COLLAGE humanimal

TASK- humanimal collage



  1. the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object.

You will be creating a collage that combines human and animal attributes. Artist Holly Gaboriault has excellent examples of ways in which this can be done.

I recommend that you work on a couple of collages at the same time - 1 focus on starting with an animal and adding human attributes and 2- start with a human and add animal attributes.

Go beyond just sticking a head on a body! you need to consider replacing facial features and body parts. Play with size - large eyes, small head, add wings or horns, replace feet with fins etc...

Once you have combined your pieces [use blue tack to start] Glue down each piece thoroughly. Some exemplar student work is shown here.


In true surrealist fashion and to give your immaculate creature life, we need to come up with a glorious name for it! using the table, either close your eyes and randomly select one from each column or have a friend call out a number [ie 5, 13, 10, 6 would be The Thrilling Princess Bellindana Omato]. Make note of their name on your collage - this will also be the title of your print for editioning.