In Her Place

In Her Place 

"In Her Place" is a podcast dedicated to addressing the critical issue of domestic violence. Our primary objective is to elevate the voices of domestic violence survivors and raise awareness within our community and beyond. Our podcast features episodes that delve into the identification of domestic violence cases, as well as insights from community members who have either personally experienced such situations or encountered them through their work, friendships, or families. We aim to provide a platform for shedding light on this sensitive topic, facilitating education on the significance of this subject matter, and fostering a greater understanding of the issue among the broader public. 

i About Us! 

←Ella Talmanson 

My name is Ella and I am a Junior at Holliston High School. I am passionate about volunteering and solving issues in my community. This project has opened my eyes to the gravity of domestic violence and how it plagues people just like me. In Her Place has been an amazing opportunity to collaborate with knowledgeable partners in the community, and make a difference to put an end to this important issue.

Tara Kaviani →

As a junior in high school, it is easy to feel like I cannot do much to help my community, and seeing people do good deeds for the unfortunate warms my heart. Although I am young, I realized I can be like these people, through changes big or small, to improve people's lives. This group is as dedicated as me, we can get through any roadblocks and if we have tight deadlines, we work productively everyday until we meet them.

Kaavya Selvakumar 

I'm Kaavya and I'm a junior at HHS. I care deeply about the current issues in our world such as gender inequality and abuse in intimate relationships. Domestic violence has always been a concern of mine that I am passionate about fixing and I'm incredibly proud to be a part of In Her Place and contribute to spreading awareness about the topic. Knowing that I am involved in making a difference in my community is so rewarding. 

Ishika Gandhi

I'm Ishika Gandhi, a junior at HHS, is deeply committed to advancing women empowerment and advocating for the rights of both men and women. I find inspiration in the collective efforts of young minds coming together to drive positive change within the community, particularly in the realm of gender equality. When collaborating with my dedicated team, I get a chance to exercise my networking and public speaking skills. Together, we strive to create impactful content and deliver their message with a profound sense of empathy to ensure that everyone feels comfortable engaging in discussions on this important subject. 

Target Sustainable Development Goals 

Why did we choose this project? 

With our passion for women's empowerment, we want to drive our listeners, women and men, into the place of women. We want them to understand victim's struggles and feel compassion, being more aware as they go about their daily lives, perhaps putting themselves In Her Place. 


Increase awareness of domestic abuse among women and lessen the shame associated with it. 


Hold drives to collect donations of goods and other requirements while collaborating with shelters and organizations. 


To create long-term effects, by reducing the number of domestic violence cases in the area by spreading awareness. 

Community Needs Pitch

Community Need 

In Massachusetts alone, 34% of women experience domestic violence. This vital issue is often underreported, and many are left fairly uneducated about the topic. In addition, many places such as shelters or non profits are in desperate need of supplies and feminine products. We wish to increase awareness of the problem and offer these women a voice. There is a stigma in our society that victims of domestic violence are to blame for their unfortunate circumstances and this results in abused women being helpless and silenced. Through a podcast, we hope to educate and bring awareness, helping people become more compassionate to victims and survivors. 

Domestic Violence PSA 

We created a PSA on domestic violence, informing others about the signs and effects it has on a victim. We included statistics on the number of men and women in the USA who experience domestic violence. At the end, we included information on contacts and resources, so if anyone is going through a similar situation, or if anyone knows somebody going through it, they can get support.


Community Partners 

Throughout our journey, we connected with multiple people and organizations as we interviewed and learned more about this crucial topic. We asked them deep questions and gained insight on how each community member helps a victim, along with their experiences and observations on how a victim evolves over some time. 

HHS Officer 


In Holliston, Officer Ciavarra is the sole female police officer. She works as the Holliston High School school police officer as well. Officer Ciavarra is a courageous, driven, and kind member of the community who has assisted with numerous cases in the Middlesex County. Being the only woman on the Holliston police force, she has been called in most cases, so she has a lot more experience and a variety of opinions. 

Abby's House 



As a nonprofit, they offer low-cost housing and shelter to homeless, abused, and low-income women, with or without children, as well as advocacy and support services. We selected them as a viable candidate because they are knowledgeable about homeless shelters and provide housing for many families, which causes them to have a wide range of topics on various concerns and provide them with information on the issue we are focusing on. Additionally, they could know people who can put us in touch with other homeless shelters.




SAHELI is a nonprofit organization that provides compassionate and culturally aware services for victims of domestic and sexual abuse that are essential to the welfare of Arab, South Asian, and African immigrants and their offspring. Additionally, they provide services to all types of cases such as Bilingual Helpline, Housing Assistance, Legal Services, Mental Health Services, etc. The organization is dedicated to supporting South Asian women and families in Massachusetts. 

Collaboration With Period Stigma  

Together with Period Stigma, we raised money and gave feminine hygiene items to Dignity Matters, an organization that promotes gender equality by donating these products and services to domestic violence shelters. We scheduled a bake sale to take place next to CVS on November 25, 2023, during the Holliston Holiday Stroll, a popular event. We raised over $300 and provided over 2,200 feminine care products thanks to the efforts of all the volunteers and the delicious baked goods that everyone in the group and friends contributed. 

Progress By The Numbers


Plays across 6 episodes


Products donated


Dollars collected

What Can You Do?

Follow Us!

Instagram: @inherplace23

Spotify: In Her Place

Throughout the semester, we have created tons of intriguing and interesting content you should listen to! So far, we have released 6 episodes and 8 instagram posts. Dive in to learn how you can make a difference and combat domestic violence in your community. Join us in raising awareness and educating against domestic violence to foster a safer and more compassionate society.