
& Privacy


As a paraeducator, you will have access to confidential student information. This information will assist you in providing individualized support but it is of utmost importance that all GGUSD school employees respect the privacy of our students and their families.  Under no circumstances may private or confidential information be shared or discussed without consent.  This includes discussing student information with other staff who are not directly responsible for providing education or related services as well as family members who don't have educational rights.

This isn't just a recommendation.  It's state and federal law.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of education records.  FERPA applies to educational agencies such as public schools.  The term “education records” is broadly defined under FERPA to mean those records that are directly related to a student and maintained by the school or district.  

Student records and information that are to be kept confidential include:

Relationships with Parents

Garden Grove is a close knit community. Many teachers and staff members, including paraeducators, are members of the very community they serve.  It is important for staff to maintain healthy and professional boundaries when it comes to relationships with parents and families.  Even when not a member of the community, paraeducators often find themselves in contact with parents and families at pick up/drop off or other school events.  Paraeducators should remember: