
Sesiwn dal lan yr wythnos / This week's catch up session:

Bydd sesiwn dal lan byw y dosbarth yn digwydd am 1pm ar ddydd Llun. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn digwydd ar Google Classroom. Dylech fynd mewn i’ch dosbarth ar Google Classroom am 1 a chlicio ar y ddolen. (Efallai na fydd y ddolen yn gweithio os ydych chi’n ei thrio cyn yr amser dechrau.) Cofiwch ddarllen y canllawiau a’r rheolau isod cyn eich sesiwn os gwelwch yn dda.

Our live catch up session will take place at 1pm on Monday. The session will take place on Google Classroom. You should go into your class on Google Classroom at 1pm and click on the link. (If you click on the link before this time, it might not work.) Remember to read the instructions and the rules below before your session please.


Rheolau Sesiynau Byw.pdf
Canllawiau rhieni - Google Classroom.pdf

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Geiriau'r wythnos / Words of the week:

Words of the week:

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day. Listen to the video to ensure you’re pronouncing each word correctly. Task: What is the meaning of the following words?

deceive / scent / scene

Write a sentence for each word, to show that you understand their meaning.

Geiriau'r wythnos - Ionawr 25

Dydd Llun / Monday - 25.1.2021:

Gwasanaeth / Assembly:

Dewch i wylio gwasanaeth Miss Williams am Santes Dwynwen.

Come to watch Miss Williams' assembly on Santes Dwynwen.

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Darllen: Dewch i ddarllen ‘Mae ein tŷ ni ar dân’, sy’n sôn am hanes Greta Thunberg. Darllewnch y llyfr gyda Miss Passmore hefyd, os hoffech chi.

Reading: Come and read ‘Mae ein tŷ ni ar dân’, which gives the story of Greta Thunberg. Read along with Miss Passmore, if you'd prefer.

Greta - darllen.mp4

Mae Greta yn teimlo'n angerddol (passionate) dros achub y blaned ac mae hi’n teimlo’n grac fod rhai pobl ddim yn gwrando.

Tasg 1 - Sillafu:

Gwenwch amlinelliad o’r byd a llenwch y siâp gydag unrhyw eirfa sy’n ymwneud gyda’r amgylchedd / achub y blaned. (Gallwch wneud hwn yn eich llyfrau neu ar Publisher - Insert shape.) Trïwch feddwl am eiriau efallai nad ydych wedi dod ar eu traws yn barod e.e.

amgylchedd / hinsawdd / ailgylchu / tanwydd ffosil / llygredd / llygru / tywydd / achub

Tasg 2 - Ysgrifennu:

Beth gallwn ni ei wneud i helpu achub y blaned? Meddyliwch am y ferf gorchmynnol, hynny yw berfau gyda ‘wch’ ynddyn nhw e.e. Rhowch / Gwnewch ayyb. Dyluniwch boster neu ysgrifennwch set o gyfarwyddiadau yn dweud wrth bobl sut y gallent edrych ar ôl y blaned. Mae’n rhaid i’ch brawddegau gynnwys berfau gyda ‘wch’ ynddynt e.e. Rhowch eich ‘sbwriel yn y bin. / Ailgylchwch eich plastig. / Ailddefnyddiwch boteli dwr, yn lle defnyddio rhai gwahanol bob dydd. / Cerddwch yn lle defnyddio car. ayyb.

Greta is very passionate about saving our planet and she feels very cross that some people aren’t listening.

Task 1 - Spelling:

Draw an outline of the world and fill the shape with any words associated with the environment / saving out planet. (You could do this in your books or on Publisher – insert shape.) Try to think of words that you haven’t come across before e.g.

amgylchedd (environment) / hinsawdd (climate) / ailgylchu (recycle) / tanwydd ffosil (fossil fuels) / llygredd (pollution) / llygru (to pollute) / tywydd (weather) / achub (save)

Task 2 - Writing:

