
Cofiwch y gallwch gwblhau eich gwaith yn eich llyfrau neu arlein. Cofiwch ddanfon unrhyw waith neu unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gyda chi ata' i ar e-bost: PassmoreC@hwbcymru.net

Remember that you can complete your work in your books or online. Remember to e-mail any work to me, or if you have any questions about the work, send an e-mail: PassmoreC@hwbcymru.net

Diolch yn fawr.

Y Siarter Iaith:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Dydd Llun / Monday - 11.01.2021

Geiriau'r wythnos / Words of the week:

Geiriau'r wythnos - Ionawr 11

Remember to practise this week’s words of the week, every day. Listen to the video to ensure you’re pronouncing each word correctly.


What is the meaning of the following words?

grateful / ambitious / courageous

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ous’ in them?

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ed’ in them?

Can you think of 5 more words with ‘ful’ in them?

Iaith / Language:

Heddiw, rydyn ni'n mynd i ddysgu mwy am hanes Tryweryn. Ewch i'r ddolen isod er mwyn darllen ar y cyd gyda Miss Passmore er mwyn dysgu mwy am hanes boddi.

Today, we're going to learn about the history of Tryweryn. Click on the link below to read along with Miss Passmore to learn more about Tryweryn.

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Tasg 1:

Ar ôl darllen y darnau am Dryweryn, ysgrifennwch bump ffaith rydych chi wedi eu dysgu am Dryweryn.

Tasg 2:

Edrychwch ar y daflen ac ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sydd arno. Cofiwch, does dim rhaid i chi osod y gwaith allan fel hyn. Gallwch ysgrifennu'r gwaith ar ffurf pwyntiau bwled yn eich llyfrau neu ar lein.

Task 1:

After reading the extracts about Tryweryn, write down five facts that you've learned.

Task 2:

Look at the worksheet and answer the questions on it. Remember, you don't have to set out the work like it is on the worksheet. You can write the work in bullet points in your books or online.

Ymateb i ddarllen.pdf

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemteg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg Pen (11.1.21)

Amcangyfrif a mesur / Estimating and measuring:

Amcangyfrif a mesur / Estimating and measuring (11.1.21)


  • Dewiswch 5 gwahanol eitem o gwmpas y tŷ.

  • Nodwch pa uned mesur sydd orau i fesur yr eitem ac yna amcangyfrifwch beth ydy hyd, lled neu uchder yr eitem.

  • Defnyddiwch offer mesur i fesur beth ydy'r hyd, lled neu uchder yn gywir.

  • Nodwch unrhyw wahaniaeth rhwng eich amcangyfrifon a'r mesuriad cywir.

Unedau mesur ansafonol:

  • Os nag oes offer mesur gyda chi, gallwch chi ddefnyddio unedau mesur ansafonol i amcangyfrif a mesur gwahanol eitemau o gwmpas y tŷ , e.e. pasta, llwy te neu ddarn o Lego ayyb.


  • Choose 5 different household items.

  • Note which unit of measure is best to measure the item and then estimate either the height, length or width of the item.

  • Use a measuring instruments to measure the height, width or length.

  • Note any differences between your estimate and the correct measurement.

Nonstandard units of measure:

  • If you do not have a measuring instrument, you can use nonstandard units of measure to estimate and measure different household items, i.e. pasta, tea spoon or Lego blocks etc.

Unedau mesur safonol / Standard units of measure:

Amcangyfrif a mesur.pdf

Unedau mesur ansafonol / Nonstandard units of measure:

Amcangyfrif unedau mesur ansafonol.pdf

Thema / Theme:

Diogelwch ar y we / Online safety:

Mae technoleg yn ddefnyddiol iawn ac rydyn ni'n dibynnu arno yn ddyddiol i wneud ein gwaith ac i gadw mewn cysylltiad gyda'n ffrindiau a'n teuluoedd. Ond gall technoleg fod yn beryglus hefyd os nad ydyn ni'n ei defnyddio'n gywir. Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i atgoffa'n hunain o sut i ddefnyddio technoleg yn ddiogel gan gynnwys diogelwch ar y we.

Digital technology is very useful and we rely on it every day to help us with our work and to keep us connected with our friends and families. However, technology can also be dangerous if we don't use it correctly. Today we are going to remind ourselves of how to use digital technology safely and look at online safety.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth ydych chi'n gwybod eisoes am ddiogelwch ar y we? Rhannwch eich syniadau ar dudalen Padlet Blwyddyn 6.

What do you already know about online safety? Share your ideas on Year 6's Padlet page.

Edrychwch ar y PowerPoint i ddysgu mwy am ddiogelwch ar y we.

Look at the PowerPoint to learn more about online safety.


Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Dylunio poster diogelwch ar y we / Designing an online safety poster:

Wrth feddwl am ddiogelwch ar y we mae yna algorithm syml i gofio sef SMART. Ewch ati i feddwl am algorithm eich hunain yn debyg i'r gair SMART a dyluniwch boster yn defnyddio'r algorithm gan gyfeirio at ddiogelwch ar y we.

When thinking about online safety there is a simple algorithm we can use to remind us, SMART. Try and think of your own algorithm similar to the word SMART and design a poster around the algorithm referring to online safety.


Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Cwis diogelwch ar y we / Online safetly quiz:

Faint rydych chi'n gwybod am ddiogelwch ar y we? Ceisiwch y cwis isod i weld.

What do you know about online safety? Try the quiz below.


Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday - 12.01.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Darllenwch y darn darllen am Dryweryn ac atebwch y cwestiynau sy’n seiliedig ar y darn.

Darllenwch ar y cyd gyda Miss Passmore, os hoffech chi. Cofiwch ymarfer darllen Cymraeg yn goedd, yn gyson.

Read the extract about Tryweryn and answer the questions based on the piece.

You can read along with Miss Passmore again, if you wish. Remember to practise reading aloud in Welsh, often.

Tasg 1:

Ewch ati i amseru eich hunain yn darllen y darn ar goedd.

Darllenwch y darn mas yn uchel dair gwaith. Ydych chi’n gallu gwella eich amser?

Her: Ydych chi’n gallu darganfod beth oedd eich amser ar gyfartaledd?

Tasg 2:

Atebwch y cwestiynau sy’n seiliedig ar y darn.

Task 1:

Time how long it takes you to read the extract aloud.

Read the extract three times. Can you beat your time?

Challenge: Can you discover your average score, from the three rounds?

Task 2:

Answer the questions based on the extract.

Darllen a deall.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (12.1.21)

Darllen graddfeydd / Reading scales:

Darllen graddfeydd / Reading scales (12.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Pa mor ddoeth ydych chi wrth ddefnyddio dŵr? / How water wise are you?

Heddiw byddwch yn dysgu o ble mae dŵr yn dod a faint o ddŵr ydych chi’n ei ddefnyddio mewn diwrnod nodweddiadol. Gwyliwch y fideo i ddysgu mwy.

Today’s activities will encourage you to think about where water comes from and to look at the amount that you use in a typical day. Watch the video to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Ble rydych chi'n defnyddio dŵr yn eich cartrefi? Where do you use water in your home?

Rydyn ni'n defnyddio llawer o ddŵr bob dydd. Ewch am dro o amgylch eich cartref i ddarganfod yr holl bethau sy'n defnyddio dŵr. Cofiwch ystyried yr ardal allanol hefyd. Yna ystyriwch beth allwch chi wneud i arbed dŵr? Nodwch eich syniadau ar y dudalen.

We use a lot of water every day. Go for a walk around your home and find all the objects that use water. Remember the outside area too. Then think about ways in which you could conserve water, Write down your ideas on the sheet.

arbed dwr

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Faint o ddŵr ydych chi'n ei ddefnyddio bob dydd? / How much water do you use every day?

Rydych chi'n mynd i fynd ati i gynnal arolwg yn eich cartref i weld faint o ddŵr rydych chi'n ei ddefnyddio bob dydd. Bydd angen i chi drefnu eich data naill llai ar Excel neu defnyddiwch y templed isod.

I ddechrau nodwch i lawr yr holl bethau yn eich cartref sy'n defnyddio dŵr.

Yna, cofnodwch ar ffurf rhicbren faint o weithiau mae'r gwrthrych yn cael ei ddefnyddio.

Yn olaf cyfrwch sawl litr o ddŵr defnyddioch chi. Bydd y daflen gyferbyn yn eich helpu chi.

You are going to conduct a survey in your home to find out how much water you use every day. You will need to organise your data either by using Excel or by using the Word template below.

Begin by listing all the items in your home that use water.

Then note down in a tally form how many times that item is used.

Finally work out how many litres of water you used. The facts sheet opposite will help you.

Tasg estynedig / Extension task:

Beth am gasglu'r data dros gyfnod o ddyddiau? / How about collecting your data over a number of days?

How many litres.pdf
Education fact sheet How many litres of water Welsh.pdf
Faint o ddwr ydych chi'n defnyddio bob dydd?

Dydd Mercher / Wednesday - 13.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Dewch i ddarllen ar y cyd eto heddiw. (Mae'r darn hwn yn wahanol i ddarn ddoe.)

Come to read again today. (This extract is different to yesterday's piece.)

Mae’r paragraff olaf yn drist iawn. Heddiw, rydych chi’n mynd i ddechrau meddwl am eich ymson gadael chi. Rydych chi’n mynd i ddychmygu eich bod chi’n gadael Tryweryn am y tro olaf, ar ôl byw yno am flynyddoedd.

