
History KS1 Curriculum Road Map.pdf
History KS2 Curriculum Road Map.pdf

Key Stage One Pupil:

"I like learning about what Hartley used to look like and be like in the past. I really like history when we learn about famous people and the things that they have done."

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"History is my favourite subject! I really enjoy learning about past people and how their lives were different to ours and how they coped without the things that we have now!"

Key Stage Two Pupil:

"I found it really interesting learning about the history of women's right to vote around the world. It was so unfair that only men had this right for such a long time!"

History intent:

At Hartley Primary Academy, our intention in teaching history through the philosophy of the IB and the Primary Years Programme (PYP) is that all of our pupils become lifelong learners and active, global citizens that make positive contributions to their communities. We intend that through the study of history at HPA, our pupils’ interest will be stimulated and their understanding about local, national and global history will be supported through inquiry. Pupils will learn about how the actions, motives and environments of people and civilisations who lived in the past have resulted in the world we know today, thus inspiring them to know that their actions can change the world. The teaching of history is very important for it improves our decision making and judgment. Our children will understand change and how societies have developed through questioning, investigating and analysing events. By doing so, their understanding of chronology, personal inquiry and problem solving will be enhanced. Furthermore, our pupils will develop an appreciation and respect for cultural diversity and an understanding of those people who have fought for this. 

We will deliver a curriculum that will allow children to:

History implementation:

The history curriculum at HPA is supported by the six transdisciplinary themes of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). History is not just about content, it is also about the skills and concepts covered including, but not limited to, using historical sources, chronological understanding, historical language, inquiry, research and interpretations of historical events. Therefore, through using a key skills document, as well as our carefully designed, progressive curriculum, we can ensure that learning of such skills and knowledge is progressive and appropriate for the relevant key stage/year group. As learning is focussed around a central idea with pupils guiding the lines of inquiry, pupils have high levels of engagement, immersion and interest within their inquiries.  

History impact:

Our history curriculum will enable our pupils to:
