A. Crusade. Against. Cancer.


We have decided to pick the topic of Cancer awareness as all three of us have had our own personal experiences with the illness and know how it can affect individuals as well as communities. We want to further inform people of ways that they can prevent cancer as only 10% of cancer is genetics. Meaning that 90% of cancer can be prevented. The big question is how ? And how can we as individuals bring more awareness to cancer in our community. 

Why are we doing this? 

We each have had our own personal and unique experience with Cancer and have seen not only how it affects us personally but also our family. Although all three of us have had our own experiences with Cancer they were all very different from one another. That is true about anything, especially Cancer. No case is the same and neither is the outcome. We want to inform other people in our community about Cancer and ways that it can be possibly avoidable. Cancer is not black and white, it is not a simple matter of genetics as many believe since only 10% of cancer is caused by genetics meaning that Cancer is more preventable than believed to be.

From left to right, we have Bella Weidman, Neha Yussuf, and Gabriella Souza

Bella Weidman is a sophomore at HHS, and she is a varsity softball player and is involved in the Global Citizens Program. She has dealt with the death of her grandpa due to lung cancer and is committed to spreading awareness about the disease and its prevention. 

Gabriella Souza is a sophomore at HHS and she is involved in the Global Citizens Program, DECA, and is the vice president of the compost club at HHS.  She has had several family members pass due to this disease and is passionate about spreading awareness around it. 

Neha Yussuf is a senior at HHS and she plays Field Hockey and Varsity Tennis. She is involved in the Asian American Student Association, DECA, and the Global Citizens Program. She wants to major in Biology and has lost her grandmother due to a rare tubular cancer. Ever since this occurence she has been dedicated to pursuing cancer research as a career. 


Community Need 

As we started narrowing down our options for topics to work on we noticed that we could not find much information on Cancer or those affected by it in our local newspaper or local website. This made us realize that we should start a project on it and bring awareness about cancer to our community. Although the Massachusetts average of deaths caused by Cancer is lower than the national average. Massachusetts still has 150 deaths per 100,000 cases. The most common types of cancers are Breast and prostate cancer. Massachusetts statistics are better compared to 33 other states as Massachusetts residents tend to have a better lifestyle and take preventative measures against cancer.  

Project Goals 

Our Goal for our Project is to find a way to bring as much awareness to Cancer in our community. Our goal is to help fundraise and create a club at HHS to further help spread awareness at school. We also want to have a spirit day at HHS to spread further awareness about Cancer in our community, The theme for our spirit day will be Purple as that is the color for all types of cancer. We also plan to host fundraisers during basketball games and wrestling matches. We will use this money to help us be able to do more things to spread awareness as well as donate money back to the Timonty O'Connell foundation. 

Project Progress 

We have so far created a Club at our school. We plan to utilize our club to help fundraise and inform our members about Cancer and preventive measures that can be taken. We have also planned to have a spirit day some day during November to help bring Cancer awareness at HHS. 

Our Spirit Day was a success!!! We gained 100 followers in one day because of our successful spirit day! 

Community Partnership

Our community partner is the Timothy O'Connell Foundation. The O'Connell Foundation is a local foundation founded here in Holliston, Massachusetts. We are also reaching out to Dana Farber and Brigham Women's to donate the money we raise and find ways to get our club involved with volunteer opportunities.  The Timonty O'connell Foundation is helping us by donating baked goods such as the famous Timmy cake which Mrs. O'connell will be providing us with. In return, we will be giving back to the Timothy O'Connell Foundation some of our profit as a way to show gratitude for their help in our project and club. 

Community Outreach 

Instagram : hhs.acac