Editorial Board

Editorial Board 2022-23

The English Editorial Board is the perfect ELA to perfect your writing. The freedom to explore topics of interest and write about what you find meaningful or most interesting are some of the best perks of this ELA. Perhaps you’ve been approached by some of the Editorial Board members, being interviewed on your spectacular music or athletic talents for a feature article, or surveyed on your favourite English Week moment for a review article. Listicles written by our accomplished authors give some excellent advice on the best communication skills, effective study habits and methods for overcoming fears. Some of the most appealing pieces this year were the non-academic related articles, such as reviews on the latest televised anime and shows, editorials on hobbies such as chess, and feature analyses on societal or controversial issues.

Can you recall a recent personal accomplishment? The feeling of success and the broad smile on your face? Many of the Editorial Board members experienced this as they wrote so well they were advised to request their work be published in Hong Kong’s Young Post, to submit their masterpieces to quality competitions, or had their work displayed in the college’s very own College Insider. Congratulations to each of our ELA members as they brought forth their own unique writing styles, whether it be humorous sarcasm, witty banter, or eloquent articulation, to produce a sundry of exceptional exclusives. 

Editorial Board 2021-22

This year, the Editorial Board has written about topics like technology and its impact on our lives. We’ve shared our thoughts on music and TV shows you should watch to get you through the doldrums of Covid. We’ve also written about our school’s perseverance, such as at Sports Day and our school’s ABLE program.

After facing the challenges of the past year, we’re more confident than ever about the future. We’ve realized that despite all the challenges, we were able to overcome them and are better because of them. The power to change our future is in our hands, and that makes us hopeful. The future is unpredictable – you might win a million dollars, or meet the love of your life, or discover a new delicious restaurant. There’s no way to know unless you get out there and seek it out for yourself. If Forrest Gump was right and life really is “like a box of chocolates”, then you should go out and sink your teeth into each bite you can find.

We don’t know what the future entails, but to progress in life you must take that first step to strive boldly into the unknown. We’re excited for what life brings, dear reader, and we hope you are, too.

Emma Barton & Denise Ng