Gwanwyn / Spring

22.2.2021 - 26.2.2021

Sesiynau dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up sessions:

Sesiynau byw CP.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.

Gwasanaeth / Assembly:

Dewch i wylio gwasanaeth Mr Dobson am Fasnach Deg

Come to watch Mr Dobson's assembly about Fair Trade.

Masnach_Deg (1).mp4

Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week:

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni’n mynd i edrych ar eiriau gydag au / ae / ai ynddyn nhw a geiriau gyda wy / oe ynddyn nhw. Edrychwch ar y pŵer bwynt a gwyliwch y fideo er mwyn sicrhau eich bod yn eu hynganu’n gywir. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn edrych ar eiriau’r wythnos bob dydd.

Tasg: Faint o eiriau gyda au / ae / ai ynddyn nhw gallwch chi eu rhestri? Ysgrifennwch nhw ar y padlet isod.

This week, we’re going to look at words with au / ae / ai in them and words with wy / or in them. Look at the power point and watch the video to make sure that you’re saying the words correctly. Make sure you go over the words of the week each day.

Task: How many words with au / ae / ai in them can you list? Write them on the padlet below.

Dydd Llun / Monday - 22.2.2021

Iaith / Language:

Read the book, ‘The day the crayons quit’. Read parts of the book with Miss Passmore if you’d like.

The day the crayons quit - stori
The day the crayons quit.mp4

Task 1: After reading the book, think of three words to describe each colour in the picture

e.g. Red crayon: tired, exhausted and busy.

Task 2:

Imagine you are the colours in the picture. Why are you the most hard working? Write a paragraph for each one. (Use the worksheet if you want or you could write the answers in your book or online.)

Example: I'm red crayon! As you know, I am DEFINITELY the one that works the hardest. I don't even get any holiday as I'm busy colouring the hearts on Valentine's Day and all the Santas at Christmas. Red is such a popular colour; I'm working ALL the time. I really do need a break!

Speech marks.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (22.2.21)

Lluosi byr / Short multiplication:

Lluosi byr / Short multiplication (22.2.21)
Cyflwyniad lluosi byr.mp4

Thema / Topic work:

Gwledydd y Byd / Countries of the World:

Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i brofi eich gwybodaeth am wledydd y byd. Ydych chi'n gallu enwi prifddinasoedd y byd? Ydych chi'n gwybod baneri rhai o wledydd y byd ac ym mha gyfandiroedd mae'r gwledydd? Defnyddiwch y map cyferbyn i'ch helpu.

Today you are going to test your knowledge about different countries of the world. Can you name different capital cities? Do you know which flag represents each country and in what continent countries are located? Use the interactive map to help you.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Gwneud bas data o wledydd y byd / Making a database of different countries in the world:

Ble hoffech chi fynd yn y byd? Rhestrwch rhai o'ch hoff wledydd. Nawr ewch ati i gasglu ffeithiau am y gwledydd a'u rhoi mewn i fas data ar Hwb gan ddefnyddio J2 Data. Fe gewch chi benderfynu ar eich meini prawf neu defnyddiwch y templed isod.

Where would you like to visit in the world? List your favourite countries. Now collect some facts about these countries and present them in a database on Hwb using J2 Data. You can decide on your own success criteria or follow the template below.

Profwch eich hun drwy chwarae'r gêm yma. / Test your knowledge by playing the following game.

Cystadleuaeth gelf Menter Iaith /

Menter Iaith's art competition:

Mae Menter Iaith yn cynnal cystadleuaeth gelf ar gyfer eu gŵyl, Torf-Hwyl. Ydych chi'n gallu dylunio tarian ar gyfer yr ŵyl? Danfonwch lun o'ch dyluniad ar e-bost yn ôl ata' i -

Menter Iaith is holding a new festival and the organisers want you to design a new shield for the festival. Send a photo of your design on an e-mail back to me -

Dyddiad cau yw'r 24.2.21

Closing date - 24.2.21

Chwaraeon Torfaen /

Torfaen Sports:

Gweithgareddau Chwefror / February's Activities:

Mae Swyddogion Datblygu Chwaraeon Torfaen wedi rhoi’r syniadau hyn at ei gilydd ar gyfer mis Chwefror. Faint ohonyn nhw gallwch chi eu gwneud?

