Small Group Instruction

Small group instruction is used to:

        teach, reinforce, or clarify concepts or skills

        build relationships - teacher-student and student-student

        provide immediate feedback

        show what students know and can do and reflect upon their learning

        make students feel valued and gain confidence while taking ownership of their learning

Teacher: Planning before Small Group Instruction


        Assess students to group students with similar learning targets

        Develop mini-lessons to scaffold learning in a way that supports students’ meeting their learning targets.

        Establish independent work routines and expectations that support small group instruction in the classroom

What the teacher is doing


      Providing learning experiences for groups of students, with similar learning targets, based on collected assessment information and observations

        Providing instruction, feedback, and assessment opportunities that reflect students' needs within the groups

        Reviewing configuration of groups on an ongoing basis

        Ensuring students have a plan for next steps as part of their accountability

What the students are doing

 Those receiving small group instruction

        Participating in the teacher’s modeling of the task

        Practising the skills, strategies, or concepts that were the focus of the small group instruction

        Engaging in discussion

 Those not receiving small group instruction

        Engaging in independent practice related to the explicit instruction, in pairs or small groups

        Working within the classroom's established small group instruction protocols

Teacher: Reflecting on Small Group Instruction


        Based on student learning in small groups, determine how to support individual students in their learning through planning the next steps for instruction.

        Consider if adjusting the makeup of small groups is appropriate based on learning needs

        Determine if there is a need for individual instruction or conferring

According to the research, 

Students experience increased achievement when:

        groups are based on targeted skill practice rather than text level. Groups should change as students need to learn from peers with different skills

●    the teacher facilitates small-group discussions to foster positive classroom social experiences with peers. This has been shown to increase students’ academic performance 

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