
Art KS1 Curriculum Road Map.pdf
Art KS2 Curriculum Road Map.pdf

Key Stage One Pupils:

"Art is my favourite subject because I like being able to try out different pictures and see what I am good at."

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"I like art at Hartley because the teachers are really good at telling us how to get better and they don't worry if we make mistakes - they just tell us what to do next time."

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"I like outdoor art and creating art with sculptures in the forest like Andy Goldsworthy did."

Art intent:

At Hartley Primary Academy, we recognise that Art stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and an individual way of understanding and responding to the world. It enables children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different media. We aim to encourage our pupils to understand that the perseverance and attentiveness needed to complete an Art project or piece of work leads to personal pride and satisfaction. We intent for all of our children to understand that everyone has differing perspectives of art, and that that is ok. We want our children to develop a love for art, and curiosity about how it is created.

Art implementation:

Our PYP curriculum is transdisciplinary and provides maximum inspiration to our students/artists. Art projects are linked to our PYP themes to enhance the students’ understanding of the key concepts covered and children’s interests are followed to ensure that they are fully engaged in their learning. The implementation of the Art curriculum at Hartley Primary Academy is supported through the use of a knowledge and skills document to ensure progression in the acquisition of these knowledge and skills across year groups. 

Each of our students/artists has their own sketchbook in which they can record their ideas, practise new techniques and further develop/refine their art skills. These sketchbooks give our students/artists the opportunity to study an existing piece of art, create a constructive and reflective critique of this work and to use these ideas to develop their own piece of related art work, enabling pupils to show perseverance and dedication to complete any project to the best of their ability. 

Artists from different eras and cultures are studied throughout the school to give our students/artists a balanced knowledge and understanding of Art concepts and skills throughout the world. 

Art impact:

Our aim at Hartley Primary Academy is to enable pupils to become creative and reflective learners who are able to express themselves confidently by providing them with investigative and inquiry-based learning opportunities.  Art contributes towards this by enabling pupils to think and express themselves in lots of different ways and increases their understanding of the world and develop a stronger sense of who they are. 