What can we do to help save our planet? Think about verbs with ‘wch’ in them e.g. Rhowch (Put) / Gwnewch (Do) etc. Design a poster or write a set of instructions for people to tell them how they could look after our planet. The sentences must include verbs with ‘wch’ in them e.g. Rhowch eich ‘sbwriel yn y bin. / Ailgylchwch eich plastig. / Ailddefnyddiwch boteli dwr, yn lle defnyddio rhai gwahanol bob dydd. / Cerddwch yn lle defnyddio car. ayyb. Put your rubbish in the bin. / Recycle your plastic. / Reuse your water bottles, instead of using different ones each day. / Walk instead of using the car. etc.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (25.1.21)

Gweithred gwrthdro / Inverse operations:

Copy of Gweithred gwrthdro / Inverse operations (25.1.21).webm
Gweithred gwrthdro / Inverse operations (25.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen / Saint Dwynwen’s Day:

Pob blwyddyn, ar y 25ain o Ionawr, mae pobl Cymru yn dathlu Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen, diwrnod cariadon Cymru. Dyma gyfle i ni ddangos cariad tuag at ein gilydd. Gwyliwch wasanaeth Miss Williams uchod a'r fideo i ddysgu mwy am hanes Santes Dwynwen.

Every year, on the 25th January, people in Wales celebrate Saint Dwynwen’s Day. Dwynwen is the patron saint of Welsh lovers. This is an opportunity to show people how much we love them. Watch Miss Williams’ assembly and the video to learn more about Saint Dwynwen.

Tasg / Task:

Cynllunio llwy garu / Designing a Welsh love spoon:

Un o’r pethau mae pobl yn rhoi i’w gilydd ar Ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen yw llwyau caru. Maen nhw’n cael eu gwneud o bren ac mae'r holl symbolau yn cynrychioli pethau gwahanol. Eich tasg chi yw i gynllunio llwy garu a’i rhoi i rywun rydych chi’n ei garu / ei charu. Dyluniwch eich llwy garu ar bapur neu ar gerdyn.

On Saint Dwynwen’s Day, it is traditional for people to give their loved ones Welsh love spoons. These are very special items made out of wood. Every symbol represents something different. Your task is to design your own love spoon and give it to somebody that you love. Design your love spoon on paper or on card.

llwy caru.pdf

Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday - 26.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Ddoe, darllenon ni am hanes Greta Thunberg. Er mai un merch oedd hi, yn protestio ar ben ei hun i ddechrau, dechreuodd pethau newid ac yn sydyn, cafod mwy a mwy o gefnogaeth a dechreuodd ei llais mynd yn uwch ac yn uwch, nes bod pobl yn dechrau gwrando arni.

Tasg: Heddiw, rydych chi’n mynd i feddwl mwy am Greta a’r math o berson yw hi. Cwblhewch y bywgraffiad amdani gan ateb y cwestiynau gwahanol.

Yesterday, we read about Greta Thunberg. Although she was one girl, protesting on her own to begin with, things started to change and she suddenly gained more support and her voice got louder and louder, until people started listening to her.

Task: Today, you’re going to think more about Greta and the type of person she is. Complete the body biography about her, answering the different questions.

Bywgraffiad Greta.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (26.1.21)

Peiriannau rhif / Number machines:

Copy of Peiriannau rhif / Number machines (26.1.21).webm
Copy of Peiriannau rhif (Her).webm
Peiriannau rhif / Number machines (26.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Efelychu gwaith yr arlunydd Rhiannon / Imitating the work of the artist Rhiannon:

Heddiw rydych chi’n mynd i efelychu gwaith yr arlunydd Rhiannon. Mae hi’n byw yng Nghaerdydd ac yn enwog am ei lluniau lliwgar o wahanol ardaloedd yng Nghymru. Dewch i ddysgu mwy amdani yn y fideo.

Today you are going to imitate the work of the Welsh artist Rhiannon. She lives in Cardiff and is well known for her colourful paintings of different landscapes in Wales. Find out more about her in the video.

Tasg / Task:

Dylunio llun o’ch ardal leol / Creating an image of your local area:

Ewch am dro o gwmpas eich ardal leol a thynnwch luniau o’r tirwedd o’ch cwmpas. Gwnewch lun o’r tirwedd ar bapur a’i liwio gan gopïo arddull Rhiannon. Edrychwch ar rai o luniau Rhiannon isod.

