Stand Up, Don't Stand By For Bullying

"Stand Up, Don't Stand By For Bullying" is a project created with the primary objective of spreading awareness and resources against bullying in our community at Holliston High School. We strive to reach the goal of creating a lesson and activity for students at our high school to engage in bullying prevention strategies. As well as we also want to dedicate our project to addressing the pressing concerns that bullying can leave on anyone including students, parents, teachers, and others. We both realize the impact that bullying has had on our community and are collectively passionate about using our abilities to prevent bullying. We hope that by using the opportunity we have to create this project, we will be able to encourage students to stand up against bullying.

Target Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 3: 

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Goal 10:

Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Goal 16:

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Jaz O'Neil

My name is Jaz O'Neil and I'm a sophomore at Holliston High School. Throughout my experience in the Holliston Public School system one issue that's stuck out to me for as long as I can remember has been bullying. Whether or not it has been personal experience or just seeing it happen, most if not all, of the students at HHS have encountered bullying while in school. Having been both a victim and a bystander of bullying I could see there was need for a solution, this is where "Stand Up" comes in. One of the main goals I wanted to incorporate into this project was to provide resources for students struggling and to spread awareness so people felt less alone in their experiences. 

About Us...

Cassandra D'Amato

My name is Cassandra, and I am a sophomore at Holliston High School. I strongly believe that bullying prevention has become a topic that needs to be addressed and that the projection of awareness should be spread across my community. The topic originally drew me in because of my personal experiences and has given me the motivation to spread awareness. Although I am young, I have found that "Stand Up" has allowed me to open my eyes, and strive to make a difference. It has given me a wonderful opportunity to connect with students and teachers, and achieve my goal of creating beneficial change in my community. I hope to be able to influence students at my high school to stand up against bullying. 

Why did we choose this project?

We have both experienced instances involving bullying, and are passionate about educating others on the topic. We want to use our project to put students into the place of being a victim or a bystander. Our hope is for students to gain an understanding of the severity of bullying, as well as the importance of knowing how to Stand Up.


To spread resources and awareness through our community about bullying prevention.


To educate students on the topic to help broaden their understanding of the issue.


To allow students to participate in an activity to prepare them with anti-bullying strategies.

Community Needs Pitch Project

Community Need

Our Community Need is aiding the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying, which students in our community face on a day-to-day basis. The main goal of our project is to spread awareness of the effects that bullying can have on students and to introduce resources that students can use to get help if they are experiencing instances of bullying. We strive to provide these safe and welcoming resources for students who may need them, and we want to accomplish this by partnering with the administration at Holliston High School. In finalizing our project, we will share a lesson plan in our school's Advisory period, on December 8th, in which we will teach students about the causes, and effects of bullying. We hope to utilize the resources that they provide for us, which would help raise bullying awareness among the majority of students at our school.

Stand Up Against Bullying PSA

We created a PSA about bullying by filming each other and using the help of students around our school to participate in our video. The PSA contains examples of signs you can look for to see if someone might be a victim of bullying, the effects that bullying can have on a victim or bystander, and what you should do if you see bullying...     STAND UP. 

Community Partnership

Throughout our project, we had one community partner who was community-specific to reach the target audience of our project: Our Community! During this partnership, we gained insight, resources, and amazing opportunities to reach our goals. 

HHS Advisory Department


At Holliston High School, Sarah Kuhne is part of the Advisory Department and the Technology Department. She organizes all the advisory lessons and helps a lot with the technology and visual designs. For these reasons, she was the perfect partner for us to work with! Our hope of working with Ms. Kuhne was to use her resources in hopes of receiving the opportunity to present a lesson to advisories. Once we finalized our partnership, we were mutually able to establish the following goals: Gather research into a lesson, come up with an interactive activity, use her skills to edit the rough draft of our work and make it more visually appealing, collaborate with her and the advisory department to share our project.

Project Goals and Progress 

Our Goals: 

How We Accomplished These Goals :


What Can You Do, & What Resources Can You Use?

Follow Us On Our Instagram:

Use the "Stop Bullying Now in The US" Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Use the link to CyberSmile:

Use the link to