Tasg 1:

Ar y daflen, yn eich llyfrau neu ar gliniadur, ysgrifennwch frawddegau i ddefnyddio yn eich ymson.

1. Ysgrifennwch bump brawddeg sy’n dechrau gyda ‘Rydw i ...’ e.e. Rydw i mor drist wrth edrych ar fy nghartref am y tro olaf.

2. Ysgrifennwch bump brawddeg sy’n dechrau gyda ‘Dydw i ...’ e.e. Dydw i methu credu fy mod yn gadael fy ffrindiau i gyd.

3. Ysgrifennwch bump cwestiwn rhethregol e.e. Ble ydw i’n mynd i fynd i’r ysgol nawr?

Tasg 2:

Edrychwch ar yr ansoddeiriau rydych chi wedi eu casglu yn y wers ddydd Llun. Ydych chi’n gallu gwella’r ansoddeiriau hyn? Wythnos diwethaf yn y wers Saesneg, edrychon ni am eiriau cyfystyr (synonyms) felly ydych chi’n gallu meddwl am eiriau cyfystyr ar gyfer yr ansoddeiriau hyn?

The last paragraph is very sad. Today, you’re going to start thinking about your soliloquy. You’re going to imagine that you’re leaving Tryweryn for the last time, after living there for years.

Task 1:

On the worksheet, in your books or on a laptop, write sentences which you’ll be able to use in your soliloquy.

  1. Write five sentences that begin with ‘Rydw i ….’ e.g. Rydw i mor drist wrth edrych ar fy nghartref am y tro olaf

  2. Write five sentences that begin with ‘Dydw i ddim ….’ e.g. Dydw i methu credu fy mod yn gadael fy ffrindiau i gyd.

  3. Write five rhetorical questions e.g. Ble ydw i’n mynd i fynd i’r ysgol nawr?

Task 2:

Look at the adjectives you collected in the lesson on Monday. Can you improve these adjectives? Last week, in the English lesson, we looked at synonyms. Can you now think of synonyms for the adjectives you used.

Rydw i Dydw i ddim.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg Pen (13.1.21)

Trosi unedau metrig: Hyd / Converting metric units: Length

Trosi unedau metrig: Hyd / Converting metric units: Length (13.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Y Gylchred Ddŵr / The Water Cycle

Cylchred ddŵr yw’r daith ddi-ben draw mae dŵr yn ei ddilyn wrth gylchdroi o’r cymylau i’r tir, yna llifo i’r môr ac yn ôl eto i’r awyr. Gwyliwch y fideo a darllenwch y PowerPoint i ddysgu mwy am y gylchred ddŵr.

The water cycle is the never-ending journey that water takes as it circulates from clouds to the land to the ocean and back again. Watch the video and read the PowerPoint to learn more about the water cycle.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Beth yw camau y gylchred ddŵr? Ewch ati i labeli'r diagram isod gan ddefnyddio'r termau cywir.

What are the stages of the water cycle? Label the diagram below using the correct terms.

the water cycle

anweddiad - evaporation

cyddwysiad - condensation

gwaddodiad - precipitation

casgliad - collection

yr haul - the sun

cymylau - clouds

dŵr yn llifo dros y tir - water flowing over the ground

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Gwneud model i ddangos y gylchred ddŵr / Make a model to show the water cycle:

Gwnewch ddiagram o’r cylchred ddŵr. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau isod. Cofiwch labeli pob rhan gan ddefnyddio’r geiriau anweddiad, cyddwysiad a gwaddodiad a chasgliad.

Create a diagram of the water cycle. Follow the instructions below. Label each stage: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.

Dydd Iau / Thursday - 14.01.2021

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Darllenwch y gerdd ar hanes Tryweryn a gwrandewch ar y gân sydd wedi’i hysgrifennu gyda geiriau’r gerdd. Mae’r llun o Dryweryn sy’n cael ei ddisgrifio yn un tywyll iawn e.e. Mae’r dŵr uwchben fy nhŷ, yn ddu / ond nid yw’r blodau’n tyfu nawr / mewn tŷ o dan y creigiau ayyb.

Mae Tryweyn wedi ei foddi; does dim pobl yn byw yno ac mae’r dŵr yn cuddio’r gymuned oedd yn arfer bod yno. Atebwch y cwestiynau ac yna gwnewch ddarn o gelf i gynrychioli Tryweryn.

Read the poem about the history of Tryweryn and listen to the song that has been written with the words of the poem. The picture of Tryweryn that's described in the poem is a very bleak one e.g. The water above my house, is black / the flowers aren’t growing anymore / the house under the rocks etc.

Tryweryn has been flooded; people no longer live there and the water hides the community that used to be. Answer the questions and then draw a picture to represent Tryweryn.

