Terrible Traffic

Meet The Creator!

Hello my name is Vivien, I am a Junior attending Holliston High School. I've been raised here almost my whole life and I want to take action in our community. I am passionate and dedicated to advocating against not only Human Trafficking but also those who cannot stand up and fight for themselves. Human Trafficking is one of the top crimes in the world yet it often goes unnoticed or unsaid, seen as an issue in the past or only in other countries. As a young woman, I feel it is especially important to speak up and understand the dangers of Human Trafficking, ages nine to sixteen are heavily targeted.

My Logo!


What Is My Community Goal?:
My community goal is to spread awareness on my topic and hopefully educate and protect those around me. Posting informational videos and more to Instagram, as well as TikTok, helped gain attraction to the community's needs. To spread awareness, I posted fliers within Holliston and Ashland including tearaway tabs of the National Human Trafficking Hotline. I hosted my bake sale on December 3rd, 2023, featuring my palm cakes! All the money received from my efforts has been put into the O.U.R. Foundation which works daily to protect and save human trafficking victims. 

The colors blue and pink on our Palm cakes showcased below are our logo colors, these colors represent not only the women who are targeted for human trafficking but also men who are often taken into these rings. Blue is already the national color for Human Trafficking awareness.

PSA Video


 My PSA Video gives a brief description into how gruesome Human Trafficking can really be. A lot can come from a little, just educating yourself on what human trafficking is and how you can protect yourself and those around you is an amazing step into making the world into a better place.

Featuring: Vivien Goddard, Mariana Gomes, and Aconite S.

The Signs Presentation

Vivien Elise Goddard - Human Trafficking

This presentation allows an in-depth understanding of the signs of human trafficking, how it has formed over the years, what it can look like, how ages are affected all over the world, the signs, and what you can do to help.

Palm Cake #1

Palm Cake #2

Fliers Around Town

You may have seen my fliers around Holliston! I put up a total of seven, all having tearaways of the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

Community Need

I'm often asked, "Why this topic?". The U.S. Department of State estimates that 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States each year. Traffickers use various physical and psychological tactics to coerce individuals to labor against their own will, they often promise a "better life" or an "easy way to make money". Victims go through things such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, organ selling, child labor, and becoming child soldiers. In 2021, there were 236 signals using the Hotline Call, 65 SMS reports, and 25 Online reports. in Massachusetts. The numbers all over the world are outrageous. Only one out of a hundred human trafficking victims are rescued and/or found dead or alive. Many victims even claim once they are rescued it's hard to feel safe or get back on their feet. They often feel as if they are looked at as prostitutes on their own accounts rather than victims of Human Trafficking by law enforcers. 

I sometimes feel as if the government does not do enough for victims, almost like they have failed. I hope to spread the word and help people realize the signs and ways to protect against human trafficking, we must decrease these numbers and protect our youth.

Actions Taken:

HHS School Fliers

Six of these fliers have been located throughout Holliston High School. The barcode provided leads a direct link to my Instagram account Terrible Traffic.

Towns Fliers

These fliers will soon be around Holliston and neighboring towns! They will allow rip-offs of the national human trafficking hotline for everyone to take.

12/1/23 They went up!

Fundraising Bake Sale

12/3/23 I had my official bake sale selling my homemade cakes to spread awareness on Human Trafficking and raise money for Operation Underground Railroad! I raised $158 and sent it directly to them. I am so grateful for the opportunity they gave me. The three fliers in the front of my table provided information and facts on trafficking, information on O.U.R., and our prices as well as where the money was going. Before closing down our stand, we handed out the rest of our cakes to store employees as a thank you and to children passing by.

Instagram Account

My official Instagram page where I post information and updates on my journey! Feel free to drop a follow for all support is greatly appreciated.

Instagram: Terribletraffic

Inside Peak

Big thank you to my amazing mom who helped me all throughout this and always supported me, even staying up till 12 AM baking with me. Without her help, I definitely couldn't have accomplished this much on my own.

The End

Here is when we ended and all the money we collected throughout. We were out for 3 hours, luckily SHAWS let us inside since it was raining and freezing out!

Operation Underground Railroad:

My Partnership With O.U.R. Foundation

O.U.R. also known as Operation Underground Railroad, go to the darkest corners of the world to assist in rescuing children from sex trafficking and ensure ongoing aftercare. They have been involved with over 4,000 operations and have impacted more than 7,000 lives. O.U.R. provides cutting edge tools and resources to U.S. law enforcement throughout the United States, while strengthening preventative efforts that benefit at-risk children worldwide.
Their motto is, "We will not give up and will continue to go to the darkest place until light is restored and every child is protected".

Join The Team!

You can be a part of the O.U.R. foundation! Join the Abolitionist Club to be a part of their community.  With over 50,000 monthly donors who are committed to putting an end to modern-day slavery, they are on a mission to free survivors from sex trafficking and exploitation.

Use code Volunteer20 for 20% off your order from their wonderful shop! 

How Can You Help?:


Spreading the word is one of the best ways you can help fight against human trafficking in your day-to-day life. One share can do a lot. You can share Instagram accounts such as my own with friends and family and even news reports or other websites talking about this current issue.

Educate Yourself!

Educating is another amazing way to help take a stand. Gathering more information is a great thing, you can go into more depth of what human trafficking is, whats going on around you, and the many signs to look out for to help someone else.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Call this number if you or someone you know may be going through these horrible times.

Stop The Traffic!