
Art & Design

Artist Research

Aiweiwei present Jess

Reflection on the presentation:

I was anxious about presenting it this morning(9/12/2021) the thought of me speaking out some unsure facts is daunting but then when i was asked about China and how filtered social media was there I started to warm up. watching 3 different documentary on Ai wei wei definitely helped.

If I were to do it again probably be more knowledgeable about China’s history but even though I know it would be tough for me to cram it in the PowerPoint then just focus on just 1 art art if his.

Ai Wei Wei

Guerrilla Girls

Roy Lichtenstein

John Baldessari

Jasper Johns

Sol LeWitt

Fiona Banner

known for writing movies scripts on the wall

Jenny Holzer

Hannah Hoch

She was a German Dada artist. She is best known for her work of the Weimar period, when she was one of the originators of photomontage. Her key themes in work were androgyny, political discourse, and shifting gender roles.


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