The E.A.S.E Initiative

Early Anti Semitism Education

About Me

Hi! I'm Sarah Marzugi, a sophomore at HHS. Since I was little, I've always been very passionate about fighting discrimination and hate. When I moved to Holliston in Eighth grade, I noticed a large amount of casual anti-Semitism among students and felt strongly that something needed to change. After researching, I found that the change I was looking for was in our middle school curriculum. Especially with recent developments in the Middle East, people who hear about my project and I are surprised to learn that I am Muslim. However, you don't have to be Jewish to care about anti-Semitism. Perpetuating stereotypes is always wrong, no matter who it's against.

What is the E.A.S.E Initiative?

The E.A.S.E Initiative is a project aimed at preventing anti-Semitism and inspiring students to fight hate through improving, extending, and making an explicit place for a high-quality education on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in the middle schools' 8th-grade curriculum. 


Anti-Semitism is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in our community, and rising worldwide. Some of the most common causes of anti-Semitism in students are home life, social media pipelines, and mental health- all risk factors that schools can't directly prevent (but can try to mitigate). However, the risk factor that allows for all this, a lack of quality education on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, is something that schools can have control over if the 8th-grade standards included it. Studies show that depending on the timing of the education, its length, quality, and how engaged the teacher is, this education can not only prevent anti-Semitism in adolescence but inspire the youth to be anti-hate in general as well.  You can read more about this issue in my Community Need Pitch presentation. 

Copy of Community Needs Pitch Presentation

Project Goal

The E.A.S.E initiative hopes to enact a change in state-wide 8th-grade standards that makes education about anti-Semitism and the Holocaust longer, of higher quality, and more explicit in the curriculum. This goal will be achieved through communicating with state officials and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

Me, about to speak at the Nov. 21st BESE meeting! --> 

Project Progress

Originally, the project intended to make a change in just how Holliston Public Schools taught anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in 8th grade. However, after meeting with curriculum coordinators, I learned that the necessary change would have to be made in the state standards. After reflecting, reevaluating goals, researching more about how to make this education effective, and researching DESE, I met with our school principal, Mr. List, and decided on speaking as a guest speaker during their November 21st meeting to propose this change. I plan on meeting with Assistant Superintendent Dr. Menard to talk more about my project, and I have also reached out to state representative Jeffery Roy to discuss a potential partnership.


November 17th- 

Received a response from Mr. Roy

November 21st- 

Spoke at the November 21st DESE meeting! You can watch the meeting at (I speak at 26:45)

November 29th-

Sent an email to schedule a meeting with Mr. Roy and Mr. Arena-DeRosa

December 5th- 

Meeting scheduled with them

December 8th-

Scheduled meeting with Holliston Superintendent Dr. Kustka

Community Partners

Mr. Hicks

Mr. Hicks is a curriculum coordinator at Holliston Public Schools. I've met with him to learn about what I can do to achieve the change I hope for, potential barriers, and more about the curriculum and state standards.

Ms. Conahan

Ms. Conahan is a curriculum coordinator at Holliston Public Schools and former English teacher. I've met with her to learn about what I can do to achieve the change I hope for, potential barriers, and more about the curriculum and state standards.

Mr. List

Mr. List is the principal of Holliston High School. I've met with him to discuss more about my project, and I learned about what I should do and include in my speech to DESE to make a convincing case. He will attend the meeting on the 20th to show support.

Jeffrey Roy

Jeffrey Roy is the state representative who created the Massachusetts Genocide Education Bill H.692. His bill aligns with my goals, so I reached out to him to discuss a potential partnership with him or other state representatives/legislators who may be interested in my project.


Get Involved

Follow the initiative (@the.ease.initiative) on Instagram to show support, reach out, and find ways you can help push for a change, too!