
Click on the images below to see an overview of the units taught in each year group.

Key Stage One Pupil:

"Maths is my favourite subject. My teacher explains everything really well and I believe I'm really good at it!"

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"In maths, my favourite thing is that we can use the Chromebooks to help us out - we can look at the lesson slides to remind us about the work if we get stuck."

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"I like maths because I know that I am so much better at it now than I used to be. I am looking forward to maths in secondary school now!"

Year 1

Year 1 Yearly Overview (1).pdf

Year 2

Year 2 Yearly Overview.pdf

Year 3

Year 3 Yearly Overview.pdf

Year 4

Year 4 Yearly Overview.pdf

Year 5

Year 5 Yearly Overview.pdf

Year 6

Year 6 Yearly Overview (1).pdf

Maths intent:

Hartley Primary Academy’s Mathematics curriculum has been designed with the intent that our children will become resilient, independent, confident and fluent mathematicians. Our children will develop and apply the mathematical knowledge and skills that they will need in their daily lives beyond the classroom. We personalise and use White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to ensure effective delivery of the maths curriculum. We will deliver a curriculum that:

  • Allows the children to learn new skills which build year on year through our academy.

  • Allows children to use, and choose from, a wide range of manipulatives to assist learning.

  • Allows children to access a range of mathematical models and images to support the learning of new concepts.

  • Inspires learning through consistent and outstanding teaching practice firmly embedded in a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach.

  • Builds on individual starting points and is aspirational for all children throughout the academy.

  • Is inclusive and scaffolds learning to enable all children to access learning.

  • Encourages our children to be self-motivated, independent and resilient by being fluent in the basic skills.

  • Encourages our children to feel confident to make mistakes and learn from them.

  • Challenges our children to master the maths curriculum by becoming fluent and reason about the range of methods that they choose to apply.

Maths implementation:

The maths curriculum is led and overseen by the subject leaders. A regular cycle of monitoring, evaluation and review ensures consistency of outstanding practice in our academy. The teaching, learning and sequencing of the curriculum follows:

  • A clear mastery approach through White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning which ensure coverage, repetition and progression in all areas of maths.

  • A clear learning sequence which builds on prior learning and the development of new skills and knowledge, which is repeated within the year and beyond.

  • Lessons which allow for repetition, and therefore mastery, of learning.

  • Times tables are taught regularly in all year groups from the end of Year One to ensure that our children have met the curriculum objectives by the end of Year Four.

  • A design which ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality teaching, supported by targeted, evidence based intervention where required.

Maths impact:

Our maths curriculum will create:

  • A positive impact on children’s outcomes at the end of each key stage, with an increasing percentage of children achieving the greater depth standard year upon year. Last year (2021-22) 93% of our Year Six cohort achieved the expected standard in maths, and 40% of the cohort achieved a Greater Depth standard.

  • Enjoyment of the maths curriculum that inspires and promotes achievement and confidence.

  • Children who are resilient and able to make mistakes and learn from them.

  • Children who will become fluent in all basic skills and work towards mastery.

  • Children who will leave Hartley Primary Academy ready for the next phase of learning.

  • Children who will have the maths skills to solve problems beyond their classroom environment.
