Health & Phys Ed

In order to build a safe and supportive learning environment HPE teachers can equip students with the necessary skills to support their own health and well-being during these uncertain and difficult times.

Educators can foster a sense of belonging, hope, mastery and, physical and emotional safety. Consider:

    • focusing on the joy of movement rather than compliance

    • encouraging students to get fresh air and move when possible

    • make time for acknowledging gratitude and celebrating success

    • encouraging student ownership of their learning and physical literacy journey

    • supporting social emotional learning

A Great Resource: OPHEA Teaching tools

Some sample activities that can be done virtually

You will need to scroll down in the document to find some of the activities.

Critical Thinking Questions:

  • Consider how you feel before, during, and after physical activity. What do you notice?

  • Who or what motivates you to be active?

  • How does setting goals for physical activity help you to be successful in other parts of your life?

  • How might exercise help your brain and your body to relax?

  • What strategies help you to…

  • Why might someone find these activities fun to try?

  • How can building trust through positive relationships during activity be something that will help you in the future?