Gwaith Cartref / Homework

Gwybodaeth i rieni.pdf
Strategaethau sillafu.pdf

Cofiwch y gallwch chi e-bostio eich gwaith ata' i -

Cysylltwch os oes unrhyw gwestiwn gyda chi am y gwaith.

Remember you can e-mail your work to me -

Please contact me if you have any questions about the work.

Diolch, Miss Passmore


Sillafu / Spelling:

Ydych chi'n gallu cofio trefn misoedd y flwyddyn yn y Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg? Ysgrifennwch nhw yn eu trefn yn eich llyfrau / ar gliniadur. Her: Ydych chi'n gallu eu cofio am yn Ă´l hefyd?

Can you remember the order of the months of the year in Welsh and in English? Write them in the right order in your book / on line. Challenge: Can you remember their order backwards too?

Mathemateg / Maths:

Ewch dros y rhifau sgwâr a phrofwch eich hunain arnynt.

e.e. 1 x 1 = 1 / 2 x 2 = 4 ayyb.

Her: Gallwch chi ddarganfod yr atebion i 13 x 13 / 14 x 14 / 15 x 15, yr holl ffordd i 20 x 20?

Go over the square numbers and test yourself on them.

e.g. 1 x 1 = 1 / 2 x 2 = 4 etc.

Challenge: Can you discover the answers to 13 x 13 / 14 x 4 / 15 x 15, all the way to 20 x 20?

Ewch yn erbyn y cloc!

Mewn faint o amser gallwch chi ateb y cwestiynau hyn yn gywir? Ydych chi'n gallu gwella eich amser bob tro?

Race against the clock!

How long does it take you to answer these questions correctly? Can you improve your time every time?

6 x 6 / 4 x 5 / 9 x 3 / 8 x 5 / 7 x 7 / 8 x 6 / 10 x 4 / 11 x 8 / 12 x 12 / 6 x 7 /

3 x 5 / 12 x 7 / 7 x 8 / 9 x 5 / 4 x 8 / 9 x 10 / 3 x 3 / 8 x 9 / 12 x 4 / 8 x 8 / 9 x 2

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch y darn isod am edrych ar Ă´l eich lles yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Tasg: Ysgrifennwch y 5 peth dylech chi eu gwneud er mwyn edrych ar Ă´l eich lles. Faint o'r rhain gallwch chi eu gwneud dros y penwythnos?

Read the piece below about supporting your well-being. Task: Write down the 5 things you should to to look after your well-being at the moment. How many of these can you do over the weekend?


Sillafu / Spelling:

This week, we have looked at the suffix, 'ed'.

Watch the video and read the information on the Bitesize website, to remind yourself of the rules. Can you think of ten words that we can add the suffix 'ed' to?

(Make sure they're all spelt correctly.)

e.g. happen - happened

stop - stopped

wait - waited

Mathemateg / Maths:

Yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi edrych ar berimedr ac arwynebedd.

Ydych chi'n gallu mesur tri pheth yn eich tĹ· a nodi'r perimedr a'r arwynebedd ar gyfer bob un? E.e. llyfr, clustog, mat neu ystafell gyfan ayyb. Ail wyliwch y fideo ar arwynebedd a pherimedr os ydych wedi anghofio beth i'w wneud.

This week, we have looked at perimeter and area.

Can you measure three different things in your house and work out the perimeter and area for each one? E.g. a book, pillow, mat or a whole room etc. Re-watch the video on area and perimeter if you've forgotten what to do.

Darllen / Reading:

Darllen! Darllen! Darllen!

Ewch ati i ymarfer darllen Cymraeg yn uchel er mwyn gwella eich rhuglder. Darllenwch y darn isod yn uchel dair gwaith ac amserwch eich hunan yn gwneud hynny. Ydych chi'n gallu curo eich amser bob tro, wrth ddarllen yn gywir a gyda mynegiant ar yn un pryd?

Reading! Reading! Reading!

Practise reading in Welsh aloud to improve your fluency. Read the extract below three times and time yourself each time. Can you beat your time whilst still reading correctly, with expression?


Cystadleuaeth Her Mathemateg Cynradd / Primary Maths Challenge competition:

Wythnos nesaf, bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 yn cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth Her Mathemateg Cynradd. Dilynwch y linc isod os hoffech chi edrych dros enghreifftiau o gyn papurau.

Bydd y disgyblion yn gwneud y papur yn Gymraeg ar-lein. Eleni ydy'r tro cyntaf mae'r gystadleuaeth yn y Gymraeg felly yn anffodus does dim enghreifftiau o gyn papurauCymraeg.

Next week, Year 6 pupils will be competing in the Primary Maths Challenge. Follow the link below if you would like to look over some examples of past papers.

The pupils will be completing the Welsh paper online. As this year is the first time the competition is being run in Welsh, there are no examples of Welsh past papers.


Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week:

Er mwyn ymarfer eich rhuglder, ewch ati i ddarllen geiriau'r wythnos yn gyflym.

To practise your fluency, quickly read over this week's words.

Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 16

Darllen / Reading:

Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, byddwch yn derbyn testun Cymraeg bob wythnos, er mwyn ymarfer eich darllen Cymraeg. Ewch ati i ddarllen y ddwy dudalen isod. Darllenwch y darn unwaith yn eich pen, unwaith mas yn uchel ac unwaith i aelod o'r teulu. Gallwch chi esbonio iddynt yr hyn sy'n digwydd?

Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving a Welsh extract every read, in order for you to practise your Welsh reading. Read this extract once in your head, once aloud to yourself and once aloud to a member of the family. Can you explain what's happening to them?

Cantre'r Gwaelod1

Sillafu / Spelling:

Watch the video clip and read the information on the Bitesize website.

Practise spelling the following words. How many times can you spell each word correctly within a minute?

scissors / scene / Science / scenery / fascinate / crescent


Cymharu cyfraddau llog. Pa un yw'r banc gorau?

(Dewisiwch A neu B)

A - Mae ÂŁ150 gyda chi. / B - Mae ÂŁ200 gyda chi.

Natwest - rhoi 2% ar Ă´l blwyddyn a ÂŁ10.

HSBC - rhoi 3% ar Ă´l blwyddyn a ÂŁ5.

Nationwide - rhoi 1.5% ar Ă´l blwyddyn a ÂŁ15.

A - Mae ÂŁ270 gyda chi. / B - Mae ÂŁ300 gyda chi.

Natwest - rhoi 2% ar Ă´l blwyddyn gyntaf a ÂŁ10.

HSBC - rhoi 3% ar Ă´l blwyddyn a ÂŁ5.

Nationwide - rhoi 1.5% ar Ă´l blwyddyn a ÂŁ15.


Comparing interest rates. Which is the best bank?

(Choose A or B)

A - You have ÂŁ150. / B - You have ÂŁ200.

Natwest - gives 2% after a year and ÂŁ10.

HSBC - gives 3% after a year and ÂŁ5.

Nationwide - gives 1.5% after a year and ÂŁ15.

A - You have ÂŁ270. / B - You have ÂŁ300.

Natwest - gives 2% after a year and ÂŁ10.

HSBC - gives 3% after a year and ÂŁ5.

Nationwide - gives 1.5% after a year and ÂŁ15.


Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week:

Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 23

Cyflwyniad y Nadolig: Cofiwch ddysgu'ch geiriau ar gyfer y cyflwyniad Nadolig.

(Gallwch wrando ar Miss Passmore yn darllen y gerdd yn y fideo isod.)

The Christmas performance: Remember to learn your words for the Christmas performance.

(You can listen to Miss Passmore reading the poem below.)

Cerdd Nadolig - Bl 6 CP.pdf

Delwyn Sion - Un Seren:

Gwrandewch ar y gân hon. Bydd yn cael ei chwarae yn y cefndir wrth i ni ddweud ein heitem Nadolig.

Listen to this song. It will be played in the background when we say our Christmas item.

Mathemateg / Maths:

Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni wedi bod yn edrych ar fesuriadau.

Cofiwch: 1m = 100cm / 1000mm felly 1cm = 10mm

Edrychwch ar y wefan isod er mwyn atgoffa eich hunain.

This week, we've been looking at measurements.

Reminder: 1m = 100cm / 1000mm so 1cm = 10mm

Look at the website below to remind yourself.


1. 1.5m = ______ cm

2. 3m = ______ mm

3. 1.2m = ______ mm

4. 0.5m = ______ cm

5. 100mm = ______ m

6. 20cm = ______m


1. 1.05m = ______ cm

2. 3.1m = ______ mm

3. 1/2 1.2m = ______ mm

4. 0.05m = ______ cm

5. 150mm = ______ m

6. 2.1 cm = ______ mm

Darllen Cymraeg / Welsh reading:

Darllenwch y gerdd isod ac ysgrifennwch enghraifft o ansoddair / cyflythrennu / berf(enw) ac odl.

Read the poem below and write an example of an adjective / alliteration / verb and rhyme.


Geiriau'r wythnos / Words of the week:

Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 30

Ewch dros eiriau'r wythnos dair gwaith yn uchel. Dewiswch 3 o'r geiriau hyn rydych yn ei ffeindio'n anodd eu sillafu. Ysgrifennwch y geiriau hyn saith gwaith yr un, yn lliwiau'r enfys.

