Contact Information

AVID Coordinator: Mrs. Simpson

Email: ksimpson@hemetusd.org

Course Summary

9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade each have separate classes.

Prerequisite: Interview/AVID Coordinator

Length: Year

This course meets UC/CSU (G) and District graduation requirements for Elective Credit. AVID is a program designed to aid underachieving students with high potential to be successful in college prep courses. The goal of AVID is to teach each student the skills necessary to enter and be successful at a four-year college or university. The class provides instruction in skills areas that include note taking techniques, group share activities, and Socratic Peer tutorials.

Introductory Summary Video

Want to know what AVID is all about? Check out the video above for a short summary video about the course from the AVID Coordinator.

Student Testimonal

Want to hear from a student who is taking this course? Check out the video above for this student's experience in the class.

Student Work

Check out the Vision Board Project above!

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