau gan ddefnyddio'r rhaglen. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad i ddysgu sut i ddefnyddio'r rhaglen. Nawr, ewch ati i geisio creu algorithmau syml eich hunain. / Scratch is a coding program. You can use it to make a variety of different things. Watch the presentation to learn how to use the program, then have a go at creating your own simple algorithms.


Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Creu gêm tag ar Scratch / Making your own chasing game on Scratch:

Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad 'Make a chase game' yn yr adran 'Tutorials' ar Scratch i ddysgu sut i greu gêm dal ac yna ewch ati i greu un eich hun.

Watch the ' Make a chase game' tutorial on Scratch to learn how to make a chasing game then have a go at making your own.


Dydd Gwener Lles / Well-being Friday:

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Y Lindysyn Llwyglyd Iawn / La oruga muy hambrienta:

Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i wrando ar Laura yn darllen y stori ' La oruga muy hambrienta.' Mae copi o'r stori yn Gymraeg hefyd i chi ddilyn.

Click on the link below to listen to Laura reading the story 'La oruga muy hambrienta.' There is a copy of the story in Welsh below for you to follow.

Tasg / Task:

Defnyddiwch y geiriau isod i lenwi'r tabl gyda'r prif eirfa sydd yn ymddangos yn y stori 'La oruga muy hambrienta.'

Use the words from the images below to complete the table with the key words that appear in the story 'La oruga muy hambrienta.'

La oruga muy hambrienta.pdf

Her / Extension:

Cwblhewch y brawddegau isod / Complete the following sentences:

  1. La __________________ muy hambrienta (Y teitl)

  2. Uno, _____________, tres, ______________, cinco (Rhifau)

  3. El Lunes, ________________, El Miercoles, ________________, El Viernes, El Sabado, _________________. (Dydd Mawrth…Dydd Iau…Dydd Sul)

  4. Comio una ______________ (afal)

  5. Comio _________ peras (dau)

  6. _____________ tres ciruelas (Bwyta)

  7. Comio cuatro ____________ (mefus)

  8. Comio _______________ naranjas (pump)

Lles / Well-being:

Dewch i wrando ar y stori, ‘Sgubo’, yn cael ei darllen. Fersiwn Gymraeg o'r stori:

Listen to the story, ‘Sweep’, being read.

The English version of the story:

Sgubo Cymraeg - CP.mp4
Sweep Saesneg - CP.mp4

Teimladau: Mae nifer o wahanol deimladau rydym ni’n eu teimlo bob dydd e.e. rydyn ni’n hapus, yn drist, yn ofnus, yn nerfus neu’n grac ayyb. Ydych chi wedi teimlo fel hyn weithiau?

Hapusrwydd i fi: Tynnwch lun neu ysgrifennwch am rywbeth sy’n cynrychioli ‘hapusrwydd’ i chi. Beth sy’n eich gwneud chi’n hapus? Sut ydych chi’n teimlo ar y tu fewn? Oes person, anifail neu le sy’n eich gwneud chi’n hapus? Os ydych chi’n teimlo’n drist, beth gallwch chi ei wneud i deimlo’n hapus?

Tasg ychwanegol: Cliciwch ar y linc i fynd â chi i’r olwyn lles. Gallwch droelli’r olwyn mor aml ag yr hoffech chi a chwblhewch y gweithgareddau.

Feelings: There are many feelings that we experience every day e.g. we feel happy, sad, scared, nervous or cross etc. Have you felt all of these feelings before?

Happiness to me: Draw a picture or write about what happiness means to you. What makes you feel happy? How do you feel on the inside? Is there a person, an animal or a place that makes you feel happy?

If you feel sad sometimes, what can you do to make you feel happy?

Extra task: Click the link below to take you to the wellbeing wheel. Spin the wheel as often as you like and complete the tasks.

Addysg Gorfforol a Meddwlgarwch:

Physical Education and Mindfulness:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn Addysg Gorfforol heddiw? Ceir nifer o syniadau am weithgareddau ar y wefan isod. Beth am gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn meddwlgarwch gyda Mr Dobson hefyd?

How about taking part in a P.E session today? There are many ideas for activities on the website below. How about taking part in a Mindfulness session with Mr Dobson too?


Celf / Art:

Roedd gweld y barcud yn hedfan yn yr awyr wedi codi calon Daf. Fe ddiflannodd ei hwyliau drwg gyda’r gwynt. Dyluniwch eich barcud delfrydol. Dylai’r llun arno fod yn rhywbeth a fyddai’n gwneud i chi wenu. Gall y barcud fod yn unrhyw siâp ond peidiwch anghofio cynffon hir.

Seeing the kite flying in the air cheered up Daf. His bad mood disappeared with the wind. Design your ideal kite. The picture on it should be something that would make you smile. The kite can be any shape but don't forget a long tail.

Tasg ychwanegol / Extra task:

Cofiwch am y digwyddiad hwn sy’n fyw, bob prynhawn dydd Gwener.

Remember about this event, which takes place live, every Friday.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!