RSE in the curriculum

Our PSHE scheme, Jigsaw, covers all statutory aspects of the PSHE curriculum. However, we have also made sure to interleave relationships education, as well as relationships and sex education (RSE) throughout our curriculum. We believe that all children, regardless of race, religion, gender, need and any other protected characteristic, should be taught, in an age-appropriate manner, the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.

At Hartley, we have chosen, after consultation with parents and governors, to deliver sex education to our pupils too. More information can be found about this on our PSHE curriculum page.

The drop-down table below outlines what children should know by the time they leave primary school (with regards to relationships education). 

Under each subheading is the breakdown of each part which we have mapped with our own curriculum.

By the end of primary school pupils should know: 

Families and people who care for me:

Caring friendships:

Respectful relationships:

Online relationships:

Being safe: