Google Drawing

You will need to watch the video called "GOOGLE DRAW BASICS" to learn the basic tools for drawing with this program. Once you feel confident you can start the activities. An alternative introduction to Google Drawings is by working through the Shapegram activities

We are going to start working with Google drawing by doing an introductory activity inspired by Matisse's work "Icarus". To find out more about this work head over to this page

ACTIVITY Google Drawing, Icarus inspired drawing

You will create your own version of Icarus in Google draw. Watch the video to see how I did mine.

  1. create your background with blue geometric shapes

  2. use the polyline tool to create yellow abstract shapes

  3. insert a black figure from the web. This Figure should represent YOU - what do you enjoy doing [dancing football etc]

  4. add red heart to the figure

ACTIVITY Notan with Google Draw

Using your newly developed skills in google drawing, you will create a digital version of a Notan. Watch my HOW TO video to see how its done first .. There's a sneaky trick to getting complicated designs..