You're Hired! 

Now What?

Before your first day in the classroom, there are a few things you will need to complete: 

1. GGUSD Paraeducator Onboarding Video

2. Keenan training on Workplace Bullying: Awareness and Prevention 

3. Keenan training on Mandated Reporter: Child Abuse and Neglect

4. Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention (AB 2246)


Now that you are a GGUSD employee, you will be working directly with our students.  Your position automatically appoints you as a mandated reporter.   A mandated reporter is a person who, because of their profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. These laws are in place to prevent child abuse and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage. You are expected to complete the following 3 mandatory Keenan Safe School Trainings before your hiring process can be completed:

Access to these trainings is in the hiring packet that is emailed to you from Informed K-12.  You will need to turn in your 3 Keenan certificates of completion when you submit your completed hiring packet to the Office of Personnel Services and should provide a copy of your completion certificates to your assigned school site/department secretary.   

If you need support with accessing the mandatory Keenan Safe Schools trainings, 

please contact the Office of Personnel Services.

Paraeducator Onboarding

In addition to the Keenan training videos, you will also need to complete the Paraeducator Onboarding Video.  This resource will provide you with a brief overview of our district, our vision and mission, basic expectations, and your role as a Paraeducator.  

If you need support with accessing the mandatory Paraeducator Onboarding video, please contact the Para Support Team.

In addition to these videos, here are a few things to become familiar with before your first day on the job:

your school site assignment

your work hours

the classroom setting
in which you will be working

At a Glance Slides Deck