
Introduction to the subject

A-level Mathematics is often thought of as a subject of complicated calculations. However, calculations form only a small part of this rigorous discipline which requires clear thinking and the development of specific ideas into generalised solutions.

On one hand A-level Mathematics deals with highly abstract topics which require considerable imagination combined with the discipline of 'proof'. On the other hand mathematics underpins virtually all the practical developments in science, IT and economics which have formed our modern world.

Structure of the course

Year 12: examinations - Unit 1 (pure), Unit 2 (applied)

Year 13: examinations - Unit 1 (pure), Unit 2 (applied)

Y12 exams

UNIT 1 Pure [25%]

UNIT 2 Applied [15%]

Statistics (40 marks)

Mechanics (35 marks)

Y13 exams

UNIT 3 Pure [35%] 2hrs 30min

UNIT 4 Applied [25%] 1hr 45min

Statistics (40 marks)

Mechanics and differential equations (40 marks)

Career paths and next steps

Mathematics is a highly respected A level and supports progression to a wide range of degree courses and careers. All science-based degrees require good maths skills, and so too do Engineering and many Computing and Economics-based and Social Science degrees. Further Mathematics is excellent preparation for degrees involving a lot of maths work, and is actually required for some degree courses.

Teacher Profiles

Mr Laszlo Fedor

Mr Alun Harries

Miss Megan Nicholas

Mrs Kerry Templeton