FRENCH: Core and Immersion

Open the slides and make a copy for use in your classroom. Change/add/recreate as suited to your needs.

Pictures with simple questions for students to start speaking and listening to each other speak in a guided environment.

We now have access to a fantastic resources from Le Centre Franco-Ontarien des Ressources Pédagogiques and cover each of the strands in Science for each of the Grades 4-8.

There is a teacher guide for each grade, which will explain how to best use the resource. Each resource is titled according to Grade, Strand and Unit so it will be easy to search for combined grade classes.

Each French Immersion school will also be receiving one set of hard copies per grade, which are on backorder. However the digital copies are available RIGHT NOW on myHDSB (in the Jr/Int Shared Folder) and through this direct link.

We are some broken links as we go on this resource, please use what is working, and email Andrea Vogan with links that are broken.

Reminder: YouTube videos can be used but the link must not be shared directly with students. Video can be played on the educators device and presented to the students during synchronous learning time.

This is a professional resource with some classroom ready tips and tricks for a new FSL teacher.