Go out for a walk around your local area and take pictures of the landscape. Turn one of these images into a drawing and colour it copying the style of Rhiannon. Look at some of Rhiannon's work below.

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday - 27.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Heddiw, rydyn ni’n mynd i ddarllen am ferch arall newidiodd y byd, sef Malala Yousafzai.

Darllenwch am hanes Malala ar y cyd gyda Miss Passmore.

Tasg: Ewch ati i gymharu Malala a Greta. Dylech drio gwneud hwn ar ffurf diagram Venn e.e. Beth yw’r pethau sy’n debyg ac yn annhebyg amdanynt? E.e. Tebyg – Mae’r ddwy yn ferched. / Mae’r ddwy wedi ymgyrchu dros eu hawliau. / Annhebyg – ymgyrchodd Malala dros fynd i’r ysgol ac ymgyrchodd Greta dros gynhesu byd-eang.

Today, we’re going to learn about another girl who changed the world, Malala Yousafzai.

Read along with Miss Passmore to learn more about Malala.

Task: Compare Malala and Greta. The best way to do this is by forming a Venn diagram e.g. What are the similarities and differences between them? E.g. Similar – Both are girls / both campaigned over their rights. / Different – Malala campaigned over girls’ rights to go to school and Greta campaigned against global warming.

Diagram Venn.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (27.1.21)

Datrys hafaliadau / Solving equations:

Copy of Datrys hafaliadau / Solving equations (27.1.21).webm
Datrys hafaliadau (Her).webm
Datrys hafaliadau (27.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Heriau ffitrwydd / Fitness challenges:

Mae unrhyw fath o ymarfer corfforol yn dda i'r corff, y meddwl a'r galon. Mae'n bwysig gwneud rhyw fath o ymarfer corff bob dydd. / Any form of physical activity is good for the body, the mind and the heart. It is important to take part in some form of physical activity every day.

Tasg 1 / Task 1

Cwblhau sesiwn HIIT Joe Wicks / Complete a Joe Wicks HIIT session:

Mae Joe Wicks yn gosod heriau ffitrwydd gwahanol i bawb yn wythnosol. Rhowch gynnig ar un o'i sesiynau.

Joe Wicks sets different fitness challenges every week. Have a go at one of his sessions.

Tasg ychwanegol / Extension task :

Cynllunio rhaglen ffitrwydd fy hun / Planning my own fitness challenges:

Rydyn ni i gyd yn hoffi gwneud gwahanol weithgareddau corfforol. Fel tasg ychwanegol, ewch ati i gynllunio rhaglen ffitrwydd eich hunain dros gyfnod o wythnos. Penderfynwch ar un her bob dydd neu beth am weld faint o heriau gallwch chi gwblhau mewn diwrnod? Beth am brofi eich hun yn erbyn aelodau eraill eich teulu?

We all like different physical activities. As an extra task, have a go at planning your own fitness challenges over a period of a week. Choose a different challenge to complete every day or how about seeing how many of the challenges you can complete in a day? Test yourself against other members of your family.

Dydd Iau / Thursday- 28.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Ddoe, darllenon ni am Malala ac, yn ystod y pythefnos diwethaf, rydym ni wedi dysgu am Martin Luther King, Malala a Greta. Mae’r bobl hyn i gyd wedi helpu i newid pethau yn y byd. Heddiw, rydyn ni’n mynd i ddarllen am Betsi Cadwaladr. Darllenwch ar y cyd gyda Miss Passmore.

Tasg: Pwy arall sydd wedi gwneud rhywbeth i newid y byd? Heddiw, rydych chi’n mynd i ysgrifennu am rywun sydd wedi newid y byd. Gallwch ddefnyddio’r templed i ysgrifennu ffeil o ffeithiau am y person yma. Gallwch chi ysgrifennu am rywun rydyn ni wedi ei astudio yn barod neu gallwch chi feddwl am rywun arall, os hoffech chi.

Yesterday, we read about Malala and, during the last fortnight, we’ve learned about Martin Luther King, Malala and Greta. These people have all used their voice to change things in the world. Today, we’re going to read about Betsi Cadwaladr. Read along with Miss Passmore.

Task: Who else has changed something in the world? Today, you’re going to write about someone who has changed the world. You can use the template to write a fact file about this person. You could write about someone we’ve learned about already or you could think of someone else, if you’d like.

Betsi Cadwaladr - darllen.mp4

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (28.1.21)

Datrys hafaliadau 2 gam / Solving 2-step equations:

Datrys hafaliadau 2 gam (28.1.21).webm
Datrys hafaliadau 2 gam / Solving 2-step equations (28.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Sesiwn Fawr Gwylio Adar / Big Bird Watch:

Bwriad sesiwn fawr gwylio adar yw annog pobl i fynd allan i'w gerddi, neu allan am dro o gwmpas yr ardal leol i weld faint o adar, a pha fath o adar maen nhw'n gallu eu gweld. Bydd y BBC yn cynnal rhaglen fyw i blant am 11am ar y 28ain o Ionawr 2021. Dewch i wylio.

The aim of the big bird watch is to encourage people to go out into their garden, or to go for a walk around their local area and see how many birds they can see and how many different types of birds are around. The BBC will be holding a very special live lesson at 11am on the 28th of January 2021. Come and watch.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Enwi adar / Naming birds

Ewch allan i’r ardd dros y dyddiau nesaf ar wahanol adegau o’r dydd. Nodwch pa adar sydd i’w gweld. Defnyddiwch y dudalen isod neu gwnewch daflen eich hun.

Spend time out in your garden over the next couple of days. Note down the different birds that you can see. Use the observation sheet below or create your own one.


Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Gwneud gorsaf bwydo adar / Making a bird feeder:

Gwnewch orsaf bwydo adar gan ddefnyddio pethau allan o'ch bagiau ailgylchu. Mae syniadau i'ch helpu isod.

Make a bird feeder using items from your recycling bags. There are some ideas below to help you.

Cofiwch am hwn heno!

Remember about this tonight!

Dydd Gwener / Friday - 29.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Beth hoffech chi newid am ein byd?

Tasg 1: Ysgrifennwch syniadau am yr hyn yr hoffech chi ei newid am y byd. Beth gallwn / dylwn ni wella yn eich barn chi? E.e. defnyddio llai o blastig, cerdded mwy, ailgylchu mwy ayyb. Cofnodwch eich syniadau.

Tasg 2: Eich ymgyrch chi: Dewiswch un o’r pethau yr hoffech chi ei newid ac ysgrifennwch ymgyrch am yr hyn rydych chi am ei wneud i newid pethau. Gall hwn fod yn llythyr i’r cyngor, yn boster i drigolion yr ardal, yn gyflwyniad i ddisgyblion yr ysgol ayyb. Beth gallwch chi ei wneud i ddechrau newid pethau? Pob lwc!

What would you like to change about our world?

Task 1: Write some ideas about what you would like to change about the world. What could / should we improve in your opinion? E.g. use less plastic, walk more, recycle more etc. Record your ideas.

Task 2: Your campaign: Choose one of your ideas and start writing a campaign about how you’re going to change things. This could be a letter to the council, a poster for local residents, a presentation to other pupils etc. What can you do to start changing things? Good luck!

Fy syniadau.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Prawf mathemateg / Maths test:

Datrys problemau algebraidd / Solving algebraic problems:

Datrys problemau algebraidd (29.1.21).webm
Datrys problemau algebraidd (Her).webm
Datrys problemau algebraidd (29.1.21)

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Misoedd y flwyddyn / Los meses del año:

Cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i wrando ar Laura yn cyflwyno misoedd y flwyddyn.

Click on the link below to listen to Laura introducing the months of the year.


Thema / Topic work:

Heriau Newport County / Newport County Challenges:

Beth am gymryd rhan mewn rhai o heriau Newport County? Cliciwch ar y llyfryn isod. / How about trying some of the tasks set by Newport County football team? Click on the booklet below.

CITC Activity Book - Week 2.pdf

Mwynhewch y penwythnos! / Enjoy the weekend!