Torfaen Sports Development Officers have put this log of activities together for February. How many of them can you complete?

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday - 23.2.2021

Iaith / Language:

Watch the presentation by Miss Passmore to learn more about today’s tasks.

Cyflwyniad dydd Mawrth .mp4

Task 1- Synonyms: Below are words to describe each crayon. Can you think of three synonyms for each one? E.g. big – gigantic / colossal / humongous.


Task 2: Re-read the letters from yellow and orange crayon. Which one do you think is right? Which one of them should be the colour of the sun? Write a dialogue between the two, debating the issue. Try to come to a conclusion or a compromise at the end. You could write this in your books or online. Try to aim for a page of dialogue between both crayons.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (23.2.21)

Lluosi hir / Long multiplication:

Lluosi hir / Long multiplication (23.2.21)
Cyflwyniad Maths dydd Mawrth.mp4

Thema / Topic work:

Cynnyrch Masnach Deg / Fairtrade Products:

Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl o ble mae'r nwyddau sydd yn eich bagiau siopa yn dod? Heddiw rydych chi'n mynd i ddysgu o ble mae gwahanol nwyddau yn dod a'u lleoli ar fap o'r byd.

Have you ever considered where the different items in your shopping bags come from? Today you are going to learn about the journey some of these food items take to reach our supermarkets and locate them on a map of the world.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Gwnewch restr o wahanol nwyddau sy'n cael eu mewnforio o wledydd eraill, hynny yw sydd ddim yn tyfu yn y wlad hon. Ewch ati i ymchwilio ble mae'r nwyddau yma yn dod yn wreiddiol. Dangoswch y lleoliad ar fap o'r byd.

Make a list of some food products that we import from different countries, that is products that don't grow in this country. Find out where some of these products grow and locate them on the map.

Lleoli nwyddau masnach deg ar fap.pdf

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday - 24.2.2021

Iaith / Language:

We need new crayons for the class! Are you the one for the job?

Watch the presentation to learn more about what you need to do today.

Cyflwyniad dydd Mercher.mp4

Task: Which crayon do you think would be best for the job? Imagine you are that crayon and complete the job application form for that crayon! Answer in full sentences and remember that the best candidate will be considered for the job! E-mail your job application form to

Good luck!

Job application form - year 6

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (24.2.21)

Rhannu byr / Short division:

Rhannu byr / Short division (24.2.21)
Cyflwyniad dydd Mercher.mp4

Thema / Topic work:

Y Ddaear, y tymhorau ac amser/ Earth, seasons and time:

Ydych chi erioed wedi sylwi sut mae'r tymhorau'n newid? Bydd planhigion newydd yn tyfu a bydd hyd y dydd yn newid. Bydd gweithgareddau heddiw yn eich helpu i ddysgu am y ddaear, y tymhorau ac amser. Symudiad y ddaear o gwmpas yr haul sy’n rhoi ein tymhorau i ni. Gwyliwch fideo 'Y Tymhorau'. Beth sydd yn digwydd i'r haul?

Have you ever noticed how the seasons change? Different plants begin to grow and day length will change. Today's activities will help you learn about earth, seasons and time. The movement of the earth around the sun gives us our seasons. Watch 'The Seasons' video. What seems to happens to the sun?

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Rydyn ni'n defnyddio ein symudiad o gwmpas yr haul i roi amser i ni. Ydych chi'n gallu gwneud amserydd sy'n para munud yn union? Bydd angen rhai deunyddiau ailgylchu arnoch chi fel potiau iogwrt, rhywbeth i wneud twll ac ychydig o halen, reis, siwgr neu rywbeth tebyg a fydd yn llifo. Allwch chi wneud eich mesurydd fel bod modd ei ailddefnyddio?

