Mrs L Buffee - Head of Sixth Form

I am incredibly proud to hold the position of Head of Sixth Form at HHVC. The Sixth Form here are like no other. The sense of community, drive and ambition is infectious. Students come here because they know they will be met with high expectations, academic rigour and a strong sense of community. I am passionate about ensuring that every student leaves our Sixth Form with the experience, grades and skills to be able to go on to their chosen destination.

Mr G Collier - Achievement Leader

It's a privilege to be the Achievement Leader for Years 12 &13 at HHVC. Having been a Head of Year for both Key Stage 3 & 4, this is undoubtedly the most rewarding post that I have experienced in over 10 years. I thrive on helping students achieve and exceed their potential, tracking students through each milestone of their academic careers and help shape their future by providing opportunities for them to flourish.

Mrs T Emery-Davies

Sixth Form Administration Assistant

Having recently been awarded this new role, I am thoroughly enjoying being part of the Sixth Form team. From applying to join HHVCS Sixth form right through to applying to UCAS I will be on hand to help the students through each process. We expect the very best from our students and in turn they can expect the very best from the Sixth Form team. I am looking forward to our brand new school and to meeting the new Sixth Form students. I feel very privileged to be a part of their transition from school to the next exciting stage in their life!

Jane Harries - Head Teacher

I am delighted to introduce our sixth form school prospectus. I hope it will provide you with an insight into the changing face of Haverfordwest High VC School. We are a very ambitious school, committed to ensuring that every student achieves their full potential.

We believe that progressing into Haverfordwest High Sixth Form is the best option for the great majority of our students. Our Sixth Form provides the guarantee of high quality subject choices, delivered by staff that know your children, offer familiar teaching and learning styles and set high expectations. We also fully appreciate the need to support and nurture our students and provide a very effective and caring pastoral system that will monitor progress and ensure they achieve their full potential. We hope that Haverfordwest High will also be considered as an option for sixth form study for students from Pembrokeshire schools without Sixth Form provision. It is a cliché, but none the less true, that the step up from GCSE to Post 16 is the hardest and biggest step students will make. In Haverfordwest High we ensure that the courses your child chooses are suitable and will provide the ideal progression to their chosen career path or university course.

Although our emphasis is on providing a high quality academic curriculum, we are very proud of the wider achievements of our Sixth Form. Our young people are encouraged to pursue a wide range of sporting, musical, artistic and cultural opportunities that allow them to excel in many aspects of school life, along with invaluable work organising and fund raising for the local community and supporting local and national charities. This develops important life skills and values that universities and employees are looking for in prospective applicants.

As Headteacher, I am committed to building an outstanding school that is based around high expectations, clear and consistent processes and above all else, ensuring that lessons provide consistently excellent learning and teaching each and every day. I am very honoured to be the Headteacher of this ever improving school which lives by its moto ‘Achieving Excellence Together’. Our aspirations and expectations are exceptionally high for our Sixth Form, they are powerful role models and provide the gold standard for our younger children to strive to achieve.

Thank you for considering joining the Sixth Form at Haverfordwest High VC School. If you would like further information or to arrange a visit to see our facilities, please contact us and we will be delighted to help you in any way we can.