Cerdd - cwestiynau.pdf

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Mathemateg pen / Mental maths:

Mathemateg pen (14.1.21)

Trosi unedau metrig: Pwysau / Converting metric units: Weight

Trosi unedau metrig: Pwysau / Converting metric units: Weight (14.1.21)

Thema / Theme:

Sut mae dŵr glân yn cael ei wneud? / How do we get clean water?

Pob tro trowch chi dap dŵr ymlaen mae dŵr glân yn dod allan ohono. Heddiw byddwch yn dysgu sut mae'r dŵr rydyn ni'n ei yfed yn cael ei lanhau ac yna byddwch yn gwneud ymchwiliad eich hunain i droi dŵr budr yn lân. Darllenwch y dudalen ffeithiau a gwyliwch y clip fideo i ddysgu mwy.

Every time you turn a water tap on clean water comes out. Today you are going to learn how our drinking water gets cleaned and then conduct your own experiment to see if you can make dirty water clean again. Read the fact sheet and watch the video to learn more.

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Sut i droi dŵr budr yn lân? How to clean dirty water?

Ewch ati i ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau isod i weld os gallwch chi droi eich dŵr budr yn lân. Tynnwch luniau i ddangos pob cam er mwyn i ni gael gweld y canlyniadau.

Follow the instructions below to see if you can make dirty water clean again. Take photographs of each step so that we can see the results.

Ystyriwch y cwestiynau canlynol / Consider the following questions:

Ydy newid defnydd yr hidlydd yn effeithio ar y canlyniadau? / Does changing the material of the filter have an impact on the results?

Ydy newid trefn y defnyddiau yn effeithio ar eich canlyniadau? / Does changing the order of the materials in your filter impact the result?

Beth arall gallwch chi ddefnyddio fel hidlydd? / What else could you use to filter the dirty water?

Dydd Gwener / Friday - 15.1.2021:

Iaith / Language:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Ysgrifennu ymson gadael Tryweyn:

Heddiw, rydych chi’n mynd i ddychmygu eich bod chi yn ddisgybl yn Ysgol Tryweryn. Rydych chi’n gorfod gadael eich cartref a’ch ysgol a mynd i fyw yn bell i ffwrdd o’r ardal. Rydych chi’n teimlo’n drist am yr holl beth a methu credu bod hwn yn digwydd i chi. Ysgrifennwch baragraff neu ddau yn disgrifio sut ydych yn teimlo wrth adael. Defnyddiwch yr holl bethau rydych chi wedi eu gwneud yr wythnos hon e.e. ansoddeiriau, cwestiynau rhethregol, brawddegau ‘Rydw i’ a ‘Dydw i’ ayyb.

Gwyliwch y fideo a darllenwch y pŵer-bwynt er mwyn eich helpu gyda’r ymson.

Dechreuwch eich ymson gyda’r frawddeg:

Rydw i’n edrych yn ôl ar Dryweryn ac mae deigryn yn llifo lawr fy moch. Dydw i methu credu bod hwn yn digwydd i fi .....

Writing a leaving soliloquy for Tryweryn:

Today, you’re going to imagine that you’re a pupil in Tryweryn School. You have to leave your home and your school to go and live far away from the area. You feel sad about the whole thing and you can’t believe that this is happening to you. Write a paragraph or two, describing how you feel when you leave. Use all the things you’ve written this week e.g. adjectives, rhetorical questions, the ‘Rydw i’ / ‘Dydw i’ sentences etc.

Watch the video and read the power point to help you with the soliloquy.

Ysgrifennu ymson

Mathemateg / Maths:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Miss Passmore.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Miss Passmore.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc2020 - Join with Google)

Prawf Mathemateg / Maths test:

Trosi unedau metrig: Cyfaint / Converting metric units: Volume:

Trosi unedau metrig: Cyfaint / Converting metric units: Volume (15.1.21)

Sbaeneg / Spanish:

Cyn dechrau'r gwaith, ewch mewn i Flipgrid i wylio cyflwyniad gan Mr Bridson.

Before you start the work, go into Flipgrid to watch a presentation by Mr Bridson.

(Flipgrid - blwyddyn6ygc - Join with Google)


_Gwersi Sbaeneg 1 - PowerPoint Slide Show - Gwersi Sbaeneg 1.mp4
Gwersi Sbaeneg 1

Sesiwn fyw:

Mae sesiwn fyw ar y wefan hon bob dydd Gwener am 1:20. Mae'r un gyntaf yfory ac mae'n sôn am losgfynyddoedd o dan y dŵr.

Live session:

There is a live lesson on this website every Friday at 1:20. The first one is tomorrow and the topic is underwater volcanoes.

Mwynhewch y penwythnos! / Enjoy the weekend!