Go over this week's words, three times. Choose 3 of these words that you find hard to spell. Write these words seven times each, in the colours of the rainbow.

Ewch ati i ymarfer y frawddeg isod. (Ysgrifennwch y frawddeg 5 gwaith)

Sicrhewch eich bod yn ei sillafu'n gywir bob wythnos wrth ddanfon eich gwaith cartref!

Practise the sentence below. (Write it out 5 times)

When you submit your homework, try to write it correctly every time!

Dyma fy ngwaith cartref.

Mathemateg yr wythnos / Maths of the week:

A - anoddach

Rhifau negatif / Negative numbers:

  1. 5 - 9 =

  2. 12 - 15 =

  3. -5 + 11 =

  4. -6 + 10 =

  5. 3 - 10 =

Beth sydd nesaf? / What's next?

  1. 10, 25, 45, 70, 100, _____, _____

  2. -5, -10, -15, -20, _____, _____

  3. 4.78, 4.88, 4.98. _____, ______

  4. 1000, 100, 10, _____, _____

  5. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, _____, _____


Rhifau negatif / Negative numbers:

  1. 5 - 6 =

  2. 10 - 11 =

  3. -5 + 6 =

  4. -6 + 7 =

  5. 3 - 5 =

Beth sydd nesaf? / What's next?

  1. 50, 70, 80, 90, _____, _____

  2. 0, 150, 300, 450, _____, _____

  3. 4.7, 4.8, 4.9. _____, ______

  4. 9, 18, 27, 36, _____, _____

  5. 120, 240, 360, 480, _____, _____

Darllen Cymraeg / Welsh reading:

Moddion Rhyfeddol George

Ysgrifennwch dri pheth rydych chi'n ei ddysgu am George wrth ddarllen rhan o'r llyfr.

Write three things you learn about George by reading the first few pages.


Geiriau'r Wythnos / Words of the week:

Ewch dros eiriau'r wythnos ar gyfer yr wythnos hon. Cofiwch eu darllen ar goedd.

Read over this week's words of the week. Remember to read them aloud.

Rhagfyr 7 - Geiriau'r wythnos

John Lewis Advert 2020:

Watch the John Lewis advert below:

Answer the following questions:

  1. How does the advert make you feel?

  2. What do you think the message in the advert is?

  3. What 'act of kindness' can you do this weekend? Let us know what it is on Monday.

Sillafu / Spelling:

Beth yw'r geiriau hyn yn Gymraeg? Ewch ati i ymarfer ysgrifennu'r geiriau dair gwaith yr un.

(What are these words in Welsh? Practise spelling the words three times each.)

angel / shepherd / wise men / celebrate / donkey / candle / decoration

Nadolig / Christmas:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Darllenwch lyfr / erthygl / cylchgrawn Cymraeg neu gwyliwch raglen Gymraeg dros y gwyliau.

Read a Welsh book / article / magazine or watch a Welsh television programme over the holiday.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Ewch ati i ymarfer rhai o eiriau'r tymor hwn.

Ysgrifennwch nhw / darllenwch nhw / sillafwch nhw'n gywir! Os nad ydych chi'n cofio ystyr rhai ohonynt, cofiwch edrych mewn geiriadur.

Practise some of this term's words.

Write them / read them / spell them correctly! If you're unsure of the meaning of some of them, remember to check in a dictionary.

Things we've looked at this term:

  • 'i before e, except after c' e.g. receive / receipt

  • Plurals: elf - elves / school - schools / bush - bushes / baby - babies

  • The suffix 'full' - beautiful / wonderful / grateful

  • because - big elephants can always understand small elephants

  • 'ous' words e.g. adventurous / ambitious etc

  • 'sc' words e.g. Science / scene / fascinate

  • 'ed' words e.g. stopped / happened / frightened

  • difficulty - Mrs D / Mrs I / Mrs F F I / Mrs C / Mrs U / Mrs L T Y

Geiriau'r wythnos - Rhagfyr 7
Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 30
Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 23
Geiriau'r wythnos - Tachwedd 16

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymuno gyda her natur y Wildlife Trust? Mae'r Wildlife Trust wedi creu her '12 Days Wild'. Gweler gwybodaeth am yr her isod:

Can you join the Wildlife Trust '12 Days Wild' challenge? The Wildlife Trust has set a '12 Days Wild' challenge. See more information below:

A midwinter nature challenge

12 Days Wild is our mini Christmas challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. In those weird days between Christmas and New Year, winter wildlife is just waiting to be explored! Your wild acts could be little things to help nature - like recycling your Christmas tree or feeding the birds – or ways to connect to the natural world, like walking off your Christmas dinner in the woods or admiring the beauty of a winter sunset.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!