Creative task perspective

7 line creative drawing task

PART 1 Start with the initial lines

  1. select an A4 sheet of paper in portrait

  2. Draw a horizon line in the middle third

  3. Draw seven [7] vertical lines perpendicular to the top and bottom of the page. These can be placed anywhere on the page and vary in length.

PART 2 Turning those lines into a drawing

You will have two options to turn these lines into a creative perspective drawing - an imaginary construction or boxes with a ribbon.

Watch the video on your options and continue to read below to decide which option you will choose.

Initial 7 lines

Option 1 Ribbon Tied boxes.

In this task you will turn the 7 lines into two point perspective boxes and draw a ribbon running through them.

  1. Turn each vertical line into a two point perspective box using the given horizon

  2. Decide where the ribbon will enter and exit each box and draw a circle.

  3. Use the two pencil tied together technique to draw the ribbon running through the boxes. Draw in edges where ribbon bends and curls.

  4. Erase all unnecessary lines.

  5. Tidy up all edge lines, erase orthogonal lines, ready for adding value next

adding orthogonal lines

creating two-point perspective boxes

deciding on the ribbon path

Adding the ribbon and tiding lines

Option 2 Imaginary construction.

In this task you will turn the 7 lines into an imaginary construction which could be a formation of geometric shapes or a futuristic space building.

  1. Begin with one of the lines and turn it into a block

  2. Start to work out from this block adding extra lines and orthogonal lines as you go. Develop cutouts and additional shapes like circles/spheres etc. Think about how each shape will interlock with the other. If it’s a building- you could add windows doors etc. look at the range of examples as to what you could produce.

  3. Erase lines as you go and tidy up edge lines ready for adding value next

initial lines

orthogonal lines

adding blocks, cutouts and additions

cleaning up lines before adding value

Part 3 Value Shading

Part 3 of the task is adding value and colour to your drawing.

You shouldn't need much guidance on adding value with graphite pencil. Refer back to all the value drawings you have been doing over the past few weeks. This is to be a well finished work so spend time on quality shading [watch the what NOT to do again]