We use our movement around the sun to give us time. Can you make a timer that lasts exactly a minute? You’ll need some recycling materials such as yoghurt pots, something to make a hole and some salt, rice, sugar or similar that will flow. Can you make your timer so that it can be reused?

Os gallwch chi, tynnwch lun o'r machlud bob wythnos ac edrychwch ar y lluniau wrth ochr ei gilydd. Byddwch chi'n sylwi sut mae'r haul fel petai'n newid ei le. / If you can, take a photo each week of the sunset and look at the pictures side by side, you’ll notice together how the sun appears to be changing place.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.

Dydd Iau / Thursday - 25.2.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cyflwyniad dydd Iau.mp4

Task 1: What makes a good letter?

Read the green letter again. Can you find all the features noted in the success criteria?

Task 2: Write a letter from Duncan to one of the crayons. Choose your crayon and reply to that one. Are there any questions you can reply to? Should you apologise for using the colour too often? Should you apologise for not using the colour enough? What will you do differently from now on?

Try to write back in the same style as the crayons. Use your creativity and sense of humour!

Mathemateg / Maths:

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (25.2.21)

Rhannu hir / Long division:

Rhannu hir / Long division (25.2.21)
Cyflwyniad dydd Iau.mp4

Thema / Topic work:

Creu cysgodlun / Creating a silhouette:

Ddoe, edrychon ni ar y newidiadau sy'n digwydd o fewn y tymhorau. Heddiw, rydych chi'n mynd i greu cysgodlun i gyfleu'r newidiadau sy'n digwydd i fyd natur wrth i'r tymhorau newid. Dilynwch y cyflwyniad neu gwnewch luniau eich hun.

Yesterday, we looked at the changes that happen as we go from one season to the next. Today, you are going to create a silhouette to show the changes that happen in nature as the seasons change. Follow the presentation or create your own silhouettes.

Dydd Gwener / Friday - 26.2.2021

Iaith / Language:

Task: ‘The day the crayons came home’ is the next book.

Watch a video of the book being read:

Each crayon has written a post card from a different place / country in the world. Choose somewhere in the world that you would like to go e.g. New York, North Wales, Canada, Australia or Disney land etc.

Task 1: Research into the place / country of your choice. (Aim for at least five facts.)

Task 2: Write a postcard home to Duncan from that place, imagining you are one of the crayons. How have you been? Have you enjoyed? Do you miss your home? Try to include some facts from task 1 in your postcard too.

You could use the template or write it in your books / online.

Post card.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Prawf mathemateg / Maths test:

Adolygu gwaith amrywiol:

Adolygu Mathemateg
Cyflwyniad dydd Gwener.mp4

Thema / Themed work:

Mwynhau yn yr awyr agored / Go outdoors:

Mae'r tywydd yn cynhesu ac mae'r dyddiau yn ymestyn. Cyfle gwych i ni fynd allan a mwynhau'r awyr agored. Mae bod allan yn dda i'r meddwl ac i'r corff. Eich tasg heddiw ydy gwneud gweithgaredd hwylus yn yr awyr agored. Beth am greu drysfa neu adeiladu cwrs antur yn yr ardd? Casglwch frigau neu ddarnau o goed i greu cwrs rhwystrau. Edrychwch ar y syniadau isod i'ch ysbrydoli.

The weather is changing and the days are becoming longer. This is an ideal opportunity for us to enjoy being outdoors. Fresh air is good for our mental wellbeing and our bodies. Your task today is to enjoy a fun activity outside. How about building your own maze or obstacle course in the garden? How about doing a circuit training course in the woods? There are some ideas below to inspire you.

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Fy nheulu / Mi familia:

Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i wrando ar Laura yn cyflwyno aelodau'r teulu yn Sbaeneg.

Click on the link below to listen to Laura introducing members of the family in Spanish.

Mi familia Brawddegau

Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

Enjoy the weekend!