Elementary online

Looking for some help with ASYNCHRONOUS content?

ASYNCHRONOUS learning should must not any full subject - it should be offered during multiple learning opportunities each day.

<--- This resource was developed for supporting students who were absent for a prolonged period - but you could personalize and post into your Google Classroom!

Something for every subject and every grade!

Looking for a starting point on your first SYNCHONOUS day (including the Family HandBook and Code of Conduct) ? This slide deck has some things for you! -->


Period 1 and 2 Example (November 2022)
Handbook for Families of HDSB Virtual School Students 2021 - 2022

Enjoy the Google Classroom & Google Meet Integration!


Google has updated their products so that all "teachers" listed in the "People" tab on Google Classroom will automatically be co-hosts of the Meet. Make sure you RESET your Meet link to enable this after any new staff are added. This may take a couple of tries of joining and resetting.

Information shared with administrators that you might want to know about!

HDSB Virtual Math Manipulatives

Virtual Manipulatives

Looking for virtual manipulatives that are already approved in the Software Catalogue? Here is a slide with a great selection. Consider including it as a resource in your Google Classroom!

Paste the whole link in the description section of new Material in Classwork, as opposed to using the add option:


Posting HDSB Virtual Math Manipulatives to Google Classroom includes step-by-step visuals.


  • Relationships are at the core of teaching and learning. Invest in getting to know your students.

  • Teaching is an art so don't turn your back on its creative beauty in favor of paint by numbers just because you are teaching virtually.

  • Don't expect students to know how to use all the tools right away. Model them, learn them together, and trust that you will get there in the end.

Ministry Requirements for Virtual Learning

Before you begin to set up your Google Classroom, populate it with learning opportunities, or dive into some new digital tools - keep in mind that good teaching is good teaching no matter the container in which it is happening!

All elementary educators of K-8 students will use Google Classroom as the container for virtual learning during the 2022 - 2023 school year. This container will be the organizing and managing tool that will accompany a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning adding to 300 minutes of daily instruction.

Educators can work one on one with students when it would be natural to do so in a physical school. Examples of this might include doing a running record with a student, conferencing or doing a "help" session with a student, or another educator providing individualized support. When sharing information about your program with families, it is a good idea to include that you will be using Google Meet with the whole class, small groups, and with individual students throughout the school day.

"It is expected that synchronous learning will be provided for large and small groups of students each day, in a manner similar to in-person classroom teaching. Synchronous learning time may include students working independently and in small groups while engaged in a virtual classroom with the teacher overseeing their learning and available for questions." (PPM 164)

For a face to face class, the Google Classroom should contain material that captures the key ideas from the in school instruction so that a learning gap does not occur and the student is able to make a seamless transition back to school following an absence. This does not mean posting all work done in the face to face environment but what is possible. We recognize there are some activities and learning experiences that will not be able to be posted. Our hope is that educators keep the Google Classroom in mind as they prepare their day plans and that its use will become more routine and efficient with time.

Material could include:

  • Electronic artifacts of learning that the educator was already using with students (e.g., a problem, article, or experiment already in an electronic format).

  • An image of boardwork, chart paper, or other artifacts produced during the day.

  • A link to key resources to support comprehension.

An educator may choose to create items not already developed for the classroom (e.g., a slide deck of consolidated key ideas from the day) but this is not required.

Face to Face educators are NOT expected to provide synchronous opportunities for students who are absent.


Synchronous learning: Learning that happens in real time. Synchronous learning involves using text, video, or voice communication in a way that enables educators and other members of the school- or board-based team to instruct and connect with students in real time. Synchronous learning supports the well-being and academic achievement of all students, including students with special education needs, by providing educators and students with an interactive and engaging way to learn. It helps teachers provide immediate feedback to students and enables students to interact with one another.

Asynchronous learning: Learning that is not delivered in real time. Asynchronous learning may involve students watching pre-recorded video lessons, completing assigned tasks, or contributing to online discussion boards.

Have students learning asynchronously or absent?