Ability Rise

Ability Rise

We chose this name because we want to help every child with an intellectual or developmental disability. Helping those children rise and meet their goals is our main goal. Many kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities don't realize everything they are capable of on their own. So a little push to help them achieve everything they can is all we are trying to do.

About Us!

Abby Faillace

My little brother has a rare form of ADHD where both effects of ADHD and ADD are present. This makes it really hard for him to do his school work, and just function in general.  He struggles to stay focused and stay in class because the school can not properly meet his needs. Oftentimes his IEP isn’t even being followed when he needs a privilege on it. I want to fight for things to change until they do. Even if it means this project will continue after I leave for college. If that situation happens to occur, I will be passing my project to my brother, as he will be a freshman while I am a senior.

Shayna Wilcox

I have many friends with ADHD and it is also something I struggle with. Having ADHD has both pros and cons. ADHD can make it very hard to concentrate in school and outside of school. Luckily, the school has 504/IEPs which we benefit from. Thankfully, my 504 needs are met by all my teachers. Yes, these are legal documents that must be read however, some teachers in other schools may not look over them carefully enough or care. In school, I have a couple of different accommodations which I don't always use but it's good to know I have them in place. Outside of school, there is not much that can be done other than getting medicated or using different supports offered. Before my 504, I struggled greatly. However, since having it I feel my learning abilities have greatly improved.

Why This Topic?

We chose this project because we are passionate about helping children with disabilities who feel they are secluded. We want kids to just feel like kids and not as if their disabilities are something unusual. So many kids have disabilities such as autism and ADHD, so it is important to reduce the stigmatism around them. Children around the world, especially in the US, aren’t given the proper materials or tools to help them in class, and stay in class. We would love to implement movement breaks and hands on activities in classes so these kids can get a break without feeling they're the only one. Especially after Covid, all children struggle to sit in class and stay focused throughout the entire school day. So, our project will not only be beneficial to students with disabilities, but for all students. If these children receive these accommodations, many more will soar in school and really be able to show what they can do. 

Community Need:

17% of kids in the whole world have a developmental disability. ADHD and Autism being two of the most common. Both are on the rise, affecting so many kids every day. Roughly 1 in 68 kids have autism in the US alone. This means that the autism prevalence has increased 178% since the year 2000. Autism is a rare disorder, yet it still affects so many, mentally and physically. ADHD is also growing more and more prevalent through the years. An estimated 265,000 kids aged between 3-5 in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD, roughly 2.4 million kids ages 6-11, and an estimated 3.3 million ages 12-17. 

Shayna, Abby Service Learning Project

Project Goals: 

May 6th, 2024, we presented our project to the HHS faculty. We recieved a lot of positive feedback and had students speak on their behalf about their intellectual disabilities, on what helps them to regain focus, and what accomodations they require.

Our Public Service Announcement



Mrs. Diamandis

Mrs. Diamandis is the school psychologist in the high school. She was the first person we had a meeting with, and she helped us jump-start our project. She helps us with information on the kids in the high school with disabilities and what we can do to help them.

Dr. Morganelli

Dr. Morganelli is the school psychologist in the middle school. She was the second person we met and she made such an impact on our project. She gave us so many ideas and encouragement and really made the project take off. She also gives us information on the middle school.

How Can You Help?

Fill out our form! This form is for students at either the Holliston High School or the Middle School so we can continue gathering more data for our project.


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